My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 193 Announcing The Relationship

"That time, it was because Li Ran asked me to have dinner, and I introduced Ningxue to him. It happened that you had met before, so I asked you to come too. Otherwise, Ningxue and I would be a couple, and he would be so embarrassed." After hearing Chen Ling's words, Chen Xiaoqi said in doubt, "Is that true?" Chen Ling nodded. So they chatted for a while, and then Chen Xiaoqi said that he was leaving. She just wanted to see Chen Ling, and since there was nothing else to do, she felt relieved.

At this time, Chen Xiaoqi was ready to leave. As soon as she walked out of the office door, Chen Xiaoqi went straight to Shen Ningxue. After seeing her, she called out sweetly: "Sister-in-law"

Shen Ningxue looked at the colleagues around her, then pulled Chen Xiaoqi aside, and said softly, "Why did you come here so early? Have you eaten yet?" When Chen Xiaoqi heard Shen Ningxue mentioning food, her stomach started to heal He reacted, cooed, then smiled awkwardly, and said, "I haven't eaten yet." Seeing this, Shen Ningxue shook her head helplessly at her. "It's really a family. They don't even have the habit of eating breakfast. I'll go down with you to have some food." Chen Xiaoqi looked at his phone and said, "That's good."

At this moment, Shen Ningxue walked up to Chen Mengyao, and said to her: "I'll go out for a while, call me if I need something." Chen Mengyao said meaningfully to Shen Ningxue, "I understand." Then Chen Xiaoqi left. They came to a breakfast shop and ordered something casually. So I saw Chen Xiaoqi gobbling and saying: "I haven't eaten for a long time." When Shen Ningxue heard Chen Xiaoqi's words, she asked her in surprise: "Then how did you come here all this time? Why don't you eat? "

So Chen Xiaoqi explained: "The production crew is too busy. In order to end it sooner, I kept all the plays together. Usually when I am hungry, I just find something to eat in the production crew. I have been filming day and night, and this is the end of my busy schedule." Hurry back `||." Shen Ningxue felt distressed after hearing Chen Xiaoqi's words. She knew that Chen Xiaoqi was worried about Chen Ling. There was an accident in the company a while ago, but Chen Xiaoqi, who was out of town, was very anxious.

Then I heard Shen Ningxue say like a big family: "I'm busy in the future, don't starve my stomach, no matter what time, don't treat my stomach badly." Chen Xiaoqi looked at the expression of Shen Ningxue in front of him, and said: " Well, I get it, don't be so sensational, I'm almost embarrassed." After Chen Xiaoqi said that, he burst out laughing. Shen Ningxue was also amused by her words, and burst into laughter.

Chen Xiaoqi looked at Shen Ningxue, and felt in her heart what kind of blessings Chen Ling had cultivated in her previous life. To find such a good girlfriend, it's nothing more than being nice to Chen Ling, and she is also so kind to her. Chen Xiaoqi thought about it, and then suddenly thought of making Chen Ling Ling quickly married her back home, otherwise what would happen if Shen Ningxue left with someone else one day.

So I heard Chen Xiaoqi say: "Sister-in-law, have you discussed marriage with my brother?" After hearing Chen Xiaoqi's words, Shen Ningxue was suddenly startled. Thinking about it, she never mentioned the matter of marriage, and then Shen Ningxue shook her head. So I saw Chen Xiaoqi say: "Well, this kind of thing really shouldn't be opened by girls first, don't worry, this matter is on me." Shen Ningxue listened to Chen Xiaoqi's words, thoughtful.

At this time, Chen Xiaoqi said again: "Sister-in-law, I've finished eating, I'm leaving first, the crew still has a lot of things waiting for me." Shen Ningxue nodded after hearing this. So Chen Xiaoqi left. After she left, Shen Ningxue sat here alone for a long time. Thinking about what Chen Xiaoqi said just now, she really hasn't considered getting married? Can she really marry Chen Ling?

When Chen Xiaoqi returned to the j crew, he was busy with some trivial matters at first. After dealing with it, he called Li Ran. "Li Ran, I'm back." Chen Xiaoqi didn't tell Li Ran in advance about Chen Xiaoqi's return today. "Where are you now? I'll go find you." Li Ran couldn't wait for a moment when he heard that Chen Xiaoqi had returned.

So he immediately said he was going to find her. "I'm on the set. I just finished my work. Where are you? I'll go find you." Li Ran felt better when he heard it. So he said he was in the company. After Chen Xiaoqi asked him for the address, he rushed over immediately. It didn't take long for Chen Xiaoqi to arrive. Before she stopped the car, she saw Li Ran standing downstairs in the company. So she drove the car directly beside Li Ran, opened the door and said to him, "Get in the car."

After Li Ran came up, he kept staring at Chen Xiaoqi. When Chen Xiaoqi saw this, he made fun of him and said, "Are you looking stupid?" Li Ran suddenly said at this time: "I haven't seen it for too many days. I want to make it all up." After Chen Xiaoqi heard it, he laughed and said, "I was caught off guard." Li Ran heard it

Also just smiled.

Just like that, the two came to the cinema talking and laughing. Chen Xiaoqi said that he hadn't seen a movie for a long time, and wanted to watch it. So the two of them went in to watch a movie. However, all of this was photographed by the paparazzi following behind...

Then it hit the entertainment headlines. The title said "Charity ambassador Chen Xiaoqi is dating a mysterious man" and there are photos of them together, the most important one is a photo of Chen Xiaoqi going to Li Ran. When Li Ran saw the news, he quickly called Chen Xiaoqi, but he never got through. Li Ran thought that he had caused her trouble, so he was restless.

At this time, Chen Xiaoqi was in a meeting with the brokerage company. The company wanted Chen Xiaoqi to refute the rumors, but (Li Li's) and Chen Xiaoqi wanted to announce their relationship. She didn't like the feeling of hiding in the first place, but now it's just right, everyone will admit it when they find out. But from the standpoint of the company, Chen Xiaoqi's popularity might decline if this happens, so naturally he disagrees with this. So the two sides are so stalemate.

After a stalemate for a while, seeing that the discussion was fruitless, the meeting was adjourned first. But who would have thought that Chen Xiaoqi, who just came out of the conference room, took out his mobile phone and updated a Weibo. "He's Li Ran." Then a group photo of them was added below. The Weibo post that announced their love affair on this day quickly became popular. And when the brokerage company saw it, they were so angry that they strongly demanded that Chen Xiaoqi delete Weibo, but Chen Xiaoqi kept saying, "It's too late to delete, there must be some fans who took screenshots."

The brokerage company looked at Chen Xiaoqi in front of them, and smiled wryly that there was nothing they could do if they could not rely on her. .

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