My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 56: Heaven And Earth Oven Steelmaking Method (80,000 Flowers Plus More)

The next day, when Chen Ling went to the institute again, he couldn't get in.

"Let him in."

Fortunately, the boss of the investigators happened to be here. After seeing Chen Ling, he let him in.

"Leader, what's the situation? Did it come out of Infernal Affairs?"

Chen Ling asked in surprise when he saw such a huge formation.

"No, the institute has produced major scientific research results and is temporarily blocked." The boss replied.

Chen Ling followed the boss into the conference room, where several people were sitting, including Jia Wenhe.

But Chen Ling didn't greet him, he was writing something with his head down.

Soon, several experts walked into the conference room.

"Okay, everyone is here, and the seminar on the ultra-high temperature and corrosion-resistant special No. 1 steel has officially started.

An unknown boss said that it seemed to be from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Chen Ling didn't know the specifics, but he was just here to make soy sauce. "Six Eight Three" "Mr. Hong, I'll trouble you when you get old."

"Okay, then I'll stop talking nonsense, Wen He, and tell me about the formula selection and quality process of your special steel." Mr. Hong was Jia Wenhe's mentor when he was studying for a Ph.D., so he spoke directly and without politeness.

"Okay, teacher, according to the high strength of ultra-high temperature steel..."

Jia Wenhe spoke a bunch of technical terms, and Chen Ling couldn't understand them at all.

He turned his head to look at the big brother, and found that although the big brother didn't understand, he had an expression that I listened very seriously.

Several experts on the stage listened with gusto and nodded from time to time.

Mr. Hong is very happy and has a lot of face. This is my student, awesome.

Soon, Jia Wenhe finished his report.

"Based on what theory do you think metal molybdenum and rare earth will produce such a reaction?" an expert asked.

"This... I was thinking about it."

Jia Wenhe hesitated for a moment before answering.


In an instant, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

"Ahem... When Wen He and I were studying for a Ph.D., our thinking was unconstrained. Most of the time, we need this kind of thinking to do scientific research, and we need to think outside the box." Hong Lao coughed dryly twice, and opened his mouth to defend his disciple.

The other experts didn't say anything, after all, this kind of thing is very important in scientific research.

Sometimes when doing scientific research, the last experiment was successful, but the next time I couldn't live or die. There are such evil things, let alone metaphysical inspiration, I thought about it.

"Okay, let's talk about your steelmaking method and steps." Another expert said.

"Okay, my steelmaking method is the heaven and earth oven steelmaking method, and the specific steps are to use the real fire of the sun..." Jia Wenhe said here, and immediately became excited.

This time Chen Ling and the boss understood it, but the experts were dumbfounded.

"Well... what scientific basis do you have, the success of this special steel is related to sunlight." An expert asked in confusion.

"No, but I feel it has something to do with it." Jia Wenhe replied sincerely.

Experts meet face to face, hammer, you ask a question, think about it, and you ask another question, what others feel.

Do young people engage in scientific research now, do they rely entirely on thinking and feeling?

"Ahem...Since Wen He is not too clear, let's do it again according to the experimental steps and verify it." Old Hong also knew what to say.

When the meeting reaches this point, it cannot go on.

But fortunately, they have Jia Wen and yesterday's experiment records in their hands, so they just go home and do the experiment again.

A group of experts returned to the north with materials and material samples, and the institute was unsealed.

"Mr. Chen, how is the feng shui of this institute?"

The boss of the investigator asked, he always felt that this special steel had something to do with the research institute, otherwise it was steelmaking or a magic weapon.

"Pretty good, adding metaphysical inspiration." Chen Ling said with a slightly twitching corner of his mouth.

By this time, he already knew how to click the crooked technology tree and the metaphysics bonus.

"Metaphysical inspiration?" The boss was confused.

"Well, it's that kind of deep feeling, for example, I'm thinking." Chen Ling replied.

"Good Feng Shui!" What else could the boss say, he even wanted to applaud.

After leaving the research institute, Chen Ling returned to the company, and the boss also returned to the investigators.

On the other side, the expert group led a group of experimenters and began to develop the refining process of special steel.

An hour passed, and according to Jia Wenhe's refining steps, the special steel was refined.

As a result, a test did not work.

Although it can resist corrosion, it cannot withstand high temperature and its strength is not enough.

A group of experts took Jia Wenhe's notes, studied for a long time, and decided that they might have taken out the steel too quickly, but Jia Wenhe left the furnace for a long time after turning off the furnace.

Is it because they took it out too quickly, and the chemical reaction in it did not achieve a qualitative change.

The second experiment started, and this time they followed Jia Wenhe's experiment time completely, except that there was no real fire of the sun and the moon of the moon, which they thought were very nonsense, and the other steps were good...

As a result, the steel was still rubbish and completely substandard.

At this time, a group of experts were confused. Could it be that Jia Wenhe was just trying his luck, and this kind of steel really couldn't be produced.

"Why don't we... follow the heaven and earth oven steelmaking method he said?" an expert whispered.

.” A group of experts fell silent.

Forget it, just give it a try, if it still doesn't work, then it means that the material was made by chance this time.

The third steelmaking started. This time, the experts did not direct, and directly asked the researchers to follow the steps to make steel.

The next day, the steel refined by the real fire of the sun and the moon of the moon came out.

In the first test, the effect reached the standard, and some indicators exceeded the previous samples.

After getting the results, a group of experts stopped talking.



A group of experts racked their brains and couldn't figure out why the temperature of the sun caused such a big difference to the steel.

Regardless of whether it is scientific or not, as long as the materials are produced, it will be fine.

After the mass production of this kind of steel, the cockfighting in the gorgeous Xiadu will no longer need foreign engines.

Before using foreign engines, it was because the materials were not good enough. Now that there are materials, Huaxia can also produce powerful engines by itself.

On the other hand, according to the operation of the big investigators, the group of old professors at the Jinling Institute of Special Materials were all transferred away, and all the old professors who were sent here were young people 2.5, and they still love reading novels and movies. Cranky young man.

After these people joined the research institute, under the leadership of Jia Wen and the patriarch of metaphysical special materials, they forcibly separated the subject of metaphysical special materials from the current discipline of special materials science.

He led this group of fantasy-loving young people to research out various models and special materials with special and wonderful properties.

And also invented a lot of material refining technology that made the experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences go crazy.

What is the heaven and earth oven steelmaking method, the heaven and earth yin and yang steelmaking method, the five elements and eight trigrams refining method, the condensing yin and gathering evil analysis method

However, Chen Ling no longer paid attention to the affairs of the research institute.

After he figured out the abilities of those attributes, he stopped running to the research institute.

On this day, he came to the north.

He didn't come for a trip, but his second uncle's daughter, that is, his cousin Chen Xiaoqi had an accident. .

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