My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 95: Fantasy Epic Architecture

A group of people walked in and saw another magma waterfall.

However, this magma waterfall flows from a cave below, and it will not affect their location.

"uncanny workmanship."

This is Chen Ling's evaluation, and he really admires it.

The cave was not dug by machinery, but was dug out by manpower.

In the absence of advanced tools, it is simply a myth to dig such a super-large underground cave and passage extending in all directions and connecting the underground magma with manpower.

Chen Ling and his group walked around and left.

Originally, they could continue wandering around, but Chen Ling was no longer in the mood.

Because of the appearance of this magma pool, Chen Ling had other ideas.

"what's on your mind?"

Shen Ningxue asked Chen Ling curiously, since Chen Ling left the cave, he has been in a daze.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about building a city." Chen Ling replied.

"Oh." Shen Ningxue didn't ask again.

In fact, what Chen Ling was thinking at this time was not the problem of building the city, but the problem of the underground magma pool.

Like that special terrain, two different epic buildings can be built, one is the geocentric thermal energy conversion tower classified into science fiction, and the other is the geocentric furnace casting platform classified into fantasy.

The geocentric thermal energy conversion tower is well understood, it is used for power generation.

And the way of power generation is very advanced, no need to boil water.

Now human beings generate electricity, except for wind energy, water conservancy and solar energy, which kind of electricity generation does not need to boil water.

Thermal power needs to boil water, and nuclear power needs to boil water. Even if it is future controllable nuclear fusion, water still needs to be boiled.

Although the way of boiling water to generate electricity is very easy for humans to play, but the conversion of thermal energy into kinetic energy is still too inefficient in the way of converting kinetic energy into mechanical energy to generate electricity.

But this epic-level geocentric thermal energy conversion tower is different. Its energy conversion rate is very high. Once it is completed, its power generation capacity is equivalent to the total power generation capacity of the two Three Gorges Dams. In the future, Chen Ling can sell electricity to make money .

As for the casting platform of the geocentric furnace, of course it is used to manufacture weapons and equipment, and it is also a cold weapon.

Have you read any fantasy novels? How do the dwarves make weapons? That's right, it is this kind of thing, made by using a furnace in the center of the earth.

However, such things as the casting table of the earth core furnace are a bit of a pit, that is, it is meaningless to manufacture them.

Who still rides horses and shoots arrows now? It's not the ancient times. Now everyone fights with tricks and tricks.

From a practical point of view, it must be that the geocentric thermal energy conversion tower is practical and can generate electricity. In the future, the power consumption problem of the Mohist Organ City will be solved.

But the earth core energy conversion tower can be built anywhere, even if Chen Ling drills a hole from other places, as long as there is magma, the earth core energy conversion tower can be built.

But the casting table of the geocentric furnace is different. As a fantasy epic building, its construction requirements are very high.

One of them is inheritance. It is impossible to find a place with magma to build it. It must use magma to forge weapons together in this place, and it can be built in a place with historical heritage.

Therefore, if you miss this opportunity, it is basically impossible to find such a place again.

"Made... just build the casting platform of the geocentric furnace. I want to see if I can knock out the artifact with a hammer." Chen Ling finally decided to build the casting platform of the geocentric furnace.

Fantasy epic buildings, one counts as one, are all particularly awesome.

Of course, after Chen Ling made up his mind, he didn't start building right away.

Because the archaeology is not over yet, not only is it not over, but the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

According to paleomagnetic dating methods, the construction age of this underground cave and passage is at least 2 million to 2.3 million years ago.

In other words, the origin of human beings must be at least 300,000 years or more from Yuanmou Man's 1.7 million years.

This is definitely a very important thing for today's scientific community.

If Chen Ling blocks here and starts to build the city now, the group of scientists can block Chen Ling's house to protest.

In less than a week, paleontologists and geologists came, and scientists from all over the world also applied for scientific research.

Soon, a group of experts made a big discovery.

In a large cave 18 kilometers away from the entrance of the valley, a group of experts found many animal bones.

There are 53 kinds of paleontological skeletons such as Nihewan Saber-toothed Tiger, Sang's Hyena, Yunnan Horse, Clawed Hoofed Beast, Gorgeous Xiadu Rhinoceros, Shanxi Axis Deer, etc., as well as some ancient plant fossils.

Chen Ling also went in to look, but he really couldn't tell from the pile of bones, which bones combined were saber-toothed tigers, and which bones combined were gorgeous Xiadu rhinoceros.

0……… Ask for flowers………………

And Chen Ling didn't feel that there was anything good to study about these bones.

After a full month, a group of experts went through the entire underground passage, and they stopped when they found nothing new.

As for those experts who wanted to continue digging the tunnel and dig in to find new fossils, they were sent away by Chen Ling.

Just kidding, if you continue to dig, Lao Tzu's new city will be difficult to build.

"Mr. Chen, all the trial procedures for Xincheng have been completed, and the funds for the pot rack have been transferred to your company's account. At the same time, the pot rack has allocated an additional 10 billion yuan for the maintenance and repair of the underground passages in ancient times." Wu Ze Said to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will keep the underground passages and caves intact. They will be tourist attractions in the future, and I still expect them to make money, and they won't be destroyed."


"Okay, then I'll leave first." After Wu Ze finished speaking, he left with a sense of humor.

Now the entire valley was left with the group of people that Chen Ling had brought before, and all the people who were an eyesore were gone.

Chen Ling gave an order to all engineering robots through the system to let them rush over.

At the same time, in order to make the construction speed of the new city more reasonable, he exchanged 5,000 all-round engineering robots from the system.

This time Chen Ling took a look at the ID cards of these people [he was speechless after reading it.

The survivors of the Dafan earthquake, the Jialifuliya earthquake survivors, and even the survivors of the Naercai County earthquake two days ago all ran out.

"System, are you sure that someone died in Beggar County?" Chen Ling asked twitchingly.

"Host, didn't you die?" the system asked back.

Chen Ling is speechless, you are so right.

That night, Chen Ling brought a group of engineering robots to the magma pool of the underground cave.

"System, build the casting platform of the geocentric furnace." Chen Ling gave the order.

In an instant, a virtual projection model appeared, covering the entire magma pool.

There is no one anyway, Chen Ling directly uses the system to build, so that the speed is fast, and he can see the attributes immediately.

"Whether I have Frostmourne or not depends on how well the system works."

Chen Ling looked at the constantly solidified virtual projection, muttering Fan. .

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