"Who is it?!"

Li Mo and Xia Wanting shouted out at the same time, their voices out of tune.

In this black hole world, there was an eerie voice, they were not frightened and fainted, they were already mentally strong.

"Hehe!" the

voice coughed lightly, as if it was a little difficult to speak.

They immediately locked on to the direction of the sound.

The voice came from their bedroom.

During the time they lived in the cave, they felt that the cave was too big and insecure, so they used broken stones to build a stone room as a small bedroom for two people.

Who would have thought that there was someone hiding in the bedroom!

Xia Wanting raised her bow and arrow.

Li Mo pulled out the stone axe.

The two of them walked cautiously towards the bedroom, and with each step, their hearts were extremely heavy.

The torches shone past, and they found a bloody man.


Xia Wanting let out a panicked scream, and directly shot the arrow, but she was too scared, the arrow had already missed and flew to the top of the cave.

The man was lying in the bedroom, covered in blood, with long hair scattered over his face, like a female ghost.

Li Mo was relatively calm, and immediately held down Xia Wanting to stop her from continuing to shoot arrows, and said in a trembling voice: "You...... You...... Is it Mo Jiana?"

As soon as these words came out, Xia Wanting reacted, and quickly covered her mouth, and tears rolled down instantly.

The bloody woman looked up with difficulty, looked at them and smiled miserably, and said with great difficulty, "Two fools......! Outsiders were discovered, and enemies were replaced...... You're already dead!" Her

voice was hoarse, completely lacking the crisp and refreshing feeling she had before, obviously too badly injured and in danger.

Li Mo and Xia Wanting pounced, and did not dislike the blood stains on her body, and hurriedly checked her body.

"I'm dying! I can't live...... It's done, promise me...... One thing!" Mojana said with difficulty.

"Revenge for you, the enemy is the Blood Wolf Brigade, we remember!" Xia Wanting cried and nodded.

"No! No...... I'm ...... Found her daughter, her name is Lucy, and she's not dead yet! she's been ...... by the Blood Wolf Brigade Caught and sold to the pirate leader One-Eyed Butcher, please, save her!" Morgana said, crying.

Morgana had said that she had always had a blood feud with the Blood Wolf Brigade, and that her husband had been killed by the Blood Wolf Brigade, and that this hatred had lasted for six years.

A few months ago, they had an unexpected encounter on Overwatch Island, and Mojana wanted to avenge her husband and started a bloody battle with the other party, resulting in the death of four members of the group and the death of her daughter.

At that time, she just saw that her daughter fell off the cliff in order to avoid the pursuit of the other party, but she didn't expect that the little girl had a big life, so she didn't fall to her death and became a prisoner of the enemy.

Most of the pirate leaders have strange habits, and one of them likes young girls.

The leader of the Blood Wolf Brigade, An Ki-seok, plans to sacrifice Lucy to curry favor with the pirate leader, Jason the One-Eyed Butcher.

Mojana ran alone to take revenge, but accidentally found that her daughter was not dead, and she realized that her daughter's life was more important than anything else, and revenge was already a trivial matter.

However, she was alone and took the risk to sneak in to save people, but was discovered by the enemy and escaped in a bloody battle.

There is no one to trust, she can only run back to see if Li Mo and Xia Wanting are still there, it has been a day since she came back, and she has been in a coma during this time, and she has just been awakened by them.

Angrily talking about her experience, Mojana grabbed the hands of the two and begged with tears: "I won't take revenge, save my daughter...... Lucy, I beg you to ......" Before he

finished speaking, the man had already passed out.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Xia Wanting was a little panicked, she was usually calm and resolute, but in the face of this kind of life and death moment, girls would still panic.

"Save people first!" Li Mo was still calm and made a decision immediately.

The child's mother, their benefactor, died right under their noses, how can they be at ease, now that a dead horse is a live horse doctor, they also have to give it a try.

"Hurry, hurry!" Xia Wanting trembled and unbuttoned Mo Jiana's clothes.

Now I can't avoid suspicion, Li Mo is helping on the side, and the two of them are working together to remove all of Mo Jiana's clothes, she is now a bloody person, and there are more than a dozen wounds all over her body.

Looking at such a tragic injury, Li Mo and Xia Wanting both cried.

Mojana was washed with water, and since they got the medicine kit, they had carried some trauma ointments and anti-inflammatory pills with them.

Wound medicine is not enough on the wound at all, and it can only be treated tightly with the serious wound first, and as for the small wound, it can only be allowed to heal itself.

The anti-inflammatory pills were then poured hard to prevent her wound from continuing to infect.

It is discovered that Morgana's body is cold and her body has lost too much blood, which is making her lose her life.

Li Mo hurriedly found firewood and lit a bonfire in the bedroom to maintain her body temperature by raising the temperature.

Xia Wanting took out her favorite chocolate and fed it little by little.

Morgana was in a semi-comatose state, and she was at their mercy, just shouting incessantly, "Lucy, Lucy!"

for more than an hour, and both of them were tired and sweating.

They did everything they could, and they could only pray for Morgana, hoping that she would survive.

After half a day, Mojana was sometimes unconscious, sometimes awake, her life was temporarily saved, but not out of danger.

Xia Wanting touched her forehead, but it became hot, and she started a high fever again.

They had to use their clothes and soak in cool water to cool Mojana.

Li Mo felt that this was not a solution, there were not many medicines they brought out, and some were on the side of the tree house, and they didn't go back for a long time, Wang Jingjing and the three of them were going to be scared, and the two little monkeys couldn't bear the loneliness.

"This doesn't work, I'll go back and find medicine!" Li Mo stood up.

"Do you cross the dark river by yourself?" Xia Wanting was worried.

Although Li Mo's water nature has grown greatly, the underground river is still full of dangers, and every time they go back and forth, they go together to help each other.

"Don't worry! If you live, I can't die!" Li Mo kissed the school flower, expressing his determination.

It was rare that the school girl did not dodge, and let him kiss for a long time.


! Time was pressing, Li Mo quickly dived into the water and walked back alone.

Walking alone in the underground river is indeed quite scary, mainly because the endless darkness and loneliness can make people collapse.

He had an obsession in his heart, but he was able to dispel that fear.

He was extremely shocked to think that Mojana also had this obsession and dived across this dark river alone to avenge his relatives.

At this moment, it was as if there was a force possessed by him, allowing him to move forward bravely and fearlessly.

Back in the waterfall, he hurried back to the treehouse.

Seeing him come back alone in a panic, Wang Jingjing and the others were frightened, and thought that Xia Wanting was in danger.

"It's okay! It's okay! Don't think about it, we're all safe, a friend is injured, don't come back tonight, you take care of your home!" Li

Mo didn't stop, rushed into the house to get all the medicine, then brought weapons, called Paige and George, and rushed out again.

Wang Jingjing and the others were stupid, although they knew that the two of them were fine, but they were also panicked.

The three girls had to spend the night alone for the first time, and before it was dark, they put away all the ladders.

In order to prevent someone from sneaking up, they are starting to make some traps, which are now all activated, although there are not many of them.

Feeling still unsafe, they seized a lot of spears and bows and arrows from various battles, and each took one each, and all of them were put into a state of combat readiness.

Li Mo rushed into the jungle.

The medicine in his hand is not enough at the moment, so he can only look for new medicinal materials.

Where can I find medicine?

He thought about the last time he went to cut down moso bamboo, and he found that there were a lot of wild plants, and there were a lot of herbs among them.


the way to the bamboo forest, Li Mo's actions were a little hurried, he didn't care about scouting the surroundings himself, but fortunately there were Paige and George, and the two little monkeys kept scouting for him.

George suddenly screamed, turned around and ran to his shoulder, gesturing with his hand, "Enemy!

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