Xia Wanting threatened.

There was not the slightest movement in the bushes, as if the man had long since gone.

Xia Wanting shouted a few more words, but there was still no movement.

Seeing that she was about to give up helplessly, Li Mo snatched the torch and threw it directly into the bushes.

"Don't!" a

girl's voice finally sounded, and even as the other party shouted anxiously, the voice was extremely low, as if it had come out of the ground.

It seems that it is the same on a desert island, do more hands, less force, and others will be afraid.

"Haha! You're finally willing to speak!" Xia Wanting smiled, secretly admiring Li Mo, becoming more and more decisive.

"Don't kill me, I'm just a poor man!" the other begged miserably.

Li Mo extinguished the fire, and then looked for the sound to find the location of the rat man, but he looked left and right, but he couldn't determine the specific location, and the voice was always erratic, just like a ghost.

He couldn't help but shout, "You come out first!"

"No! I can't come out, I'll be scared when I come out!" I've been like this for three years, please!"

"If you don't come out, I'll stab!" Li Mo waved his spear, he could probably determine a range.

"Don't, a girl, how can you do this!" protested with a cry.

Li Mo made a white face, Xia Wanting made a red face, squatted down and smiled: "Don't be afraid, we don't want to hurt you, we just want to know some information."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have information for you, as long as you don't hurt me. The other party hurriedly agreed.

"Let's talk about you first, we're curious about the rat people. By the way, my name is Xia Wanting, his name is Li Mo, and we are new to the desert island. Xia Wanting first reported to her home to dispel the other party's doubts.

The girl was silent for a while, and then said quietly: "My name is Bai Susu!"

Bai Susu?!

They had been communicating in English just now, and when they heard each other's names, they found out that it was a Chinese girl.

"Are you Chinese?" Li Mo asked in a different Chinese.

"Huh?!You are also Chinese?" A lump of bushes obviously moved, and when it met the Chinese, the other party seemed to be shocked.

"Everyone is a fellow countryman, don't be afraid!" Li Mo's voice softened.

"Fellow ......," the other muttered, seemingly alert to this statement.

When a fellow sees a fellow countryman, a shot in the back, in this world of the jungle, there is no regional affection.

However, after changing the Chinese, the girl seemed to talk more, and Baba introduced herself.

This girl's name is Bai Susu, and after graduating from college, she started as a backpacker, following a few bold female classmates, and wanted to travel the world together.

They traveled to several countries in one go, and once they and several other backpacker organizations chartered a modern sailing boat to go on a cross-sea trip, but the sailboat lost course and ended up on this desert island.

At first they lived together as a group, but then the camp split up, coercing women, stealing food, killing each other, and so on.

Bai Susu was timid by nature, and after several friends were killed, she escaped from the camp early and hid in the mountains and forests to live alone.

Fortunately, she majored in pharmacology and was familiar with all kinds of plants, animals and Chinese herbal medicines, so she slowly survived with the help of homemade medicines.

Later, she secretly returned to the camp, and the people had already been slaughtered.

Discovering that this is a world of cannibalism, she began to hide herself, pondered various concealment techniques, and slowly turned into a rat man.

She has survived three years since she was on a desert island, and she is extremely familiar with this watch island, and she is even more proficient than Morgana.

She knows a lot of rat people here, and everyone collects resources and investigates intelligence, forming a secret network, commonly known as rat circles.

Which brigade is on the island, where did a big incident happen, and where did a powerful person come out...... They almost all know about it.

It is precisely because of their use value that marauders generally find rat people and will not kill them.

However, a perverted organization like the Tomahawk Brigade is not good, when you see her as a girl, you must first be brutally humiliated, and then brutally killed, she was almost scared to death last night.

didn't expect that there would be such a group of intelligence traffickers, Li Mo and Xia Wanting were very happy.

Bai Susu told them that the rat people would not trade with everyone, and that they would gather intelligence, on the one hand, in order to exchange their lives at a critical time, and on the other hand, they would trade with the most trusted brigades.

"Seeing that you are so clever, we can cooperate, don't worry, we are trustworthy people!" Li Mo sincerely proposed.

"I know about you, it's spread in the rat pen!" Bai Susu said.

Li Mo and Xia Wanting glanced at each other and saw each other's horror, they have always acted in concealment, and they can even be discovered by rat people, these guys are very powerful.

If the fact that they went to save people is exposed, how to rescue Lucy is a key question.

"Tell me, what information is there about us at the moment? Don't worry, it will benefit you. Xia Wanting did not threaten Bai Susu, but took out a packet of cherished chocolates, gritted her teeth, and spread it in her palm.

Seeing the chocolate, the bush moved again, and the other party began to waver, so he told a lot of information.

After listening to Bai Susu's information, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Their core secrets have not been fully exposed, and the rats have not discovered the secret base, the cave of the hidden boat, the construction of the tree house, the underground dark river, etc.

It's just that they fought a few battles with the social people and the crew faction, and they were monitored by the rat people, and they found out that the two of them were strong, and it spread in the rat circle.

Xia Wanting and Li Mo couldn't help but laugh and cry, their last few actions were indeed mainly stealing, and "thieves don't go empty" has always been their creed.

"Su Su, how about we cooperate?" Li Mo felt that it was extremely important to establish an intelligence network of his own, so an idea came to him.

"Is cooperation the buying and selling of intelligence?" Bai Susu asked.

Li Mo shook his head and explained seriously: "It's not so simple, I think, just like in a police movie, you are our informant, and we will raise you!"

Hearing the word "raising", the school flower's brows jumped, and she found that she was too sensitive, so she didn't make a sound.

"Raise me...... Bai Susu also replied shyly, and his voice became cowardly: "That...... I don't sleep with you...... "

Oh my God!

Li Mo almost fainted, and hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Don't say it! Don't say it! I don't mean that to you, I can't even see my face, how is it possible!"

"Seeing a beautiful face, is it possible?" On the side, Xia Wanting's voice sounded faintly, as erratic as Bai Susu, as if it came out of a cemetery.

Oh my God

! This time, Li Mo almost fainted with fright, and immediately confessed: "How is it possible! Am I that kind of person? Can I do that kind of beast thing?"

"Hmph! You don't treat me less like a beast!" Xia Wanting rolled her eyes.

Li Mo stopped talking, squatting on the ground and drawing circles.

Xia Wanting deliberately hurt him, looking at him like a frosted eggplant, she felt that she had finally taken revenge, and her heart was secretly happy, so she continued to negotiate with Bai Susu.

"We are all Chinese, good communication, we might as well cooperate deeply, you find out intelligence for us, we will provide you with food, clothing and daily necessities, and will also provide protection, if necessary, you can also come to our territory to take refuge, how about this proposal?" Xia Wanting patiently persuaded.

As a rat people, life is actually very difficult, and if you can find a backer, it is indeed a good choice.

Bai Susu hesitated, and said after a while: "I have been deceived many times, and I have all said that I cooperated, and finally the information was in hand, and I still wanted to kill someone......! I want to try again this time, and I'll trust you once! Don't let people down!"

Listening to her tone, like a little resentful woman, Li Mo and Xia Wanting wanted to laugh.

They deliberated carefully and finally reached an agreement.

The waterfall was where they would meet in the future, and on one side of the waterfall there was a huge rock, and if they needed to meet, they would put a pile of large and small stones on it.

The big pebble indicates the level of intelligence, and the higher the number, the more urgent the intelligence.

A pebble indicates the time of meeting, and a pebble represents a day.

For example, there is a second-level intelligence, which needs to be exchanged after three days.

They would put 2 big stones and 3 small stones, and they would meet there three days later.

In order to establish mutual trust, Li Mo and the others first gave Bai Susu a packet of chocolate, a packet of fructose, and a packet of biscuits, and then counted the flower chicken that she ate, which was a reward.

Bai Susu provided the most important information, about the movements of the Blood Wolf Brigade.

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