My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 402 Alice’s Memory

Under the threat of Luo Sheng and the others, the two researchers in white coats reluctantly agreed.

On the way to the alliance headquarters data center.

Two researchers in white coats said as they walked.

Researcher A: "I'm sorry, Alice, Katerina, I can't stop them, so I can only make you their tool."

Researcher B: "Yes, I know that you are all the property of the Alliance and a valuable resource of the Alliance, but we have no power, we are just ordinary researchers."

Researcher A: "The only one who can make the decision is our superior, and he is also a consultant within the group. Half of the entire alliance is a member of the group. Even the parliament also has a majority, so there is nothing we can do."

The two researchers in white coats spoke very thoughtfully.

His face was full of apologies.

Apparently they still have some conscience and know that the group continues to misappropriate the alliance's resources.

It's just that they are powerless to stop it. After all, the Alliance is not them, not to mention they are just small researchers.

Don't look at it as if the researcher is very powerful.

In fact, they are nothing in front of chaebol groups or capital.

After all, technology can always be replaced, but capital cannot.

Therefore, they are just making a living, and can only ensure that they can still stay in the league, earn wages, and live a relatively prosperous life.

Barely alive.

And all profits, wealth, and power were taken away by the group.

Katerina suddenly asked: "Are there more reformers at the alliance headquarters?"

Researcher A: "Well, in addition to you and Alice being sealed away, there were also Lika, Jiugim, Zawa, Jinyu, and the rest of the cyborgs who were killed in the battle decades ago."

Researcher B: "But they have been transferred to the group and are being secretly studied by the Nasdaq Group."

Researcher A: "There may be more modified people appearing in the world in the future."

Researcher B: "But Alice should be the luckiest. At least her DNA is not in the sequence of the Nasdaq Group. If the group wants to produce clones based on her, there is no way."

Researcher A: "That makes sense."

Luo Sheng had been listening silently to the conversation between the two researchers in white coats.

It feels like the two of them are like crosstalk actors in the league.

However, Luo Sheng also felt that they still had a little conscience.

He couldn't help but ask: "What are your names?"

"Aggie, Ivan." A researcher first pointed to himself and then to the colleague next to him.

Ivan asked: "Are you sure you won't tell us what happened?

Sorry, after all, I have a family to support, so I can’t lose my job in the alliance, otherwise it would be the same as killing us. Besides, the group will not let us go. "

Luo Sheng nodded, "Don't worry, I only need to find the memories of the two of them. You can rest assured about the rest. I always do what I say."

Aiji Ivan could only nod silently.

After all, their lives are now in the hands of this group of people.

Aiji suggested: "You should put on your white coat first, otherwise you will be easily discovered."

Luo Sheng and Alice put on researchers' white coats as requested.

Under the leadership of the two people, they soon arrived at a secret research base, which was the alliance's data center and contained all the data since the alliance was established.

This is a place that is supposed to be extremely confidential.

Now there is no one guarding it at all.

Only two dozing mercenaries were guarding the door. Ivan took out his ID: "We need some experimental data, what your group needs."

The mercenary pointed at Luo Sheng and Alice and asked, "Who are they?"

"Researchers sent by the group to help, please open the door quickly. Now the factory has reached its most critical point, and some data needs to be handed over as soon as possible." Aiji said expressionlessly.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll open the door for you."

The mercenary was there pressing the code.

The door was opened in a moment.

Then, everyone walked in.

Luo Sheng had a strange expression, "How come the defense force here is actually the group's mercenaries?"

Ivan sighed helplessly: "You don't know that most of the defense of the alliance headquarters is outsourced to the group. Even the data center of the alliance headquarters is shared by the group due to cost issues.

Therefore, the Nasdaq Group was able to grow and develop in a short period of time because they obtained a large amount of alliance data, information, drawings, and even many secrets. "

Agee also silently added: "Now I don't know whether the headquarters belongs to the Alliance or the Nasdaq Group?"

Both of them were very angry.

They have lived in the headquarters for a long time.

Seeing the headquarters gradually becoming the property of the group makes me feel even more disheartened.

Luo Sheng remained silent.

When capitalism reaches its highest stage, it is normal behavior to ignore the state.

He was used to it in his previous life. After all, when people have money, they want to seek rights, thus hollowing out the country step by step.

What's more, in this wasteland world, the Earth Alliance and the Mars Federation fought a huge war. The alliance has long been weakened. I am afraid that if the group had not forcibly renewed its life, it would have disintegrated long ago.

However, it is difficult to avoid it becoming a vassal of the group.

Aggie and Ivan came to the huge data center computer.

Continuously slide the mouse and keyboard to search, there are a lot of files inside.

The data center at the alliance headquarters stores almost all the data of Sky City.

Therefore, it is not easy to find Alice's memory, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Ivan said: "You will lie on those two mechanical beds first. After searching for your relevant memories, we will use electrodes to transmit these data to your minds and activate your hippocampus."

under his command.

Alice and Katerina glanced at Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng nodded lightly, "Don't worry, I'm here, there won't be any accidents."

Only then did the two of them lie down on the mechanical bed with peace of mind and let Aggie stick a large number of electrodes on their brains.

Soon, they closed their eyes.

The data center is connected to their consciousness.

And Aggie and Ivan are constantly searching for memories in the data center.

Luo Sheng was waiting quietly.

By the way, Bai Moxue was released and allowed to roam around the alliance headquarters. In addition to spying on the secrets of the alliance headquarters, she also wanted to understand the structure and see if she could search for weapons that would be useful against the Nasdaq Group.

Luo Sheng did not intend to directly break into the factory and destroy it.

In his opinion, even if the factory is destroyed.

The Nasdaq Group also has the ability to rebuild it, so it is necessary to find the group's database or all information related to the group.

What's more, the factory is now a huge trap.

Even though Luo Sheng now possesses the golden nine-star strength, he does not dare to act rashly. If he falls into the group's trap, half of his life will be lost.

at this time.

Ivan shouted: "I found her memory data."

Aggie operated the supercomputer and projected what Alice and Katerina saw in their minds onto the screen of the data center.

Luo Sheng raised his head and looked at the huge screen.

The screen went gray for a while, and then everything went black. When I opened my eyes again.

What Alice saw was a picture of her childhood.

"What a cute little baby...maybe he will be a beautiful little girl in the future."

The first person who caught Alice's eyes was a middle-aged uncle with a messy beard, but a kind smile on his lips, full of fatherly love.

A woman wearing a nun's costume next to her said with a lonely expression: "It's a pity that she was born in an era that she shouldn't have been born in. Her parents died because of the war."

" this the first time you have entered an orphanage?" the middle-aged man sighed.

"One hundred and twelve."

Alice was then placed in the cradle.

Wait until Alice opens her eyes again.

She looks like three or four years old.

Holding the rag doll in his hand, he stood silently in the corridor, with children from the orphanage in front of him.

The middle-aged uncle who adopted her, the director of the orphanage, gently touched her head.

"Don't keep your unhappiness in your heart. Here is a piece of candy. You have to live a life as sweet as candy, you know?"

The middle-aged uncle handed her a piece of candy.

Alice silently opened the candy skin and put the candy in her mouth.

"You are a strong and good boy. The war will end soon and you can live a good life..."

The middle-aged uncle said with a smile.

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