My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 413 Development of the incident

Luo Sheng didn't rest long and went on a mission at night.

Today, Pandora's army is getting bigger and bigger.

Her soldier unit is basically formed from transformed humans.

There are also a small number of robots. These robots are old products of the alliance.

It has now been repaired and is back on duty.


A city called Istan.

It was coming under heavy fire.

Pandora's army of Cyborgs broke through the defense of the city defenders.

Although the local warlords' troops were equipped with standard Alliance army equipment, they resisted Pandora's army and were wiped out by about 60% in less than half an hour.

This casualty ratio is too high.

Many soldiers had no professional training.

Just abandon the position and flee.

But running away will only make them die faster.

The cyborgs of Pandora's army instantly locked onto the fleeing soldiers and life forms through the armor's sensors, and then they would shoot without hesitation.

The sound of gunshots was heard endlessly.

It was originally a dark night.

Because of the gunshots and firelight, the color of the night was completely lost, and it was as bright as day.

The residents of the city began to fear.

They wanted to escape, but it was a pity that it was impossible to walk in the dark night.

Today's earth is not like fifty years ago. The roads are smooth and the street lights are like bright stars in the sky. Even at one or two in the morning, you will not get lost.

But now it's not as good as in previous years.

The street lights had already been destroyed by the war.

The smooth roads were also riddled with holes, and many roads even ended in bandit camps.

All kinds of obstacles, all kinds of robbers, and all kinds of ferocious monsters.

Will make leaving the city a road of death.

Therefore, no one dares to walk at night, let alone travel far away.

So almost no one left the city.

There is still a slim chance of survival if you don't run away, but the probability of death is extremely high if you run away.

Pandora took advantage of this and attacked the city at night, and then was able to keep a large number of people in the city and keep them in captivity.

Select high-quality genes and eliminate backward genes.

The people in the city who are most likely to survive are athletes and women with excellent figures and extremely high health rates.

Those who will be eliminated first are the old, weak and disabled.

"The front line is no longer strong, run away!"

"Where else can we escape?"


"I think so."

Allied troops on the front line raised white flags one after another.

And shouted to these army of reformers: "We surrender, we surrender!"

Then the army of Cyborgs stopped attacking and allowed the surrendered soldiers to line up and collect their weapons.

Many soldiers were granted amnesty.

Finally we no longer have to fight anymore.

They hated the taste of war, especially when the army had been languishing for so long.

The quality of their soldiers is extremely poor, so even if they become prisoners, it is a good thing for them.

Just didn't expect it.

The surrendered soldiers formed a square formation.

The Cyborg immediately raised his heavy machine gun and fired at the soldiers.


"In war, prisoners are not killed!"

"You bastards!"

The captured soldiers shouted loudly, as if trying to arouse a little conscience in them.

Unfortunately, this doesn't do much, as these cyborgs are just robots wearing human skin.

They have no conscience at all and are only indoctrinated into their heads to unconditionally carry out Pandora's orders.

In their view, these prisoners were all soldiers.

They have certain military qualities and can cause damage to the plan.

Just like it is impossible to raise fighting chickens on a breeding farm because it would harm other chickens in captivity, this potential risk is eliminated first.

After finishing dealing with the Alliance soldiers.

The army of Cyborgs marched towards the city.

This army only has 800 people. Although the number is pitifully small, each of her machines is a powerful robot.

In Luo Sheng's perception, their strength has reached Silver Five Stars.

Armed strength far exceeding that of most armies.


Istan City.

Gunfire erupted one after another.

The army of Cyborgs hunts down target groups very purposefully.

Scientists, researchers, and even maintenance workers are all their targets.

After all, this is a potential risk object, just like the flying chickens on the farm. They may escape, or even open a hole in the farm to allow other chickens to escape.

Therefore, the first priority is to solve the object.

Her idea was to maintain the stability of the population.

But that's it.

Several reformers suddenly noticed a flash of silver, which disappeared in an instant.

Then their heads and mecha helmets were cut off like tofu.

The decapitated Cyborg did not spurt out blood, but blue liquid.

Even though their heads were broken, these transformed people did not die. It was just that their brains lost their energy supply and entered a stagnant state, but their bodies were still running.

The mechanical heart beats constantly.

It's just that without the control of the brain, the body's limbs cannot function normally.

Until the last drop of blue liquid drains out.

The whole body cannot supply energy, which leads to real death. Only the energy supplier on the spine is dry burning.

Alice piloted the Storm Mecha and easily separated the mecha from the Cyborg.

Then he said to Luo Sheng: "These mechanical armors should be ready for use after some repairs."


Luo Sheng didn't know what to say.

It turns out that Alice beheaded her head just to collect more mechanical armors.

Because the neck part is the most fragile, but it is relatively easy to repair after being cut off.

After all, the neck of the mechanical armor is basically made of wires. As long as the wires are reconnected, it can continue to be used.

As for transforming people.

If you die, you will die.

Because they are not real humans, they are copied and pasted from Katerina's DNA.

Luo Sheng summoned Dongfang Muqing and asked her to store the mechanical armor into Qingyu.

Then he said to Alice.

"Let's go and save more people."


Alice drove the Storm Mecha towards other parts of the city.

These armies of transformed humans.

It is extremely easy to deal with them when scattered. They are nothing more than humanoid weapons.

Alice was completely crushed.

As long as the battle is not like last time, surrounded by thousands of cyborgs and attacked by all kinds of crazy heavy weapons, Alice can still handle it with ease.

The scene from last time.

Even the big boss will be killed by thousands of horses.

Although each cyborg's attack reduces the HP by -1-1-1, if thousands of cyborgs attack at the same time, the lethality is still very considerable.

After a night of fighting.

Alice Spark organized everyone and successfully recaptured the city of Istan.

The army of reformers were all turned into scrap metal.

And confiscated a large number of mechanical armors.

But everyone did not stay here.

Instead, they took away all the engineers, technicians and scientists, as well as a large number of weapons and equipment in the city.

Only some light weapons were left, allowing the local residents to defend themselves.

After all, there are not many people in the Spark organization now.

Of course, the organization did not block their road, but took out a map, marked the direction of Melon City, and told them that they would be safe if they went here.

This is Anastasia's strategy.

In the following days.

Anastasia rode in the command car and dispatched from the rear.

Luo Sheng and Alice, leading other warriors from the Spark organization, continuously captured cities controlled by Pandora, also weakening the number of her soldiers.

And destroy a large number of resource factories.

Cut off Pandora's resource supply.

Rear base Mellon City.

Dr. Jack successfully improved the strengthening potion by extracting the sap from the Tree of Life.

The extract produced from the Tree of Life can make it more energetic.

After Anastasia's injection.

Her body possesses one-fifth of Alice's repair power.

Moreover, the flexibility of the body has been greatly increased.

Although it is not as powerful as transforming people, in Luo Sheng's eyes.

Anastasia, who has not piloted the first-generation Gundam, already has the strength of a bronze star.

The ability to perceive the five senses is greatly improved.

Anastasia, in particular, can withstand an overload of 16G, which means that the first-generation Gundam she drives can be even crazier and make large-scale combat movements.

After all, ordinary people can only withstand 4 G overload.

The pilot can withstand 6~10G overload.

The 16 G overload has greatly exceeded the overload of an outer space vehicle such as a rocket.

Anastasia's control of the first-generation Gundam will greatly improve its combat effectiveness.

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