My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 417 Simple Commendation Meeting

"Well, you have a point." Luo Sheng said with a bright smile.

And added, "I will indeed be like this. After all, you know so much. If you don't stay with me, I will be very uneasy. Do you understand?"

When Luo Sheng spoke, he stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead.

"Don't worry, although what I just said was a bit harsh, we are just a community of destiny. I won't interfere too much with your life."

Luo Sheng pinched her cheek again.

Then he walked downstairs.

Very fast.

Xu Yourong also followed behind him, following suit.

"Well, also, tomorrow is the opening ceremony, don't forget it."

Xu Yourong reminded.

Luo Sheng's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he paused on the spot. Then he took out a card and gave it to her and said: "A gift for the opening ceremony. Come on, work hard. I'm already full of gold stars."

He handed her a gold-level [Quenching Liquid].

Then he went downstairs without looking back.

And reminded: "You can use it after we participate in the actual combat class. It is very dangerous there."

"Practical class?" Xu Yourong asked doubtfully.

"Well, Yuchi Xueyao revealed to me that after our opening ceremony, we will participate in practical classes as an entrance ceremony, and people will die. Of course, I will become a security officer, so you have to help me..."

Luo Sheng's voice became farther and farther away.

Because Xu Yourong was in the stairwell, looking down along the gap in the stairs.

I saw that Luo Sheng's figure had already gone down to the first floor, so his voice became quieter.

Then he drove his motorcycle and disappeared into the villa.

Alice also turned into a card and put it back into his spiritual jade.

Xu Yourong looked at Luo Sheng's retreating figure with a complicated expression.

"He is indeed a unique person. Sooner or later, he will be discovered. The only way is to deal with the person who discovered him quietly." Xu Yourong murmured to himself.

She was clearly making some decision.

Especially in her eyes, Luosheng is a big gold mine.

He has endless secrets that can't be unearthed, and every time these secrets are revealed, they can make people crazy or even become obsessed with them.

Therefore, Xu Yourong joined Luosheng without hesitation. Even if she became a maid, she would be much better than others.

Xu Yourong felt that it was necessary to make his secret even more secret, otherwise, when many people knew about it, there would probably be big trouble.

Therefore, Xu Yourong had to take precautions.

"This guy really doesn't make people feel at ease." Xu Yourong sighed again.

at this time.

Xu Xiaoqin appeared behind her and asked doubtfully: "Sister, what are you talking about? It's weird."

"He is becoming more and more uneasy about some things."

Xu Yourong didn't say anything clearly.

Just with a mysterious expression.

Then he returned to his room expressionlessly.

Xu Xiaoqin was confused.

at the same time.

the other side.

When Luo Sheng came to the security bureau, he saw Qiao Li staying outside the gate bored.

When she saw Luo Sheng, she said excitedly: "You are finally here!"

"what happened?"

"Of course it's a commendation ceremony."

"Recognition meeting? You can just call me for this kind of thing. Why do you still send a letter?"

While Luo Sheng was speaking, he took out a rather delicate letter with the logo of the Security Bureau on it.

Qiao Li said: "Because this is a grand meeting, especially with people from other departments participating, it seems more formal, so we will inform the other party in writing."

"I see."

Luo Sheng nodded, looking like he suddenly realized something.

Then he looked at Qiao Li and said, "What will this commendation honor?"

"Of course it's your business!" Qiao Li pushed Luo Sheng into the house.

Luo Sheng was even more confused, "What can I be commended for?"

"Have you forgotten? You and Sima Shengnan captured the evil card master and found a shocking secret. Now you have attracted the attention of the alliance. Therefore, as the heroes this time, you are commended."

"Aren't there many people who know about this?"

Luo Sheng was immediately unhappy.

So many people were present.

He basically exposed himself, and Luo Sheng wouldn't do it, especially now that the evil card master was so traumatized.

He is probably the first to seek revenge.

Luo Sheng didn't want to be the target of public criticism, let alone cannon fodder, so he wanted to refuse.

Qiao Li seemed to know what he was thinking, "Don't worry, this commendation is in secret. There are only a few key players and no one else is present. More people don't know about this commendation meeting, so you don't have to worry about being known by the evil card master." .”

"It's done in secret, is it still called a commendation meeting? Besides, don't you already know?"

"Don't worry about it. In short, I'm just responsible for waiting for you. This is what the director ordered me to do. I don't know anything else."

Luosheng then entered the security bureau.

I found that Sima Shengnan was already there.

He was sitting on a sofa bored.

Luo Sheng said hello awkwardly, "Hi, are you okay?"

Mainly at that time, Luo Sheng stood by and watched Sima Shengnan being beaten up and down, almost belching.

Therefore, Luo Sheng was quite embarrassed.

Of course, Luo Sheng would still do this next time. After all, if Sima Shengnan didn't faint, he couldn't do his best.

Therefore, Sima Shengnan who fell into a coma is a good Sima Shengnan, otherwise, he might be suspected of being a suspect again.

"Very good..." Sima Shengnan remained expressionless, like a star with a paralyzed face.

It seems like this is her exclusive expression.

She treated everyone matter-of-factly and showed no other expression.

But it can't be said that she has no emotions, it just means that she is not very interested in other things, except catching criminals.

But at this time, Sima Shengnan suddenly added: "Thank you for what happened that day. I heard from Superintendent Zhang that my soul was almost imprisoned. It was you who saved me."

Luo Sheng discovered for the first time that Sima Shengnan would actually be grateful to others.

Surprising indeed.

"It's a trivial matter. We are all colleagues. If you get cold, I guess you won't be able to recover even if you jump into the Yellow River."

Luo Shengyun said lightly.

"Yeah." Sima Shengnan nodded, and then added: "So, my suspicion of you has not been eliminated."


Luo Sheng was speechless.

He said quite depressedly: "Then you'd better not thank me, I can't bear it."

This guy is a complete rock, smelly and hard.

Suddenly, a voice came, "What are you two doing standing there?"

Luo Sheng and Sima Shengnan turned around and found Yuchi Ouyang staring at them.


Sima Shengnan said expressionlessly.

He stood up, turned around, and walked over without saying a word.

Luo Sheng followed her into the room where Yuchi Ouyang was.

At this time.

Luo Sheng found that there were other people in the room.

A chubby middle-aged uncle, who looks very much like Maitreya Buddha, has a bright smile on his face and looks very naive.

There are also several staff members.

Luo Sheng looked at him in confusion, and Sima Shengnan introduced him: "This is the Municipal Finance Minister Li Wenbin, who is also the one who is often caught in anti-pornography campaigns."

The middle-aged fat man originally showed a kind smile to Luo Sheng.

When Sima Shengnan said this, he immediately became unhappy, "Hey, hey, hey, what you said is a bit too much!"

"I'm just discussing the matter." Sima Shengnan said expressionlessly.

"I am inspecting the public sentiment. After all, I am responsible for the city's economy, so I experience the suffering of the people."

Li Wenbin retorted righteously.

He was so heartbroken that he covered his face and cried, "Hey, no one knows about my hard work, you only know how to frame me."

Yuchi Ouyang said angrily: "Sima Shengnan is right. He is right. The Minister of Finance goes to prostitutes to create economic growth for the local area. What's more, he also funds the Security Bureau in disguise."

"Well, I was wrong."

Sima Shengnan admitted his mistake openly.

But her expression didn't change much.

Standing there blankly, like a wooden figure, it was obvious that she had little interest in these commendations.

Li Wenbin's expression became even weirder.

He immediately slammed the table angrily and said, "You are playing a double act, deliberately belittling me. I am also the Minister of Finance after all, so I don't give you any face.

I am your biggest financial backer. Without my funding, your entire team would be in dire straits! "

When Li Wenbin spoke.

Bang bang bang, the table was slapped loudly.

The staff he brought over all had strange expressions, and some even shook their heads and covered their eyes, embarrassed to look any further.

Yuchi Ouyang glanced at him.

He wrote lightly: "Indeed, you are the biggest wealth of our security bureau. If one day you stop allocating money, I don't know what I will sell when I have no money."

Maybe the photos taken by someone who is cracking down on pornography will be sold. After all, the Finance Minister was caught soliciting prostitution. News reporters will definitely like such a big melon. "

While he was talking, he also took out a photo wrapped in a frame.

Inside was Li Wenbin, wearing his trouser pockets and holding his head in his hands.

Li Wenbin suddenly lost his confidence.

He smiled dryly and said: "Oh, why are you talking about this? We are brothers.

If your security bureau wants to do big things, I will give you my full support. You see, I have brought all the rewards, just to sympathize with your hard work. "

When Li Wenbin spoke.

Show several people a metal device that looks like a suitcase.

"This is the money I specially allocated from the Ministry of Finance to give you the best reward."

Li Wenbin said with pride on his face.

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