My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 438 Yuchi Xueyao’s Divine Punishment

There were thunder and lightning in the sky covered with dark clouds.

You can see a lot of lightning striking the ground.

There was a rumble in the distance.

Luo Sheng and Xu Yourong frowned slightly when they saw this scene.

He couldn't help but sigh: "The Black Brilliance level expert is really powerful, this trick is too cheating!"

"This is the power that everyone dreams of." Xu Yourong looked at all this, his heart was surging, and he seemed to have the motivation to move forward.

"That's right. With these powers, you can completely dominate the world."

"So, why is everyone pursuing improving their own strength, including me? I just want to have it all."

Xu Yourong looked at Luo Sheng.

There was a trace of doubt on Luo Sheng's face.

Xu Yourong continued: "Your secret should be kept well. Although I am your maid, I cannot let you keep everything secret. If others know your secret, we may face death."

Luo Sheng nodded heavily, "You are right. I have been too relaxed recently."

He recalled the previous period.

I am indeed a bit proud and complacent.

Especially after reaching the platinum level, I want to start ignoring any rules. After all, my strength has reached this point, and it is natural for me to be arrogant.

However, after being reminded by Xu Yourong.

Luo Sheng also realized that if this continues, if someone with intentions knows about it, the days to come will probably be even more difficult.

"It's time for us to hide our strength well." Luo Sheng said, "After this assessment is over, we will go into retreat and upgrade the ring that shields us to a higher level."

Luo Sheng's best solution now is to first find the ability to hide his aura.

Then steadily increase the level.

This way you will be safer.

Xu Yourong nodded: "Yes."

He also felt relieved in his heart. At least Luo Sheng was still willing to listen to him. Even in this different dimension, exposing his own strength was not a good thing.

What's more, Xu Yourong made a secret decision in his heart.

If anyone knew Luo Sheng's secret, she would solve it without hesitation.

This would threaten his life and his own future.

At this moment, the lightning still did not stop.

Continue to attack ground targets.


Violent thunder and lightning struck the ground, and the sound came from a distance.

Blazing fires could be seen in some places, and gray smoke spread into the air.

It made the originally gray weather even gloomier.

Bai Moxue also came back at this time.

A chip was handed to him.

After a while.

The lightning and thunder gradually disappeared, leaving only gray and a trace of bright sunshine in the sky.

"I think it's over."

Luo Sheng pulled Xu Yourong back.

After all, there is such a catastrophe, and it is impossible for the college to continue to hold such assessments. Too many people have died, so it must be stopped.

But that's it.

A voice came from high in the sky.

"The assessment continues...!"

The sound came from far to near. Although the volume was not loud, everyone could hear it clearly.

Obviously some kind of special card was used to create such an effect.

Luo Sheng's face showed doubts, and he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and asked Yuchi Xueyao: "We have already reached this level, why do we still need to continue the assessment?"

"It is a very normal thing to assess the dead. Don't think too much about it. Just continue to be your security officer." Yuchi Xueyao wrote lightly.

He didn't care at all about the number of people who died in this assessment.

Luo Sheng was speechless.

Xu Yourong asked from the side: "How do you say it?"

"Today's Card University is more cruel than we imagined. Death doesn't mean anything to them. They have to continue taking exams." Luo Sheng replied calmly.

Xu Yourong nodded lightly and said casually: "I think they are too.

After all, they have no obligation to ensure our safety. After becoming a card master, you have to be responsible for your own life.

You can't blame others if you die. Besides, Card University is just a screening mechanism to select those who can survive and be strong to enter the alliance.

They need this kind of talent, not weaklings to be protected. "

Luo Sheng thought for a moment.

Nods as well.

Maybe after leaving Pingcheng and coming to Card University, life will return to normal.

After all, Yuncheng is a relatively safe place, and there is a security bureau responsible for surrounding criminal cases. Other card masters will not be so rampant.

"Let's find a place to hide. There's no need to waste time here."

Luo Sheng said casually.

Because his assessment indicators have been completed.

Obtaining more than a dozen cards is basically an overachievement, and having hunted so many soul cards can be explained to the Security Bureau.


At this moment, Xu Yourong also felt that his strength was too weak.

Especially when you just played against the soul card.

It was like novices pecking each other. Although the other party could not do anything to defeat her, she could not kill the other party and could only remain in a stalemate.

Until either party has an overdraft.

This battle will determine the outcome.

Luo Sheng detached his locator, found a stone, and buried the locator inside.

Then in a deserted area.

Luo Sheng summoned the tunnel of his hidden world, "Come in."

Luo Sheng led Xu Yourong into his hidden world.

His hidden world can block all locators and even signals, all with just a thought.

However, Luosheng did not block the signal.

It would be troublesome if Yuchi Xueyao came through the intercom and called him.

Xu Yourong found a room and began to meditate, absorbing the gold-level [Quenching Liquid] that Luo Sheng had given her before.

Then her level quickly increased.

Breakthrough directly to the Golden Seven Stars.

And this only takes two hours.

Xu Yourong was able to improve so quickly. Later, someone asked if they could attribute this incident to an adventure in another dimension.

After all, there are many weird things in different dimensions.

Especially something that can level up.

It is also a matter of course.

Luo Sheng upgraded Xu Yourong's hidden ring to one platinum star, which was enough for her to use in the future.

A platinum-level secret ring that can shield all platinum-level card masters, which is very helpful for her safety.

Luo Sheng also took out his black and white ring.

Unfortunately, there are no good material cards.

His black and white ring is already platinum with seven stars.

"It seems that I have to find some time to buy some platinum and materials... But I have to get some money, otherwise I won't have the money to buy material cards." Luo Sheng muttered to himself.

He now has 2,671 card coins left in his wallet.

If you want to buy a platinum-level card, it is simply not enough. A platinum-level card costs at least about 2,000 card coins.

As for buying platinum five-star cards, if you don't have seven or eight thousand card coins, you can only stare at it.

Today there are only two ways.

One is to sell cards, but most of Luosheng's cards are gold cards, and the selling prices are not high. If you want to save tens of thousands of card coins, you need to sell at least 10 ordinary quality cards with ten gold stars.

Of course, if you choose [Quenching Liquid], the money will come in faster.

The gold-level [Quenching Liquid] is at least tens of thousands, and the final profit may reach hundreds of thousands, especially resource cards with gold stars.

The second is to accept strengthening orders on the black market, but this kind of profit is not high, such as strengthening a gold one-star card.

For one more star, the other party will only reward you with 20 to 50 card coins.

Although this is safe, if you want to save so much money, you need to strengthen it many times.

Luo Sheng has decided that after the assessment is over, he will go to the black market to strengthen the cards, and then extract the [Quenching Liquid] and go to other cities to sell it.

So as to obtain high profits instantly.

However, site selection must also be particular.

At least the strong men in the city are no more than diamond level, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to escape.

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult if I wanted to make money." Luo Sheng sighed silently.

While he was mumbling to himself.

He casually took out a soul card [Vampire Maid-Li Lifeng].

A flash of golden light flashed.

The vampire girl appeared in front of her.

However, now she will face not only Luo Sheng, but also Bai Moxue and Alice.

The vampire girl asked nervously, "What do you want to do?"

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