My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 440 Interrogation and Gift

"I see."

Luo Sheng crossed his hands and put them on his chin.

Looking directly at the vampire girl Li Lifeng, he continued to ask: "Where is your main person in charge and who is it?"

"I don't know who he is. He has always been masked. He just hid himself after arranging the chips and machines." Li Lifeng, a vampire girl, told the truth.

The evil card master will not expose himself easily.

Especially in this assessment.

The person sitting here is a strong person at the Obsidian level.

No one would think about running into someone head-on, so it's okay to do small tricks behind the scenes, but if it's really exposed, it's no different from seeking death.

"I think it will be like this." Luo Sheng felt that he could no longer ask for any information.

Prepare to take her back.

At this moment, the vampire girl Li Lifeng asked: "What are you going to do to me?"

"What can happen?"

Luo Sheng smiled.

Then he said: "You haven't helped me much, not to mention you have killed so many people, and all of them are burdened with murder cases. I will probably sell you."

Luo Sheng had a threatening look on his face.

The vampire girl Li Lifeng's pupils shrank.

Fighting is already the best gift for her. If she sells them, she knows her future.

It will probably be sold on the black market and become the target of other card masters' vents.

The thought of this makes one tremble.

"Can you let me go?" Li Lifeng, a vampire girl, swallowed her saliva and said with a look of begging.

Luo Sheng shook his head: "You have done so many evil things, and you still want us to let you go. It's true that bad people are rewarded. What's more, the information you gave is not detailed. I will not do such a worthless thing."

He is not in such a mood to give these soul cards a chance to change their ways.

What's more, these guys originally wanted to kill themselves.


The vampire girl Li Lifeng couldn't help but tremble.

Constantly fantasizing about the future made her feel scared.

He lowered his head and said: "There is a strange ability in the organization. It kills every card master and obtains their spiritual jade, which can be used to make chips. Moreover, this spiritual jade can also strengthen soul cards and become material cards unconditionally. And reinforcement never fails.

As for what kind of methods they used, I don't know. I was originally a silver-level card, but under their control, I was immediately upgraded to gold level. "

Luo Sheng looked at her and didn't look like he was lying.

The effect of my own deterrence just now was very good.

She revealed all the information.

Luo Sheng asked: "You are a pollution card, so it is natural for you to level up, right?"

"This is not complete. The improvement of pollution cards is not high, but using other people's spiritual jade is of great help. The organization has an agency that specializes in selling spiritual jade."

Li Lifeng, a vampire girl, said it without reservation.

Luo Sheng fell into silence after listening.

He knew why these soul cards were bloody and cruel, because they wanted to get spiritual jade to become stronger.

But I also heard many secrets from her mouth.

The organization of the Evil Card Master is more terrifying than imagined, with more things hidden inside, and Luo Sheng is even more interested.

Besides, he always wanted to get the dark card.

Thereby expanding the area of ​​​​their hidden world.

Luo Sheng added: "Let me ask you one last question, where did the dark cards in the organization come from?"

"A secretive figure, he will give the organization some resource cards every once in a while." said the vampire girl Li Lifeng.


Luo Sheng nodded and prepared to put her away.

The vampire girl Li Lifeng said hurriedly: "You won't sell me out, will you?"

"I'll hand you over to Security."

Luo Sheng said simply.

She wanted to continue asking, but unfortunately it turned into a card in an instant.

It becomes a soul card with no power to resist at all.

Luo Sheng was kind to them. After all, they were innocent newborns used by evil card masters to attack.

It would be most appropriate to hand it over to the Security Bureau.

Of course, their fate will no longer be in their control after that.

"It seems that the information we have obtained is still very limited." Luo Sheng murmured.

Li Lifeng, a vampire girl, only knows a few things.

This accident was entirely because the evil card master gave Yuncheng a little bit of good looks and declared his return.

Soul cards are entirely their product. They have the ability to mass-produce soul cards and should have specialized workshops.

In another dimension, they also have a mastermind behind the scenes who has been hiding inside.

"It seems we have to be careful when we go out." Luo Sheng said to Xu Yourong: "The level of the person behind the scenes should not be lower than platinum level."

"I wonder if your mentor can find him?" Xu Yourong said expressionlessly.

But there was a hint of sadness in her tone.

After all, Xu Yourong's current level of strength is not a platinum level opponent at all. If he is caught, his life will probably be at stake.

"Just meditate here with peace of mind. No one can find this place." Luo Sheng said.

He planned to stay in the hidden world for two days, and then go out when the assessment was over.

at this time.

Yuchi Xueyao's intercom rang again.

Luo Sheng originally wanted to have a good time, but when a job came to him so soon, he was very depressed.

So he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Master Instructor, what are your orders?"

"Some unusual things appear in the different dimension. Some fragments are contaminated, and it will give birth to monsters that exceed the level of the different dimension."

"Then let's destroy them?"

"I want you to investigate the person behind the scenes." Yuchi Xueyao said bluntly: "I can't investigate that guy. The college asked me to look after all the students. I can't get away. Only you can."

"..." Luo Sheng said quite speechlessly: "If he can create that thing, the opponent should be quite strong. Wouldn't it be very dangerous for me to investigate him?"

Yuchi Xueyao looked helpless.

Then he said:

"There is no best way now. Those security officers are not of a high level. Besides, they have already exposed themselves, but you are not. You are still a student. It should be quite easy to find him."


Luo Sheng remained silent after listening.

He didn't want to find that guy at all.

Because a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, that guy must be of a very high level.

Seeing that he was silent, Yuchi Xueyao said, "Don't worry, there won't be much danger. Also, after this mission is over, there will be two platinum-level equipment cards. You are in short supply of these cards recently, right?"

Yuchi Xueyao almost followed the instructions.

She knew that Luo Sheng had just been promoted to platinum level, and platinum level cards were very scarce.

Because any platinum-level card can cost thousands of card coins, it is difficult for ordinary people to afford it.

Even the city lords who guard each city do not have many platinum cards. After all, the price is too expensive, and they cannot afford the funds to purchase the cards.

Even if it can be strengthened, the price of the strengthened materials is not cheap.

Therefore, Yuchi Xueyao saw this clearly.

Luo Sheng suddenly said: "Of course there is no problem, but Master Tutor, can you give me the [Tianguan Blessing] in advance, because it is not easy to deal with him."

Yuchi Xueyao was silent for a long time.

Nodding, "Okay, I'll give you two, but you must promise me to catch him. I have to let him bear my anger!"

Luo Sheng suddenly smiled.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected gain.

He originally thought that one [Heavenly Official's Blessing] would be very good, but he didn't expect that his mentor would be so generous and get two of them in one shot.

"Long live the mentor!"

"Stop being such a mouthful, take my things and get me to work quickly."


Luo Sheng said excitedly.

Wait until you hang up the intercom.

He said to Xu Yourong: "You stay here, and I will go out to perform tasks. It's a bit dangerous."

"Be careful." Xu Yourong nodded.

She had heard their conversation before.

It was to find the guy who caused trouble in the actual combat assessment. She guessed that this incident caused the college to lose face, because such a powerful college would unexpectedly cause a large number of freshmen to be killed and injured for no reason.

They need to regain their face.

Luo Sheng handed over part of the authority of the hidden world to Xu Yourong.

Then he left here with a thought.

Return to the original position and retrieve the locator.

Not long after, a hummingbird messenger flew over and handed two pieces of [Blessings from Heavenly Officials] to Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng said excitedly: "I got it!"

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