My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 445: My cards, they all have their own ideas

The magic arrow and centipede general's weapons.

Violent sparks were produced, and the power of both parties was continuously consumed.

The high temperature makes the weapon turn red, its power is constantly weakened, and the two sides are evenly matched.

And at the same time.

Bai Moxue took this opportunity to come behind the gray man and wanted to cut off his neck with scissors.

The gray man didn't sit still.

Use your own engraved cards.

The whole person turned into an assassin wearing a black ninja uniform, holding a wakizashi in his hand, and killed directly in the direction of Luosheng.

The speed is very fast, and the whole person is semi-invisible.

Luo Sheng also maximized the power of his black and white rings.

Speed ​​and breath were suppressed to a minimum.

He did not rush towards the opponent. After all, in his induction, the gray man's level reached at least platinum 6 stars.

And once fought to a tie with Zhang Tianlong.

So his strength is not low.

Or quite difficult to deal with.

The moment the gray man rushed over, Alice ran out automatically and hit the gray man's wakashi with a laser lightning ball in her hand.

There are no insulators in this world.

As long as the voltage is enough, it can penetrate even plastic.

When Alice's lightning ball hit the gray man's side, the gray man felt a huge electric current flash through his body, and a flash of white-gold light erupted from the two of them.

That was the light emitted by lightning.

Boom! ! !

A huge sound echoed in the space, and a large amount of electric charge appeared on the ground.

If you stand here, your whole person will feel numb.

The gray man's body was constantly emitting purple arcs of electricity, but he immediately stepped back as if nothing was wrong.

"You are indeed not simple." The gray man said in a mechanical voice.

No emotion at all.

He also summoned several cards.


A nondescript monster.

The face looked very old, and extremely pale without any color at all, as if it were like an old man who had been dead for many days.

She also held a huge crutch in her hand, had two big front teeth, and showed a charming smile. Even from a distance, she could feel the temperature around her starting to drop.

【Death Personnel Department】

A monster with no face visible, his body was covered with bloody scythes, and he also held a huge and sharp scythe in his hand.

It is huge, like a ruin hunter.

Also floating in mid-air.

The next moment, he burst out into horrifying laughter like "Jie Jie Jie".

last one.

It is called [The Last Supper].

This is a realm card.

The moment it was summoned, the surrounding air became heavy and the temperature dropped sharply. A terrifying table was placed on the ground.

It is covered with a large number of tableware, as well as exquisite food.

But in the next moment, everything became rotten, and the white ceramic bowl immediately cracked, and a large amount of blood seeped out.

A large amount of gray mist was released from inside the tablecloth and spread into the air.

A faint smell of blood and putrid smell permeated the surroundings.

Luo Sheng could see one or two bloody human heads appearing under the dining table. The heads had already been disconnected from the body, and a large amount of blood spilled out.

But they seemed to be still alive, especially their eyes fixed on Luo Sheng.

It looks horrible.

Luo Sheng couldn't help but said: "Are all this guy's cards filled with evil spirits? Why does he feel so sinister?"

While he was murmuring.

[The Last Supper] This domain card is starting to work.

The gray mist is filled with boundless fear, which can weaken the enemy's lethality and defense, and even directly destroy the enemy's sanity.

And it has another effect.

That is to enhance the power of death, so that the lethality of all undead units will skyrocket.

[Death Personnel Department] had already rushed towards Alice, slashing her head directly with the huge scythe.

Alice quickly avoided it and subconsciously used the lightning ball to let the electricity flow along its scythe and spread to its arms, directly paralyzing it.

The shining arc hit the [Death Personnel Department].

But the [Death God Personnel Department] is like a normal person, or it is not a living thing in the first place, it is a dead thing, so it is immune to electricity.

At this time [Grandma] also launched an attack.

She swung her cane.

A large number of black skulls appeared on the crutches, and [Grandma] looked like those wizards from South Asian islands.

In her murmuring voice.

A large number of black arms suddenly appeared under the feet of History. The moment they appeared, they wanted to drag Alice into the bottomless abyss.

Alice was equally responsive.

He jumped and jumped directly over these black arms.

Luo Sheng frowned slightly.

But he didn't sit still.

Summon Reifne immediately.

Leifni appeared and used ice. The two ice dragons were swimming on the ground and quickly killed [Grandma].

Wanted to freeze her into an ice sculpture.

Luo Sheng's summons were arranged in sequence.

Dongfang Muqing, Aikeli, Tushan Baiyue, Mary Fit.

After a few rays of light flashed, they appeared in front of Luo Sheng one after another.

Luosheng has become accustomed to fighting in large groups.

Dongfang Muqing played immediately when she appeared, and everyone's basic attributes were greatly improved.

After Dongfang Muqing's level increased, her basic growth rate has changed a lot.

Under her increase.

The actual strength of all personnel has increased by two stars. Whether it is lethality or defense, all attributes have been significantly improved.

Mary Fit also released her own skills, weakening the opponent's attack power and interfering with and narrowing their vision.

Under the double superposition of the two of them.

Luosheng's basic units have been greatly improved, and they have severely suppressed the opposing units.

But the gray man was very disdainful.

He suddenly smiled and said: "Summoning so many cards will only speed up your mental energy consumption and make you more distracted. Moreover, more cards are not better, but you have to be more focused!"

He seemed to be guiding Luo Sheng in fighting.

Luo Sheng suddenly smiled, "As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, not to mention, you know they need my control?"

During the conversation between the two.

Luosheng's team has completed the deployment and control.

"Sister Alice!" Bai Moxue shouted.


After Alice answered, she instantly appeared in front of General Centipede.

Wearing a storm mecha, she held a long metal blade with cold light in her hand and slashed directly at General Centipede.

At this moment, General Centipede had already blocked the magic arrow.

Preparing for a counterattack.

call out!

The long metal blade was incredibly fast and made the slightest sound of breaking through the air.

General Centipede also felt the danger coming and immediately used eighteen kinds of weapons to block it.

swing! ! !

A violent sound resounded throughout the space, and the power of this explosion exceeded the impact of the magic arrow.

General Centipede's feet were shaken to the point of numbness.

Even the weapons it used had cracks.

Bai Moxue quickly returned to defense. Her target was the [Death God Personnel Department]. Both sides were undead. Bai Moxue was not afraid of the suppressive effect of the [Death God Personnel Department] on living beings.

The two sides are now competing to see who is stronger.

Therefore, both sides fight with fists and fists.

Dongfang Muqing and Mary Feite were responsible for rear support, constantly outputting various effects, directly leveling the gap between the two sides, and even gradually increasing their own strength.

As for [Grandma], Levni and Aikoli are responsible for controlling her.

But Tushan Baiyue simply sat on a stone nearby, crossed her legs, and said with a smile on her face: "It looks good!"

Be a crowd on the sidelines.

Although Luo Sheng's cards are not of high level, they work together very well.

In particular, these cards have autonomous consciousness.

The gray man was slightly surprised when he saw this scene, "Are all the soul cards in your hand?"

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong." Luo Sheng replied with a smile.

"Do these cards have their own consciousness?" the gray man asked doubtfully, the gray content mixed with a hint of surprise.

"That's right." Luo Sheng nodded.

The gray man showed a hint of disbelief, unable to believe his eyes.

Thanks to book friend 20221009235056282 for the reward~

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