My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 449 Double Kill

"That's right."

Luo Sheng nodded in reply.

The gray man couldn't believe his eyes. It was just a platinum two-star card, but it had such high quality.

The gray man looked at Luo Sheng.

At this moment, he is no longer as contemptuous as before, but more solemn.

Luo Sheng is only a platinum one-star card master, but he actually has such a high-quality card master. This is completely contrary to common sense.

Even in Yuncheng, the number of epic quality items does not exceed two hundred.

Even though two hundred is a lot, there are actually as many as three to four hundred platinum-level card masters in Yuncheng.

There are thirty or forty diamond-level card masters, and seven or eight black-level card masters.

Therefore, even though the epic cards are evenly divided, many people still cannot own them.

You can see how rare this card is.

Luo Sheng looked at the gray man's surprised eyes.

He smiled even brighter, took a step forward, and continued: "Does it surprise you to have an epic card?"

"Indeed, there are too many unexpected things about you." The gray man said in a mechanical voice.

Luo Sheng's smile was like a hooked war god, "You can't figure out my secret at all, because I don't just have this epic card."

Just as he finished speaking.

Bai Moxue suddenly laughed.

While she was fighting, she didn't know when she had grabbed the black scythe in the hands of the [Death God Personnel Department].

Instantly activated his ability "conversion between virtuality and reality".

[Death Personnel Department] The sickle in his hand suddenly disappeared and turned into a shadow.

He wanted to grab the sickle, but found that he couldn't pick it up.

It immediately pulled out another sickle from its back.

And in this blink of an eye.

Bai Moxue took this opportunity to plunge the golden scissors into its waist and abdomen.

Although the God of Death is not a complete human being, it is a skeleton from top to bottom.

But Baimo Snow's golden scissors still cut off one of its ribs.

Let the [Death Personnel Department] suffer serious trauma.

Luo Sheng looked at the gray man with more teasing eyes, "It's still too late for you to surrender, otherwise you will die miserably!"

The gray man regretted it.

It's a pity that he has no choice. Now there is only one option left, which is to fight to the end.

Just when the gray man wanted to activate other skill cards.

Luo Sheng moved faster.

Control [Rattlesnake Golden Spear] to aim at him, and use [Destruction Cannon].

A super-high-temperature cannonball headed towards the gray man's face.

The gray man dodged easily.

But then, facing two golden spears, a violent explosion occurred under his feet.

The gray man was blown to pieces.

This was not over yet, Anastasia had already finished her battle with Karasawa, and she also took this opportunity to spray out the rockets on her body.

A large number of rockets were aimed at the gray man, hitting the ground like a bomber.

Boom! Boom!

Explosions came and went.

Even though Anastasia is a gold-level card, the damage she causes is not weak at all.

Even if the gray man is attacked, he will not die, but he can still feel severe pain, just like a metal rod being slapped on his body.

There was chaos one after another, causing him to completely lose his rhythm.

Luosheng took advantage of the victory to pursue.

In his confusion.

He immediately used [Flash] to appear behind the gray man, holding a new weapon [Molten Steel Knife] in his hand and instantly hit the gray man's thigh.

Momentarily incapacitating him.

The gray man scurried away.

Unfortunately, he was still hit in the thigh, and his speed and agility declined rapidly.


This sound did not come from Luo Sheng's mouth.

It was still a female voice. The voice was very soft, refreshing and delicious, making people sound like a spring breeze.

But in the gray man's ears, it was like the sound of the Doomsday Judgment.

Bai Moxue appeared behind him at some point, and the golden scissors had already stabbed his heart. The scissors were very sharp.

The gray man looked at the scene with confusion.

In his vision, shouldn't Bai Moxue be fighting with his [Death Personnel Department]?

Why did he suddenly appear behind him?

Wait for him to turn around and look.

The [Death God Personnel Department] was about to counterattack, but suddenly the [Iron Cannon Giant General] stood in front of it and summoned the giant metal wall again.

Withstand the attack of [Death Personnel Department].

Its original scythe had long been lost by Bai Moxue, and the scythe it held in its hand now was rotten and was just a spare weapon.

The strength is not strong.

So the moment he slid away from the giant wall, he was stuck inside and could not cut away the metal wall.

The gray man wanted to resist.

Luo Sheng would not give him a chance.

Bai Moxue pulled out the scissors and erased his neck again. The gray man closed his eyes in fear.

He fell limply to the ground.

His spirit jade also lost any vitality.

All the cards he summoned also fell to the ground at this moment.

Luo Sheng randomly picked up a [Grandma] card belonging to the dark category.

The same goes for [Death Personnel Department].

Luo Sheng put away all these dark cards. He had a way to refine the dark cards into [Dark Fox Clan] and then expand it into his hidden world.

However, what Luo Sheng cares about now is more.

"Have you found his soul-detaining card?" Luo Shenggang looked at Bai Moxue.

Bai Moxue took out the card from his spiritual jade in an understatement.

Luo Sheng took it and examined it carefully.

【Soul Salvation】

Level: Special white card.

Type: Function.

Effect: Save the soul when dying.

Overview: Everyone will face death, which is a natural law, but God says that death is just a new beginning, because death is just the withering of the body. For the soul, it is just the loss of a puppet that can be controlled. As long as the soul is still there, That person’s spirit is also there.

"Finally got this card."

A delighted smile appeared on Luo Sheng's face.

He has always wanted to imprison other people's souls, especially those of hostile forces. Ordinary interrogation will not be of any help.

On the contrary, only by obtaining other people's souls can we truly know all the information.

This is a killing move in his own hand.

Bai Moxue looked at this card with a hint of worry on her face: "Alang..."

Luo Sheng could see her worry, so he said: "Don't worry, I won't use this card randomly, except when it's critical.

Already possessing this card means that I have some connection with those Ferryman organizations, and I will not put myself in danger. "

Bai Moxue heard his assurance.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he smiled and said: "I believe you, Alang."

While they were talking, the gray man previously released the card that blocked the surrounding space and fell to the ground.

Luo Sheng picked up the card.

【The disappearing secret】

Rating: Platinum four stars

Type: Effect-Field


① Laying down a unique magnetic field space can block all signals and cover up the opponent's traces so that friendly forces cannot detect it.

② In the gray world, all those who enter this place by mistake will be sent out quietly like entering a maze.

Overview: The secret of disappearance may be the disappearing space. Why it disappears and why it appears is very fascinating.

Luo Sheng examined this card.

It's really an unexpected bonus.

After having this card.

In the future, if Luo Sheng fights against hostile forces and doesn't want others to know, he may be able to use this card.

Coupled with [Dragnet] or [Space Lock], the enemy will basically be unable to escape, and will die quietly without anyone noticing.

Luo Sheng silently put the card away.

By the way, I searched the gray man's spiritual jade and found three or four platinum-level cards, which were not contaminated in any way.

"He's poorer than he thought."

Luo Sheng complained silently.

"Of course." At this time, the wormhole tunnel appeared next to Luo Sheng, and Xu Yourong walked out of it, "After reaching the platinum level, the price of cards remains high. It is very difficult to obtain good cards, so Cass doesn’t have many cards.”

When Xu Yourong spoke.

He also slowly dragged Tang Zexiang out of a coma, only to see that her face was covered in blood and she should have been knocked unconscious by Xu Yourong.

Now it is also placed next to the gray man.

Thanks to the prince for the reward

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