My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 453 I am a saint, a scumbag!

(I'm very sorry. This is Chapter 518. Chapter 517 was dropped to the back by my mistake. Friends who read on QQ, Chapter 453 is actually Chapter 454, and the following "Purification of Darkness Card" is actually Chapter 453. Sorry for my mistake. , so you tune in and watch)

Luo Sheng completed four cards and continued into the dark card world of Kishida Akatsuki.

The dark cards he used before include [General Centipede] [Department of Death God] [Last Supper] and [Grandma].

Luo Sheng is purified little by little.

Finally, four platinum two-star [Dark Fox Orbs] were obtained, and the four battle cards above were also returned to one-star platinum.

"After these cards were purified, their levels dropped significantly. Perhaps this is their true level." Luo Sheng looked at the cards in his hand and shook his head slightly.

These cards are completely puffy.

It doesn't do much.

It’s no wonder that even though Akira Kishida has six platinum stars, he can actually only tie with Zhang Tianlong, who has five platinum stars.

The gap between them is not big.

Luo Sheng was ready to sell all these cards, but at this moment.

Bai Moxue suddenly walked out, picked up the two cards [Grandma] and [The Last Supper], and then said: "These two cards are also helpful to me, Alang, how about you keep them all."

Luo Sheng's face showed confusion, "Can this kind of card help you?"

"Well, I just need a suitable nanny by my side. Besides, I also like this dining table very much." Bai Moxue said straightforwardly.

In the end, Luo Sheng did not sell the two cards, but kept them.

The two platinum one-star cards [General Centipede] and [Reaper Personnel Department] were sold, and a total of three thousand card coins were obtained.

Luo Sheng's wallet suddenly bulged again.

But he knew that this little money was not enough for him to squander and would soon be spent.

After all, after reaching platinum level and above, the cost of cards has skyrocketed. In the past, one thousand card coins could buy several gold level cards.

Now you can't even buy a platinum card.

It can be seen that the cost of growth is very high.

It's no wonder that platinum-level evil card masters like Kishida Akira don't have too many cards in their hands because the prices of the cards are too high.

Not ordinary people can afford it.

Luo Sheng put all the four gold-level and four platinum-level [Dark Fox Beads] he had obtained into the hidden world.

Under Tushan Baiyue's operation, these cards were integrated into the hidden world one after another.

About half an hour.

Luo Sheng received a new card in his hand.

【Hidden World】

Level: Special white card

Type: Domain


Create several hidden and illusory tunnels in the real world, leading to a strange world. The type of world is chosen by the Creator, with a space size of 115,000 cubic meters.

Core: Demonic World.

Energy supply: Dark Fox Beads x10

Bound by: Tushan Baiyue.

Running time: 6 years.

Overview: One flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi.

Luo Sheng watched as the space in the hidden world suddenly increased. Now, a huge castle was built in the area, and there was even a sizable garden.

Luo Sheng estimated that it would not be long before he could create a new hidden world.

As long as the evil card master is powerful enough.

Unfortunately, Luo Sheng failed to find the core of the fairyland. He wanted to reshape the scene of the hidden world and create a peach paradise.

The core of the hidden world is still the demon world.

Luo Sheng entered the hidden world and wandered around for a while. A large amount of area was added to it, but he had no plans to expand it.

Hang out for a while.

Just left the hidden world.

Then he took out a chip and the chip-using equipment confiscated from the evil card master.

That is to say, through this instrument, the cards can move freely without the card master's summons at all.

But Luo Sheng didn't find anything good after playing around with it. "It seems that we can only wait for Xu Yourong to come back and see if she has any good suggestions."

Now Xu Yourong is about to become a jack of all trades.

She has a lot of information and secrets, so it would be better to study them together with her.

Finally, Luo Sheng took out [Dongfang Muqing].

This is his exclusive card, and it is also a main battle card that has not reached platinum level.

Luo Sheng prepares to strengthen her.

So he summoned Dongfang Muqing.

A flash of golden light flashed, and the pink little feet with golden rings stepped on the ground, and the green gauze clothes on their bodies were looming, floating in the wind.

The small and exquisite hair is very cute, especially the little bell hanging on the head, and the baby's plump oval face with a touch of crimson.

A few strands of hair swayed in the wind in her bangs, and her bright eyes had a hint of agility.

Perhaps Dongfang Muqing's temperament has changed a lot since she became a saint, and with the blessing of the [Heavenly Official's Blessing] card, she is even more fairy-like than before.

It's a pity that such a beautiful figure and a good-looking face have a mouth.

"Bastard Luo Sheng, you didn't summon me until now, can you live up to your own conscience? She is also a saint after all, you scumbag!"

Dongfang Muqing said angrily as soon as she appeared.

Huge eyes stared at Luo Sheng.

She wanted to hit him on the chest with her small fists and then press him down so that he could feel the saint's anger.

Luo Sheng silently felt in his heart that Dongfang Muqing should not have a mouth. If she were mute, she might be even more beautiful than she is now.

Luo Sheng might summon her every day.

Let her feel your love.

"Really?" Luo Sheng looked at her with a wicked smile.

Dongfang Muqing suddenly felt unhappy, and took a few steps back, shrinking back, covering her chest with her hands, and looking at Luo Sheng warily.

His mouth was slightly waxy and he said, "What do you want to do?"

"You actually asked me what I wanted to do?" Luo Sheng slowly approached her, finally pushed her against the wall, rubbed her hair and said: "Didn't you say that I am a scumbag? Then I will be bad." It has to be unique, it’s normal to be a saint.”

"I don't want it! If you have something to do, come to me, and if you don't have anything to do, you can rape me, huh! I'm not your tool." Dongfang Muqing squatted down instantly, and then ducked to the side, trying to escape from his clutches.

Unfortunately, she didn't run away for long.

He was captured again by Luo Sheng.

"You bad guy, bastard, I'm really angry...well..." Dongfang Muqing originally wanted to continue scolding him.

Only his mouth was blocked.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Luo Sheng right in front of him, and he kissed him forcefully.

Dongfang Muqing's face was flushed, and her heartbeat kept accelerating, and finally the two of them stopped.

Dongfang Muqing, you just said angrily: "You always bully me!"


Luo Sheng rubbed the hair on her head.

Although Dongfang Muqing's mouth was still venomous, her face showed a look of enjoyment.

Apparently she really enjoyed having her head stroked.

Then Luo Sheng said: "I plan to enter your world this time, so I call you out."

Dongfang Muqing's originally depressed look disappeared immediately, and she immediately looked up, "Really?"

There was still a trace of joy on her face.

"Of course, why did I lie to you?" Luo Sheng pulled her to the sofa, asked her to sit aside, and then took out the piece of [Peach Blossom Spring].

【Peach Blossom Spring】

Level: Silver nine stars.

Type: field.


The card creates a large area of ​​peach blossom garden with beautiful scenery and pleasant temperament. It is a leisure resort for tourism and vacation.

Enemies entering the field gradually reduce their damage value, and are immersed in the beautiful scenery, gradually losing themselves.


① Beautiful scenery: Reduce the damage and defense value of all enemies.

②Kill: The hit rate of a one-hit kill is increased and the damage is increased.

③The lingering sound: the sound unit card improves all abilities and has a powerful auxiliary effect.

④Hide: For friendly units in the area, the chance of successful dodge increases by 20%.

Overview: During the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling were engaged in fishing. Walking by the stream, I forget how far the road is. Suddenly I came across a peach blossom forest, hundreds of steps across the bank. There were no trees in the middle, the grass was delicious and the fallen flowers were colorful.

Luo Sheng took the card into her hand, "Do you like it?"

Dongfang Muqing felt it.

I found that there was another world inside.

It is indeed a beautiful place and a very suitable place for playing and performing.

Dongfang Muqing nodded: "I like it, but the level of this card is too low."

What she means is that this domain card cannot accommodate a great god like her.

"Understood, as long as you like it, I have a way to make it better."

Luo Sheng took the card back.

Afterwards, find three strengthening material cards suitable for it in the inventory of gold cards you have saved.

Don’t hesitate to dive into strengthening.

About three hours later.

A brand new card appeared in front of them.

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