My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 464 Two Birds Fight One Person

When Dongfang Yiren and Dongfang Hong wanted to refute their elder.

There were footsteps outside.

A maid ran in in a hurry.

Immediately reported: "Sir Elder, the Holy Lady asked to come in, and brought the human man with her, saying that she had important matters to discuss with the elders."

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

Dongfang Tianyun didn't expect that the other party would come to find her a day later.

Is he already done?

Dongfang Tianyun laughed and said, "Let him enter. I want to see if he has anything he can discuss with us?"

Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren originally wanted to object.

This is a meeting of patriarchs.

What do humans say when they come here?

It's like the most important place in the house has been visited by strangers, making it feel unclean.

But looking at Dongfang Tianyun's very confident look, she had no choice but to hide it and see what the other party was going to do.

The maid left in a hurry.

Then they brought two more people in.

At this moment, Dongfang Muqing was very angry and a little depressed.

Because the entire Qingluan clan had deceived her for a long time, she originally thought that the saint was the representative of the Qingluan clan, but she didn't expect that she was just the object of sacrifice.

Marry the descendants of those immortal kings you don’t know.

A perfect sacrifice.

So after Dongfang Muqing found out about this, she was very angry and wanted to leave. She didn't care about the position of the saint at all.

However, now she is full of confidence.

Because her background is Luosheng.

At this time, Luo Sheng looked calm and calm.

After the two entered the elders' hall.

Luo Sheng saw the other two elders staring straight at him with a hint of disdain and contempt.

Luo Sheng was fearless.

Still walking with swagger.

But at this moment Dongfang Hong frowned suddenly, feeling that this guy was just here to give them a blow, so he said angrily: "You dare to be so presumptuous in our place?"

Followed by a majestic breath.

I want Luo Sheng to kneel down.

Luo Sheng frowned slightly, feeling a little strange, but he was not to be outdone.

A huge amount of spiritual power surged out, resisting her pressure.

And just then.

A cold female voice came from behind Dongfang Hong, and a pair of golden scissors was also pressed against her neck. She could feel the coldness of the golden scissors.

"Don't be too presumptuous. If you dare to touch his hair, your neck will blossom."

Dongfang Hong was suddenly stunned.

She had no idea that a strange woman appeared behind her. She didn't even notice that the woman threatened her with golden scissors.

Only then did Dongfang Hong react.

This woman's abilities are very weird.

Not at all like a monk in the world.

I can't even feel her spiritual power, it's completely another strange ability, even with a hint of the undead.

Dongfang Yiren suddenly saw that the elder was being threatened and shouted: "How dare you!"

Immediately afterwards, she also helped Dongfang Hong, and a majestic aura also pressed over to join the battle.

at the same time.

Dongfang Muqing saw this scene.

He raised his hand and raised his Qingluan Immortal Bracelet, and a majestic divine power directly enveloped Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng felt that his basic attributes had been greatly improved.

Even if the two elders used their majestic aura to crush themselves, Luo Sheng's pressure was greatly reduced by Dongfang Muqing's increase, even to the point where it could be ignored.

Dongfang Muqing uses the Qingluan Immortal Bracelet.

Suddenly, a huge image of Qingluan appeared in the sky.

A natural vision.

shrouded over this land.

That is the totem of the Qingluan clan.

There are a large number of Qingluan women under the sycamore trees, looking up at the scene in the sky, as if seeing the ancestor of the ancient Qingluan, the ancient Qingluan mythical beast.

They couldn't help but want to kneel down.

And in the elders' meeting hall.

The cyan light is very dazzling, and so is the majestic aura, which makes people feel sacred.

Although Dongfang Hong is not afraid of such light.

But they still felt a little dazzling.

At this time, Dongfang Tianyun finally spoke, "Stop it, do you want to destroy the entire lobby?"

Dongfang Tianyun was suppressed by a majestic aura.

All the pressure from Dongfang Yiren and Dongfang Hong has dissipated, and their strength is still not as good as Dongfang Tianyun.

As for Luo Sheng, he stopped when he saw the two elders.

He also put away his hands.

Bai Moxue flew back to his side, and then sank into the shadow.

The two sides just looked at each other.

At this moment, Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren also had strange expressions.

They originally thought that Luo Sheng was just an ordinary human man, but they didn't expect that he had such great ability and could fight against them.

Especially his mysterious abilities.

It does make people feel a little scared.

But what surprised them even more was the Qingluan bracelet Dongfang Muqing wore on her wrist.

He actually changed his appearance.

The previous Qingluan bracelet only had a slight virtual image of Qingluan, which proved that it was the treasure of the Qingluan clan.

But now there have been great changes, and it has reached the standard of a spiritual weapon. If it goes further, it may be possible to reach a pseudo-artifact, or even a divine weapon.

Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren both felt that.

If he could wear this bracelet, his strength would be greatly enhanced.

Even if they are not wearing it, they can still feel that this bracelet has brought them a considerable increase, and they feel like they are bathed in holy light.

The holy light that only belongs to the Qingluan clan.


Completely intoxicated with this holy light.

Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren looked at Dongfang Muqing with puzzled faces, "How did your bracelet become like this?"

Even they are very coveted for such a radiant bracelet.

Dongfang Muqing was like a proud hen at this time.

Lift your head.

He held Luo Sheng's hand and said, "This is his credit. He gave me the bracelet as a gift. He also helped me reforge the bracelet to make it stronger."

Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren had extremely strange expressions at this moment.

They looked at Luo Sheng in disbelief.

It is completely unbelievable that an ordinary human being can actually reforge the Qingluan bracelet and turn an inferior bracelet into a spiritual weapon today.

This technology is only possessed by the Immortal King.

Otherwise, the Immortal King's people would not have been involved in the forging of the original Qingluan bracelet.

There should be a lot of secrets in Luo Sheng.

Dongfang Hong looked at him with bright eyes.

It seems that he wants to raise some conditions.

But that's it.

Luo Sheng suddenly said, "Since you don't welcome me so much, there is no need for me to stay here. As for the title of this saint, I will not let Dongfang Mu Qing take it, and Qingluan Bracelet was originally Belongs to us.”

Dongfang Hong gritted his teeth and said, "How presumptuous!"

Just when she wanted to take action.

Luo Sheng suddenly held Dongfang Muqing's hand and disappeared from everyone's eyes the next moment.

He uses his own skill card [Flash].

He immediately appeared in Dongfang Muqing's courtyard.

At this moment, Dongfang Muqing had already packed everything, a box of things, and even Xiaoqing and the other three were standing around the box.

This was something they had discussed before.

If something happens.

Move out immediately.

The moment Luo Sheng and Dongfang Muqing appeared.

Xiao Qing asked: "Have you already fallen out?"

"Well, maybe it's not a falling out, but it's just that this place is no longer clean. As for the details, I can't explain it clearly. Let's talk about it later." Luo Sheng did not elaborate.

Dongfang Muqing immediately used her Qingyu to draw everything in.

At this moment, it's a mess outside.

Luo Sheng grabbed everyone and once again used the skill card [Shrink the Ground to an Inch], and immediately disappeared into the Qingluan Ancestral Land.

Travel to far away places.

Directly across the mysterious barrier of Qingluan ancestral land.

Leaving intact, too fast for anyone to realize they were gone.

And their front foot just left.

A large number of maids rushed in at the back foot.

They planned to trap them, but found that Luo Sheng had already left, the other courtyard was empty, and even many secrets of Kung Fu had been taken away.

The maids looked at each other.

I can only report helplessly.

And just now.

When Luo Sheng disappeared into the elders' meeting hall.

Dongfang Hong and Dongfang Yiren were stunned. They didn't expect Luo Sheng to disappear so quickly. His breath was like a firefly, fleeting.

It seems that he has not left any trace in the world.

When they feel again.

It was discovered that Luo Sheng had appeared in the other courtyard with Dongfang Muqing, so Dongfang Hong hurriedly said: "Hurry and have people surround the other courtyard, don't let them leave!"

So the senior maid.

As well as the guards of the Qingluan clan.

Immediately take weapons in hand.

He rushed towards Dongfang Muqing Villa, trying to surround them.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, and everyone was in vain.

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