My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 474 [Bright Fox Bead]

The palace looks like a dilapidated Taoist temple, but the palace is filled with a vague sense of mystery.

In the center of the palace lies a golden card, suspended on an altar, its light is very weak.

But in the dark, it is quite conspicuous.

Tushan Baiyue said at this time: "It's this weird thing."

"So this is it."

Luo Sheng walked over slowly.

He casually took off the golden card.

The content of this card quickly came into view.

【Bright Fox Pearl】

Level: Gold Five Stars.

Type: Resource


Give the recipient the ability to light or enhance the giver's ability to purify; grant the recipient powerful control over the elements of light; the recipient will always be blessed by the saint and will become more pious.


① Clear negative effects: The giver has the ability of light to clear the negative effects of the designated object.

②Steady Heart: The designated target will no longer fall, and will gain a Perseverant Heart, which will increase its combat effectiveness.

Summary: Your heart may need light to resist darkness.

Luo Sheng stared at this card blankly.

My eyes couldn't believe it.

The college actually treats [Bright Fox Pearl] as an ordinary resource card and rewards it to students.

Luo Sheng had learned about Tushan Baiyue before.

The dark fox bead corresponds to the light fox bead.

The two are naturally hostile forces.

The evil card master uses dark fox beads to continuously enhance his abilities, causing the organization to continue to grow and become a scourge.

And the [Bright Fox Bead] that can restrain them is actually treasured by the academy.

Put it here to reward students.

This is putting the cart before the horse a bit.

Luo Sheng said to Tushan Baiyue with a complicated expression: "Such a good card is actually placed here as a prize?"

"Perhaps they don't know the true function of the Bright Fox Pearl, and they only think it is a resource that can be used to stack ordinary card abilities. According to the text description on the card, this is indeed the case." Tushan Baiyue explained with her arms crossed.

At this moment, she looked like a seven or eight-year-old Detective Conan.

Just wearing glasses.

Luo Sheng did not refute her words, but felt that what she said was very reasonable.

After all, such an important card was actually thrown here as an ordinary resource card. It can be seen that the academy really doesn't know about this.

Or, they didn't understand it at all.

And Luo Sheng knew all this.

Completely derived from Tushan Baiyue.

Moreover, he can also enter the card world, so he knows more things than ordinary card masters, and he also knows the weaknesses of dark cards.

But the alliance and the academy do not have talents who can enter the card world, so they cannot know all this.

Think differently.

Luo Sheng felt that he had an advantage.

"Let's take this card back and test it. It's just a pity that there is no dark card left. Otherwise, we can just test how light can suppress darkness." Luo Sheng sighed slightly.

Tushan Baiyue said: "There is a bright fox bead, you can enjoy it secretly. It is a relic. It is very difficult to find it. Otherwise, why would there be no such card on the market?"

"You are their creators, you should be able to create many bright fox beads."

"You're overthinking it. If you want to create a bright fox bead, you need to prepare a lot of materials, and it's quite difficult to make it. What's more, I don't know how to create it."

Tushan Baiyue chuckled.

Because she is not an adult in the fox clan, but a child in the true sense.

So she doesn't create them at all.

Luo Sheng and Tu Shan Bai Yue left the secret realm while chatting.

It didn't take long for them to leave.

In the teaching building where the secret realm is located, a ranking of points suddenly appeared on a huge screen on the outer wall of the building.

Luosheng's points were quickly pushed to first place.

Completely cleared.

The white number "18" and the blue number "9" are the highest records currently reached.

And he is also the only freshman who has passed the level. After all, if the freshman wants to conquer the secret realm, it will take a lot of efforts. The highest level boss is the two-star gold.

And the number of these bosses is not just one or two.

But nine!

This means that there are at least seven or eight gold-level monsters to fight.

It is impossible for freshmen to do this, because their highest level is only one gold star, and it is very difficult to face these.

Especially if you take on the challenge alone.

more difficult.

Moreover, fierce battles will consume their mental energy, resulting in a short battery life.

Many freshmen are standing below this screen.

Looking up, Luosheng ranked first.

Then there was a lot of discussion: "Who is this guy? He is too strong. Within a few days of school, he actually reached the first place."

"Did he find a shortcut?"

"It's impossible. Moreover, this is actually a points ranking. The school didn't make it clear before. It just said that the assessment should be completed a certain number of times to complete the target."

"Maybe the academy hides this."

"It's fine if you have points and rankings, but why do you still need to pass the level?"

Such discussions are endless.

After all, the academy says half is hidden and half is hidden.

Before, everyone thought it was just a simple assessment, just like daily homework, and there would be no follow-up after completion.

But now it's much different than imagined.

There are also customs clearance requirements.

That's when.

The college issued new rules directly.

A new student was reading the new rules on the college's forum: "Any new student who conquers the junior secret realm will be able to obtain the gold-level resource card placed at the clearance desk by the college (only once per person), and will receive excellent results in the final assessment." stamp.

Freshmen with higher points will also receive various benefits from the college, including scholarships, participate in more advanced research in the college, and can also enter the next secret trial in advance. "

The others' eyes suddenly lit up.

Such rules mean that everyone can obtain good resources in the college through their own efforts.

Of course it means competition.

After all, with plenty of rewards, everyone will be motivated to move forward.

In addition, the college originally had many new students.

There are as many as four to five thousand freshmen entering the college.

Therefore, the competitive pressure will not be small, it will be greater than that of previous local colleges.

Just when everyone was eager to try.

Luo Sheng had just left school not long ago.

He found that everyone was looking at him, which made him feel confused, "What's wrong with the people around me? Is it because I'm handsome?"

Luo Sheng touched his chin.


Then he ignored everyone's gaze and returned to his villa.

But not long after, he found his cell phone ringing. Luo Sheng was wondering who was calling, but he didn't expect that it was the waiter who rented the house to him before.

Luo Sheng answered it casually.

When I was about to ask.

The sexy saleswoman suddenly said: "Congratulations, Mr. Luo, because you have completed the guide to the secret realm, the college will now reward you with half a year of living in the villa. During this period, everything is free."

The rent for half a year is about three hundred cards.

This is already a lot of money.

Luo Sheng asked doubtfully: "How can you get so many rewards by conquering that secret realm?"

"Of course, we cooperate with the college. Every strong freshman who achieves a better ranking can receive rewards from the college from us."

"Better ranking?"

Luo Sheng was suddenly confused.

Because he remembered that the college had never conducted so-called rankings. Even the points were only for completing the assessment, but they had never said that they would conduct rankings.

However, Luo Sheng suddenly thought of the dean's meaningful words.

I always feel like the academy is hiding something.

"Don't you know? Oh... I'm sorry, I forgot. Your academy didn't tell you. It's to screen talents without anyone telling you. Now that the first person has conquered the secret realm, the academy will start to show rankings."

the sexy waitress said on the phone.

Luo Sheng looked like he suddenly realized something.

Then he hung up the phone hurriedly.

Then I logged into the school's forum and found that I actually ranked first in the secret realm.

The whole person suddenly froze on the spot.

He scanned the comments for a moment.

They were all surprised.

"This is so crazy. Less than a week after school started, we actually managed to reach the top spot."

"I've entered once, and the last boss there was all silver-starred. How did he pass nine levels in a row?"

"I decided to make him my goal!"

Basically, this is the kind of discussion.

Someone even posted a photo of Luo Sheng and Tu Shan Bai Yue preparing to break through.

Apparently he is a member of the safe zone in the secret realm.

Thanks to Fan FAN114514 for the tip~

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