My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 480 Let me teach you how to kill someone

At this moment, Xiao Yueyue and the mercenaries turned their heads.

Looking at the man catching the sickle.

Xiao Yueyue's originally empty eyes regained some color, and she obviously saw hope.

But the mercenary curled his lips and spat: "Who are you? You plan to be a hero to save the beauty, and you don't even consider your own abilities."

The mercenary put his flat sword back and stared directly at Luo Sheng.

I wish I could tear him into pieces.

After all, when the mercenary was about to succeed, someone came to sabotage him, which made him very angry.

Luo Sheng ignored the mercenaries.

In his eyes, the mercenaries were already dead.

In particular, the strength of the mercenaries is only nine bronze stars, and they are incredibly fragile. To deal with such a person, Luo Sheng can still crush him even if he has his hands and feet.

Therefore, he did not take the other party seriously.

Instead, he looked at Xiao Yueyue who was sitting on the ground.

Some said angrily: "As a qualified soldier, haven't you heard that even death can't take away the weapons in your hands?"

"I..." Xiao Yueyue heard his criticism.

Shrinking his head.

There was also a hint of bitterness on his face.

Apparently she also realized she had done something wrong.

Indeed, as Luo Sheng said, even in death, the weapon cannot leave your hand.

This is a disgrace to a soldier.

"Hey, who are you? None of this is any of our business, and you dare to ignore me. Do you owe me a blow?" The mercenary looked at the other party and ignored him.

So he was even more annoyed.

He immediately raised his flat sword and quickly charged towards Luo Sheng.

The huge flat sword was very powerful under the control of the mercenaries.

And due to the weight, strength, and acceleration of the operation, the flat sword made a sound of breaking through the air and struck Luo Sheng head-on.

Luo Sheng didn't care about the opponent's attack at all.

And he said calmly to Xiao Yueyue: "Now, watch my movements carefully, go back and practice hard, don't be frizzy all day long, and chop people wrongly."

When Xiao Yueyue heard what he said, she even tightened her head.

He almost buried his head in his chest.

clang! ! !

There was a crisp metallic sound.

The mercenary's attack arrived immediately, and they originally thought they could easily split Luo Sheng's head in two.

Unexpectedly, Luo Sheng just waved the sickle gently and blocked it on his forehead.

The mercenary's flat sword hit it hard, but there was no ripple, just bright sparks in the dark night.

Luo Sheng's hand didn't shake at all, especially since he was holding the sickle in one hand. The mercenary was holding a flat sword with both hands, but he couldn't make Luo Sheng's hand shake at all.

This is a complete crushing of strength.

The mercenary gritted his teeth and used all his strength to slash down with the huge flat sword.

Unfortunately, Luosheng still stood tall and motionless, like a mountain standing in the alley.

Luo Sheng looked at the mercenaries expressionlessly.

He casually said to Xiao Yueyue: "Look, if the other party's power is greater than yours, you have to find a way to offload the power and let the other party's power turn into harm to him, just like this."

Luosheng now fully assumes the role of coach.

As soon as he finished speaking, he tilted the sickle on his forehead slightly to the side.

For a moment the scythe turned into a smooth slope.

The mercenary's flat sword was originally cutting straight down, but unexpectedly it encountered the metal landslide that Luo Sheng had used his sickle to create.

Suddenly, the flat sword rubbed against the sickle, producing a large number of sparks.

Hit the ground hard.


With a crisp sound, the flat sword hit the ground directly and plunged into the soil.

The moment the flat sword hit the ground.

Luo Sheng directly raised his foot and stepped on the mercenary's weapon, making it embedded in the ground.

He raised his hand and immediately swept the mercenary's neck.

The mercenaries saw this.

He hurriedly withdrew his flat sword.

Bah, bah, bah...!

The flat sword made a sound in the dirt. He drew his weapon and at the same time, he did not forget to shrink his head.

Then he chose to avoid Luo Sheng's attack.

The mercenary immediately stepped aside.

There was also a solemn look on his face.

At this moment, Xiao Yueyue's eyes were even more exciting, watching Luosheng's battle attentively.

Luo Sheng turned to look at her, "Did you see clearly just now?"


Xiao Yueyue nodded desperately.

This is her best chance to learn.

After all, since she became a Death God intern, except for the day when her supervisor took her with her, she had to handle everything else by herself.

So, say intern.

In fact, they are regular employees.

However, she was not trained, so she was in a hurry.

Everything is a mess.

At this moment, the mercenary looked at Luo Sheng with a frown and said in a deep voice: "This girl is yours. Let's do it like this. If I attack her, and you attack me, we will be considered equal. From now on, we will each be different." Guanggan, what do you think?"

The mercenaries spoke in a much softer tone.

Not as tough as before.

Obviously he knew that Luo Sheng was not someone to be trifled with, especially when he fought against him so easily.

It seems like adults bullying children.

Luo Sheng sneered, "How could I let you go? Anyway, you are a very good teaching material."

He dealt with these bloody and cruel mercenaries.

There is no mercy at all.

If the other party is kind, maybe Luo Sheng will consider it.

But if he is such a vicious person, leaving him alone will only endanger society. It is better to kill him and let Xiao Yueyue learn from the experience.

It's like killing two birds with one stone.

All benefit and no harm.

"You!" the mercenary gritted his teeth, and then sneered: "Everyone leaves a way out and room to talk. If you want to drive me out and kill me, don't blame me!"

The mercenary said as he rushed over.

The flat sword was raised high.

Continue to use the same method to cut Luo Sheng into two pieces.

But this time, a cruel smile appeared on the mercenary's face, because his flat sword changed again at this moment, turning into a huge chainsaw.

It turns out that there is a sharp iron chain built into the flat sword.

Driven by the stirrer, the chain rotated at high speed, making a buzzing sound.

Then it hit hard.

This electric saw can cut the sickle directly.

Therefore, Luo Sheng did not use the sickle to block it at all.

Instead, he stood to the side and used the blade of the sickle to hit the blade of the chainsaw sword, avoiding the heavy impact of the chainsaw sword.

Then he hooked the sickle smoothly.

Continue to slash the mercenary's neck.

The mercenary looked horrified and continued to avoid it. Unfortunately, the flat sword turned into a chainsaw, making it difficult for him to take it back.

The mercenary immediately released his weapons with both hands.

Then he backed up wildly.

Kankan managed to escape such an attack, his forehead was covered with sweat. The thrilling moment just now almost made him see the world again.

The mercenary had no intention of staying at this moment.

"Did I let you go?" Luo Sheng said lightly.

The mercenary did not answer him, but continued to flee without looking back.

He used his steel prosthetics to escape faster.

But Luo Sheng didn't care.

He said to Xiao Yueyue: "Watch carefully, the fastest way to kill, and learn from it in the future."

After Luo Sheng finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Xiao Yueyue's complicated eyes.

Then he appeared in front of the mercenaries.

The mercenary was about to change direction, but Luo Sheng's sickle immediately struck down.

However, the mercenary was not someone to be trifled with, especially in such a close combat situation. He immediately hid aside, and then tried to seize the sickle in Luo Sheng's hand.

And through close combat, he used fighting skills to knock Luo Sheng down.

Unfortunately, Luo Sheng had already completely seen through his actions.

When the opponent wanted to seize the scythe, Luo Sheng kicked him to keep the opponent away, and then the scythe slid over him the moment he was kicked away.


Soon, the mercenaries were separated.

This kind of battle takes no longer than two seconds.

Luo Sheng could have killed the opponent with one move, but he wanted to demonstrate to Xiao Yueyue, so he did not use all his strength to fight the opponent.

We just fought the opponent for several rounds.

The mercenary looked in disbelief, and finally fell to the ground with his head separated.

Luo Sheng looked at Xiao Yueyue, "Did you see clearly?"

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