My card girl evolves infinitely

Chapter 483 Rabbit Ears

The giant-clawed man endured the pain and wanted to cut Xiao Yueyue into eight pieces.

Xiao Yueyue immediately pulled her rabbit ears, dodged the opponent's attack, and continued to pick up the rusty sickle, trying to remove his arm.

Unfortunately, the direction was wrong again, and he cut off one of his thighs.

It is a carbon fiber prosthetic limb.

The moment his leg was broken, the man with the giant claw lost his center of gravity and fell down. Finally, Xiao Yueyue cut off his body in panic, causing him to die painfully.

Xiao Yueyue hurriedly took out the blue lantern.

Absorb the opponent's soul.

And Luo Sheng jumped down from above.

Standing parallel to her.

After completing his own work, he thanked Luo Sheng: "If it weren't for your help, I would have died again. Thank you very much."

while she was speaking.

I still want to return the sickle.

Luo Sheng waved his hand and wrote lightly: "This was originally given to you, just take it. Besides, your sickle is already damaged. Do you want to use the broken sickle to deal with the next person, waiting to be killed by him?" Cut it?"


When Xiao Yueyue just used this scythe.

I discovered that this sickle was extraordinary. It looked rusty and rotten on the outside and could break at any time.

But when I used it, I didn't expect that it was unusually hard, sharper than ordinary weapons, and had other wounding effects.

This is simply a rare weapon for the Death God profession.

Especially her ability to get a batch of this dish.

We need more weapons like this.

"But, you have saved my life before, and now you have given me such an expensive weapon. I don't know how to repay you."

Luo Sheng did not answer directly.

He just said to her: "Come here."

Xiao Yueyue hesitated for a moment, but finally walked slowly to his side.

She knew that she was not strong enough to defeat this guy, and she couldn't even escape. The guy in front of her was stronger than anyone else.

Even the supervisor may not be his opponent.

Xiao Yueyue was nervous and lowered her head.

At this time, Luo Sheng stretched out his hand to rub her ears.

Xiao Yueyue hurriedly took a step back, with a hint of avoidance in her eyes. Although Luo Sheng had saved her twice, they were not familiar with each other at all.

However, Luo Sheng still had quick eyesight and quick hands.

He touched her head and her soft rabbit ears.

The furry ears are soft and boneless.

As smooth as silk.

Xiao Yueyue found that she couldn't avoid it, so she had to close her eyes. Her cheeks were already red and shy.

The bunny ears should be her sensitive spot.

If Luo Sheng hadn't saved her twice, she would never have let him touch her.

It's just that it's embarrassing now. Xiao Yueyue clasps her clothes with her hands and keeps doing ideological work in her heart.

Just when she was worried about what Luo Sheng would do to her next?

Luo Sheng suddenly let go of his hand.

Then he said: "I am curious about your ears. Now that I have touched the rabbit ears, you don't owe me anything. We are settled."

Luo Sheng withdrew his hand, put it in his pocket, and wrote lightly.

Xiao Yueyue was stunned for a moment.

It feels a little weird.

She thought that the other party was interested in her. After all, she was somewhat confident about her beauty.

So she felt that Luo Sheng helped her at that time just to pursue herself.

After she was ready.

Luo Sheng, however, made a false shot.

It made her feel complicated, with a little bit of relief and loss.

Xiao Yueyue said hurriedly: "That's not okay. It's such a loss for you. Not only did you save me, but you also gave me a weapon, but I only gave you my rabbit ears to touch. I always feel that the value is asymmetric."

Luo Sheng said: "Then you make yourself stronger, so that you have a chance to repay me. Let's do this. I know that the company where your Death God works has a reward system. I need some money. You can help me earn this weapon." Give me money worth it.”

He needs to find an excuse to make the other person work hard.

Fortunately, this excuse is indeed suitable.

It is natural to pay back debts. In this way, Xiao Yueyue will have the motivation to make money and become stronger. This is also in line with his purpose of strengthening her.

Increase fit.

Complete your own project group.

Xiao Yueyue agreed without hesitation, after all, this repayment was too simple for her.

"I will make enough money to pay you back...your weapons and the grace of saving your life."

"Well, I'm optimistic about you."

Luo Sheng nodded, but he continued: "In this way, I will give you special training. After all, with your current level, it is a question whether you can support yourself, let alone expect to pay me back."


Xiao Yueyue's face was full of confusion when she heard this. She couldn't believe her ears.

Her benefactor actually said that he would train her.

I always feel like something is weird.

However, it was an incredible opportunity for her. Xiao Yueyue asked uncertainly: "Is this true?"

"Well, starting from tomorrow, I will conduct special training for you for ten days. After ten days, I will leave you alone." Luo Sheng said calmly under the night.

After saying that.

His figure disappeared.

Like a ghost, completely submerged in the night.

Xiao Yueyue opened her bright big eyes, full of expectations. She also hoped that she could be as cold as Luo Sheng, and could travel invisibly in the dark night.

With excitement in my heart.

It caused her to have insomnia at night.

The next day Kurosawa came to the remote place designated by Luo Sheng.

Luo Sheng looked at her strangely, "Did you stay up all night last night?"

Xiao Yueyue denied it, "No, no, I just had something to do last night, so I went to bed late. It won't affect today's training."

She spoke expectantly.

Luo Sheng casually took out an ordinary weapon, and then said: "You use that rusty sickle to attack me, and let me see how strong you are?"

Xiao Yueyue did not take action immediately, but struggled: "This sickle is very dangerous. If it scratches you, there will be widespread corruption."

"You should touch the corner of my clothes first and then talk."

Luo Sheng answered lightly.

In his eyes, Xiao Yueyue's strength is almost negligible to him, and she is not even cannon fodder in the war.

After what he said, Xiao Yueyue took this battle seriously.

She immediately attacked as before.

Launched an attack towards Luo Sheng's neck.

I don't know if his hands were shaking during the attack, or if something else happened, but the area of ​​attack became his waist.

Luo Sheng frowned slightly.

Obviously her attacks don't follow the rules.

The brows and target are fixed on one place, but the hands and feet attack other places unexpectedly, which is really difficult to defend.

However, Xiao Yueyue is still very weak today.

Even though the effect was unexpected, it was still very bad in Luo Sheng's eyes.

Luo Sheng knew the route of the opponent's attack in a fraction of a second. He held a compressed iron rod in his hand and could easily block the place where Xiao Yueyue's sickle struck.


There was a crisp metallic crash.

Xiao Yueyue's attack was easily resolved by Luo Sheng.

She then continued her attack, scythe swinging, using other means to break through Luosheng's defenses.

Unfortunately it's not of much use.

Luo Sheng gently waved the iron rod, and every time it blocked Xiao Yueyue's attack route, her efforts were almost in vain.

He was even hit on the head by Luo Sheng.

Xiao Yueyue immediately covered her forehead and looked at Luo Sheng aggrievedly, with a small ball appearing on her forehead.

Luo Sheng wrote lightly: "If you want to become stronger, injuries are inevitable. If you are afraid of pain, then you can quit such training, and I will not teach you again in the future."

Although Xiao Yueyue felt aggrieved.

But gritted his teeth and persevered.

And he said firmly: "I'm not afraid of pain, come again!"

"Okay." Luo Sheng nodded, feeling equally pleased.

He needs the opponent to have the determination to win. In this way, such a card will have better effects when strengthened.

Xiao Yueyue continued to attack.

She was petite, holding a huge scythe that was not proportionate to herself, and poured out her attacks desperately on Luo Sheng.

The white rabbit ears also kept shaking.

Looks very cute.

Especially the round, fluffy tail proves her cuteness.

It's a pity that such an eye-catching attack was completely blocked by Luo Sheng and had no effect.

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