After Xiao Xiaoxiao left, Li Yan also left from the player channel. Just as Li Yan was about to watch the big card movie of the same name as a magical girl, another figure stopped him.

"Student Li Yan, can you come with me?"

Li Yan looked at the person who came, and it turned out to be the head teacher of Class Nine.

"Good teacher Lu."

Li Yan was expected to be summoned by the head teacher.

Maybe you have to change shifts for yourself?

After all, in the past month, I have beaten all the new idols in the first grade, not to mention the second grade.

Even if he is playing passively, he has already achieved results.

Li Yan followed the head teacher all the way, and finally came to the top of the second grade teaching building.

Taking Li Yan to a door, Teacher Lu looked at Li Yan and said:

"Someone is waiting for you inside, he will tell you the details."

After saying that, Teacher Lu patted Li Yan's shoulder again, and continued:

"With your strength, it will be a matter of time before you become famous in this city. It is good for young people to know how to endure, but if you don't have a sharp edge, you may miss a lot of good things."

"Come on!"

Teacher Lu left, Li Yan watched him go, noncommittal to what the teacher said.

Then Li Yan turned his head, pushed the door open and entered.

This is a spacious and bright office. A middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a black suit with a serious expression is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The man was staring at the sky, Li Yan closed the door with his hand back, standing in front of the door, the man said:

"Li Yan, a native of Xingneng City, lives in Xingneng City's urban area full of descendants of aristocratic families. He cultivated with family resources and did not join the Card Master Academy. unknown."

"I have outstanding card talent since I was a child. I have condensed at least 10 source cards since I was a child, but I have never used them. The effect of the cards is unknown."

"Two months ago, your father Li Quan took an order to strengthen the business that could change the fate of the family. Unfortunately, the enhancement failed a month ago."

"The family fell apart. Before your father left his hometown, he arranged you into our academy."

"You passed the entrance examination with just passing grades and were assigned to Class Nine."

"Using the opportunity of your classmates trying to suppress you, you started the first duel in our academy and won."

"Because you just beat your opponent by one point, so he asks his stronger friend to challenge you, wants to vent his anger, and repeats this."

"In the end, no matter who your opponent is, even Xiao Xiaoxiao, who is regarded as a new star in this academy, you have defeated them all, and even won with ease."

The middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses had a calm demeanor and a calm voice, and he told Li Yan's experience in a calm manner.

Finally, he withdrew his distant gaze, looked at Li Yan, and said:

"Am I right?"

Li Yan nodded, and said seriously: "Report to the teacher, it is basically true."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, and said again: "My name is Yang Xin, and I am one of the administrators of this college. In fact, I happen to have some friendship with your father."

"I'm curious why you, who used to keep a low profile in the past, didn't continue to forbear after you came to our academy. You became a celebrity in just one month."

Li Yan shook his head and said, "Teacher Yang, you may have misunderstood me. I want to declare that I have never tolerated it. Since I was a child, I have always pursued victory in any duel."

That's right, I'm just used to keeping a low profile, which is different from Forbearance.

Yang Xin looked at Li Yan upon hearing this, and just nodded his head, as if in approval.

Then Yang Xin came to his desk, sat down directly, raised his hands in front of his body, crossed his fingers, and thought:

"About the special 10-person class in our college, you should know."

Li Yan nodded and replied: "I heard that,

The 10-person class was selected from all grades of the college, and it was a class that the college spared no effort to cultivate and represented the top combat strength of the college. "

Yang Xin nodded upon hearing this, looked at Li Yan and continued:

"One month later, we will have a college exchange battle with the Star Energy City Card Seminary. Both sides will participate with the top combat effectiveness of the college."

"The exchange battle is a form of team duel, but this time two students from our college have graduated and cannot participate."

While talking, Yang Xin picked up a remote control and clicked on the projection on the wall. On the projection were the resumes of two students.

"We originally decided to let Xiao Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qiang compete as substitutes."

"Xiao Xiaoxiao has been appointed to join the 10-person class. Although her strength is still lacking, her talent is amazing."

The projection on the wall is the photo of the two brothers and sisters Xiao Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qiang.

While Li Yan looked at the projection on the wall, Yang Xin's voice sounded again.

"It's a pity that you showed up at this time..."

Li Yan turned around and found that Yang Xin was looking at him pointingly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yang, recently all my cards have been sent to be strengthened, so..."

"Don't refuse, as long as you perform well, I can make an exception and let you join the Holy Spirit class."

"Because it represents the highest level of the academy, the training resources that the Holy Spirit class can enjoy are very rich, and they will never treat you badly."

While talking, Yang Xin turned on the projector and said:

"And your father seems to have that meaning too."

Li Yan looked at the projection, which was an email interface.

The sender of the email is [Li Quan], and the content of the email is:

"My son's Holy Spirit class, please."

The content of this email is really...

But there are cultivation resources that can be prostituted for nothing.


Li Yan adjusted his tone, and then said righteously:

"Teacher Yang! Please let me join the competition!"

Yang Xin chuckled when he heard Li Yan's exaggerated tone, and then said seriously:

"Since you want to win honor for the academy so much, then you and Xiao Xiaoxiao will take part in this duel between the two houses as substitutes."

"But you just transferred here, and some old stubborn people in the college have not yet unified their opinions on you."

"So before that, you still need to pass a test."

"As long as you pass this test, you are qualified to join the Holy Spirit class."

Yang Xin looked at Li Yan and observed Li Yan's expression.

Harm, there is no way, anyway, it is for the cultivation of resources.

Li Yan asked Yang Xin directly:

"Excuse me, Teacher Yang, what kind of test is it?"

Yang Xin manipulated the projection again, and the screen on the wall switched to another email.

"In the past few days, the card halls of Star Energy City have issued a duel challenge to the card halls of Holy Spirit City."

"The other card halls are fine, but the representatives of the younger generation of the vampire card hall recently ran away from home, so the curator was worried that he would be targeted, so he sent me a message for help."

There is an email displayed on the wall. The sender's name is [Contemporary Curator of Vampire Card Museum], and the content of the email is very simple.


Li Yan felt that it was really embarrassing for Yang Xin to be able to understand the other party's thoughts from the one-word email.

"You just need to pretend that you have joined the vampire card house and defeat the challenger from Star Energy City."

"It's best to use the life card of the vampire department."

After Yang Xin finished speaking, he looked at Li Yan, waiting for Li Yan's reply.

As long as Li Yan is willing to accept and defeat the challenger from Star Energy City, those old stubborn will have nothing to say.

"I accept this test, as long as I defeat the challenger."

Li Yan replied faster than Yang Xin imagined.

"Yes, I will let you know when the time comes."

Yang Xin replied with a smile.

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