"Hello senior, may I ask who he is?" Among the few people who were fighting outside the field, someone noticed the arrival of Liu Wen and Fang Yi.

"Hey, I'm the captain of the second team of the Gudu Affiliated Middle School, Jiang Ran. As if he was worried that he had lost his manners, the captain of the second team added another sentence.

"He is the quasi-special enrollment of Gudu University this year, Liu Wen, I took him to visit the school. Fang Yi replied.

"Special enrollment?" Jiang Ran's face froze, and his eyes suddenly became vigilant.

He knows the three words of special enrollment, the gold content, the strength must be good, and he is also a contestant in the league.

But when you visit, why did your competitors come to visit when they were training? Isn't this a search for intelligence at the doorstep?"

"Hello, I'm from Pingyang No. 2 Middle School.

Liu Wen also responded a little embarrassed, not daring to look at the strange gaze from the ancient capital team.

It stands to reason that he peeked at other people's training like this, and he was still a competitor in the league, so it was reasonable for him to be kicked out on the spot.

But fortunately, he now has a senior covering.

The identity of the special enrollment is easy to use!

Liu Wen suddenly wanted to visit all the four capital schools before the league game.

"How do you feel?" Fang Yi asked with a smile completely ignoring Jiang Ran's constipated expression.

"It's pretty impressive. Although

he fought alone, no one on the other side was his opponent, even if it was Qiu Songbai, Liu Wen was confident that he would win with the cooperation of Xiaogu.

But when it comes to team strength, compared with the ancient capital, the Huazhong Alliance is obviously not a level.

Unless you use your King's Skill to summon an army of the undead and an invincible throne boost, you have no chance of winning.

Fang Yi, who had been observing Liu Wen's expression, showed a smile that was really like this.

has the strength of the school team in his freshman year, and Fang Yi is also a genius himself, so he knows the arrogance of geniuses.

Liu Wen's expression was so understated, but it was not the appearance of fear and fear.

This is very interesting, you know, although Qiu Songbai is not there, the vice captain of the first team in the ancient capital is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and in other alliances, he is definitely a captain-level figure.

When he was in high school, he was just at this level.

And these members of the second team frowned even more when they heard this, and their faces were not very good-looking.

You guy, even if you run over to find out about the enemy openly, why do you still look like you can't afford it?"

Although Du Wenlin is only the vice captain of a team, his strength has surpassed that of most of the so-called first-class geniuses, even Zhong Wushu of Qianlong City has lost to him in the Royal Card World, and he still has some spare strength.

Jiang Ran said coldly, dissatisfied with Liu Wen's arrogance.

Even if Liu Wen showed strength comparable to that of a first-class genius, and he was once lucky to defeat Zhong Wuving.

But in front of the Gudu team, such results are not enough at all.

Jiang Ran's meaning, Liu Wen could hear it, but he didn't respond.

I'm so arrogant, you can't see my hidden strength, it's a person like you who underestimates the enemy in the game.

It didn't take long for the battle in the ring to come to an end, and the result was undoubtedly the victory of the varsity team of Gudu University, but this group of high school students was not too ugly to lose.

At least in terms of tactical matching, it is better than their Huazhong Alliance's flying tactics, I don't know how many times.

"Your cooperation is very good, even if Qiu Songbai is not there, it is enough to sweep the first-class team, now take a rest for a while, and then go to the conference room to analyze your tactical mistakes and omissions. One of the seniors of the sparring partner said.

"Received! Thank you, Senior Yan. If

Qiu Songbai's white clothes look fairy-like, then this vice-captain is quite chivalrous, with sharp edges and corners, resolute eyes, and clean gestures.

And his fighting style is the same, with sharp moves and a deep study of martial arts.

"Huh, Fang Yi, why are you here too?"

Senior Yan had just exited the Royal Card World, walked out of the room, and was about to look at the data with an over-the-counter analyst, when he suddenly found that Fang Yi outside was looking at him with a smile.

"Oh, take a special student to visit, I heard that you are training, just come and take a look. Fang Yi greeted warmly.

Du Wenlin also walked out with the other five team members at this moment, staring at Liu Wen, feeling a little familiar.

A member of the second team of "Big Brother Du......" quietly appeared behind Du Wenlin, leaned into his ear, and whispered.

Du Wenlin nodded slightly, looking very indifferent.

As the second-in-command of the Gudu team, he has the pride of representing the top level of Donghuang's peers, and no matter how many tactics these people want, it is impossible to overcome the overwhelming strength.

Besides, their real trump card Qiu Songbai is not here, so there is little point in peeping.

But hearing Liu Wente's identity as an enrollment, Du Wenlin was still a little curious.

As one of the top universities in Donghuang, this special enrollment status is only eligible to be selected if you have a talent that is far beyond the reach of ordinary people in a certain aspect.

Qiu Songbai naturally also won the special enrollment quota, but not by virtue of his strength, but his talent in martial arts.

"Huh, it's you, you're really a special enrollment!" Feng Ling walked over with a surprised face when she saw Liu Wen.

"I'm here to visit.

"What kind of visit, let's spy on the enemy!" Feng Ling ruthlessly exposed Liu Wen's true face.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the eyes of the team of the Affiliated High School of the Ancient Capital became even more weird.

In this regard, Liu Wen could only smile wryly, shouting in his heart that he was wronged.

I didn't know that they were training here at first, but Senior Fang brought me here, so I just thought the opportunity was rare...... By the way, let's take a look at ......

"You have been watching it for so long, don't you want to practice with them?" When the atmosphere was dull, Fang Yi suddenly pressed Liu Wen's shoulder, smiling.

"It just so happens that there are so many opponents to choose from. As he

spoke, Fang Yi looked at Du Wenlin intentionally or unintentionally, and there was even a hint of provocation in his eyes.

At this time, Du Wenlin was sharp, and the battle with the seniors had just ended, and the burning battle intent was still not extinguished, and the momentum was amazing.

Liu Wen was stunned for a moment, with a look of "I can see through you", staring at Fang Yi's eyes.

"Don't say hello, just run over to peek at other people's training, you don't think you don't say a word, we can let you go, right?" Jiang Ran sneered and walked through the crowd.

"It doesn't matter. Du Wenlin stopped Jiang Ran with a grim expression.

"Are you here for

the quota?" Liu Wen frowned, not only wondering about the so-called "quota" in Du Wenlin's mouth, but also feeling pain because of the deepening strength on his shoulder.

"Heavenly Dome City snatched a place from the Netherworld and Lingdu respectively, do you want to follow their example?"

Liu Wen blinked his eyes, always feeling that something was running towards him again.

"Senior, I'm very sincere!" Fang Yi whispered in his ear, his eyes sly, "This is a great opportunity, if you don't mind missing it, then I didn't say it."

Liu Wen immediately responded with a roll of his eyes.

If you look at the current atmosphere, can I still refuse?

I dare to leave here without saying a word today.

Tomorrow's headline will be "A flash in the pan? A new star has fallen!" The Great Demon King succumbed to the obscenity of the four capitals and fled without a fight, which is simply a man's shame ......" "

Okay, I've always been curious if the Gudu team is really as powerful as rumored." Liu Wen's shoulders shrugged and pushed away Fang Yi's palm.

"But I'm sorry, I've just watched it for so long, and I can only say that the so-called Gudu team is nothing more than that. "

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