My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 1023: Comic book

Four people were talking about Lu Ning in the studio. Wang Wenhong hurried in with a package.

"What's so anxious?" Yan Fei looked at Wang Wenhong's frizzy look with some surprise.

Wang Wenhong lifted the package and patted it twice. "The cartoonists' association started to produce the training materials in the first half of the year. This is the first draft of one of the volumes. Send me here and let us have a look at the content. If there are no major problems, the next step is proofreading and printing. Up."

Shen Xin heard Wang Wenhong mentioned this matter two days ago. At that time, he only said that he would post it by mail, but he didn't expect it would be done so soon.

After receiving the mail, Shen Xin opened it and found that it was a 16-format textbook. Because it was printed on a4 paper, the paper was thicker, so it had a lot of weight in his hand.

This kind of book reminded Shen Xin of the photocopy books he had seen in college. Fortunately, the content on the paper was clearer than that of the book.

The background color of the cover is white, and it is filled with the words "sample book", "confidential", and "no business beast".

After opening Shen Xin, he glanced at random. This book mainly talks about storyboards. The materials used are mainly from "Steel Refining". In addition, there are some storyboards in "The Soul of Chess". This is the original cartoonist. The association and "ComicFuture" agreed on the conditions that a part of the content of "Soul of the Game" will be used, and Shen Xin also agreed.

The textbook is roughly divided into two parts. One part is the specific operation and analysis of "Steel Refining". The other part is interviews with cartoonists and editors, telling the content related to the storytelling and composition.

Generally speaking, the content is not bad. The front is very basic, and then the transition from the basic to the more professional part is quite similar to a book like "From Beginner to Master". It should be something that I want to do "one book all".

Since the writer has teachers from 11 district training institutions, the style is rather relaxed, and sometimes in order to illustrate a theory, original sketches are added.

The whole book has more than 300 pages. I didn't see the pricing, but the price should not be cheap.

"Brother Wang, you and Sister Yan can help check it. There is nothing serious, so just give them an answer?" Shen Xin handed the teaching material to Wang Wenhong again.

He also wants to watch it carefully by himself, but there is really no time now.

"Got it!" Wang Wenhong made an ok gesture.

Yan Fei glanced at the teaching materials in Wang Wenhong's hand, and sighed, feeling a little disappointed.

"Stone of Destiny" has ended, and her work has come to an end temporarily, can't she just do nothing afterwards, right?

Of course, she also knew that she was pregnant now, and Shen Xin didn't want her to work harder, but she was not used to doing nothing all day long.

"By the way, Sister Yan, I didn't want to trouble you, but now it seems that I still need your help." Shen Xin looked at Yan Fei, somewhat helpless.

As he said before, Yan Fei shouldn't be too busy now, but now he is indeed lacking in skills, so he has to ask Yan Fei for help.

"What's the matter?" Yan Fei immediately became energetic.

She was really not afraid of being busy, but she was afraid of being free and having nothing to do. She was no different from a useless person. This was what made her most annoying.

Wang Wenhong smiled bitterly.

From his point of view, he definitely hopes that Yan Fei will take good care of it, but he also knows Yan Fei's temper, and what he believes will go all the way to the end.

Unless there is really nothing to do, she will still find something.

"That's it. We are cooperating with the organizing committee of the high school league to map the character set of 60 teams. The 60 teams must have their own characteristics. If these characteristics are reflected in the character set, a lot of information must be found. Now I am alone and time is limited. After all, it takes time to design characters and composition. I also have to draw "". This way, the whole person will be very tired. Therefore, I would like to ask you to sort out the characteristics of these teams. At that time, I can draw the characters directly without searching for information." Shen Xin looked at Yan Fei.

After Yan Fei heard this, she was beaming and nodded repeatedly. At the beginning of "ComicFuture", she did not miss the comic book publicity and made suggestions, but these things were still done by hand.

Although there are a lot of 60 people, there is plenty of time and there shouldn't be a big problem.

Wang Wenhong also nodded slightly, and he could also see that Shen Xin's spirit was not very good recently, and it must be related to these things.

"Speaking of the high school league, Teacher Shen, are you going to Yenching next year?"

"Yes, just take the materials and feel the atmosphere of the scene, hoping to be reflected in the works." Shen Xin said.

At that time, Inoue Inoue went to the U.S. to watch the game many times in order to paint "" well. It is said that the match between Xiangbei and Sanno Industry also had prototypes in the peak battle of "". These are all related to Inoue's love for basketball.

Since all the manuscripts are in Shen Xin's mind, he doesn't need to go to the scene deliberately to draw cartoons, but he still has to feel the atmosphere of the scene.

"I don't know if Yunhai No. 1 Middle School can make it to the national competition again."

"It should be no problem. Last season, Yunhai No. 1 High School also entered the national competition. The kid named An Yuan became the trump card in the team... and Yang, who is Zhai Yang, turned out to be the coach of Yunhai No. 1 High School. Regardless of my guess. If they go too, I really want to talk to them for a Xin thought of An Yuan and Zhai Yang, and somewhat expected the three to meet again.

"But, Brother Xin, when will the animation of "" be released? Many people on the Internet are urging this." Xi Muhan reminded.

"Animation? After the match between Xiangbei and Hainan is over, we can talk." Shen Xin recalled the progress of the comic and gave a more accurate answer.

After the match between Xiangbei and Hainan is over, the plot of "" is almost halfway through, and it's time to start the animation.

However, Shen Xin has always been a little worried about which animation company will be.

Hope to ensure the quality of "".

Shen Xin thought silently in his heart.

The other four people have different looks, "" is gaining momentum, "Senior Leap" should try its best, right?


The editorial department of "Shoun Leap" is making final preparations for the release of the new pamphlet of "".

As "" became more and more exciting, its sales in the 11 districts also began to compete with "The Gate of Eternal Life". Sometimes, it could even surpass "The Gate of Eternal Life" at a certain period of time, which made Murakami feel deeply. Joy, you must know that the signing of "" not only stopped the sales of "Young Leap", but also increased strongly. Now the sales volume has exceeded 3.7 million copies.

It’s really great that the hard work that always went to Hongchuan was not in vain.

Toru Murakami picked up the mug and took a sip of coffee. Before he could put it down, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

He subconsciously answered the phone, and then asked "what's the matter".

A quick voice came from the other end of the phone, "Editor-in-chief Murakami? The chairman is ill..."


Murakami felt cold behind his back, and suddenly fell down.


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