My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 313: Sales

Before the single book sale, the sales department will investigate many factors such as the performance of the comics and the market response, and finally determine the number of editions.

The 14th volume of "Hireki" is no exception.

The edition is 40,000 copies, which is the volume of a signature comic, and it also shows the confidence of the sales department in "Soul of Go".

On the girdle of Volume 14, the words "winning work of the'International Manga Award · Best Award'" were written. At the same time, Shang Haozhi and Murakami Toru also wrote recommendations.

Originally, Shang Haozhi planned to let Wang Yunze and Ye Hexu also write two recommendations, but they were both rejected.

"It's not that I don't help, I just write recommendations for cartoonists of the same level, which feels weird." Wang Yunze waved his hand.

"You don't think that "God of Goss" is not working now, do you? How to deal with the plot after the climax can reflect the strength of a cartoonist. Now "Goss of Goss" is handled very well, I can't do it. So, don't let me do it. Such a shameful thing." Ye Hexu also retorted.

As for District 11, Haruka Tamagawa wrote a recommendation, which is simple and straightforward-a manga that I have been reading and researching, and I highly recommend it.

On November 2o, the 14th volume of "Soul of the Game" finally went on sale.

Gao Hang also paid attention to the time when drawing the sketches.

After 10 o'clock, Volume 14 was officially sold in major bookstores.

As usual, Gaohang will go to the nearby bookstore immediately after get off work, but there is still a high probability that no new books can be bought.

Today, this should not be the case.

40 million copies, plus the recent sluggish popularity of "Hire of Go", if nothing else, it should be available in a nearby bookstore.

After finishing the day's work, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Gao Hang carried his schoolbag and came to the bookstore near the community.

There are very few people in the bookstore, just a few, just as Gao Hang guessed.

There is no billboard for "Soul of Chess" at the door, but there are slogans and posters of "Soul of Chess" in the bookstore.

However, Gao Hang still felt a little uncomfortable seeing Zuo Wei and Xiao Guang thumbs up with a smile on their faces.

After all, Zuowei has disappeared.

Gao Hang came to the booth where the new book was sold, where the pamphlets published in the latest week were placed.

For example, "Dragging Gentleman", which won this year's "Best Feature Comic Award", was only sold two days ago; Luo Zheng, who won the "Newcomer Award", also released the sixth volume of the booklet.

At the moment, there are still more than a dozen of these two comics on the booth.

Isn't it sold out yet?

Gao Hang smiled, thinking of "black belly" in his heart.

Taking into account the sales of comics and avoiding "fights", the signature comics of "cobsp;Future" will not be concentrated in a certain period of time, and new booklets will be sold together.

During the week when the new book "Soul of the chess" is on sale, "The Legend of the Dragon King", "The Hunting Abyss" and "Killer's Diary" will not sell new books. Therefore, the new book of "Soul of the chess" should be easy to find...that's right.

Gao Hang's sight quickly swept through dozens of pamphlets.

Two days ago, Wang Wenhong came to the studio with a sample book. Gao Hang had seen the sample and was familiar with the cover of the sample, so it would not be too difficult to find it.



Gao Hang blinked his eyes, thinking that he had read the book wrong, so he scanned the book again, and still did not find "Soul of Goss".

what happened?

Gao Hang looked around and finally found a shopping guide at the end of the bookshelf.

"Hello, may I ask...Have you not entered the "Goss Soul"?"

"Soul of Gossip? It's sold out at seven o'clock in the evening."

"Huh? So fast?"

"Yes, it's faster than "Dressed Gentleman", I don't understand why "God of Chess" is not the "best long story"." The shopping guide was puzzled.

Gao Hang opened his mouth slightly.

The sales volume of the single book "Soul of the Game" is inconsistent with the results of the small book.'s also possible that the volume will increase because of the game between Zuowei and Shixingyang.

Gao Hang speculated in his mind, but he asked: "That...Excuse me, how many copies of "Soul of Goss" are sold today?"

"As usual, 3oo copies. As you know, our bookstore is not based on comics, and sales are not big. If it is a Jiman bookstore, it is estimated that 1,500 copies will start?"

Gao Hang is a little confused. Obviously, the performance of the small book has experienced rollerbike, but the sales volume of the single book has little effect.

It's really strange.

The next day, Wang Wenhong called early in the morning and said a number that surprised Shen Xin.

"Day, 112,000 copies."

"Huh? So high?"

"Well, volume 14 happens to be the most exciting volume of "Soul of Go". If it hadn't been affected by the "disappearance of Zuowei", the results would have been better. By the way, although some readers gave up "Soul of Go", they stayed. Readers will have a higher sense of identification with "Soul of the Game". They will also have a greater probability of buying a booklet."

Shen Xin nodded.

What Wang Wenhong said is not difficult to understand.

Different readers have different understandings of a work. Therefore, there is the saying that "a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlet".

Similarly, readers have different perceptions of a work because of different reading habits and experiences, as the saying goes, "He’s poisonous weed, my fairy grass".

Whether it’s novels or comics, the number is huge, and readers can choose books according to their personal preferences. This is the process of "booking".

In the same way, a work will face countless readers who are interested in this work will stay, and readers who don’t like the work will choose to give up. Therefore, the work is in the process , Also "picking people."

This is a two-way process.

The decline in the ranking of small books just proves that readers who do not like that plot have given up on "Soul of Chess", but similarly, there will be people who like this kind of plot and become readers of "Soul of Chess".

I should have known this truth a long time ago.

"Brother Wang, thank you."

"Huh? Thank me for what?" Wang Wenhong asked puzzled.

"What you said made me figure out a lot of things." Shen Xin smiled.

"Huh?" Wang Wenhong was confused, not sure what useful words he said.

The weekly sales of "Soul of the Game" reached 520,000 copies, which was 240,000 copies short of the peak of 760,000 copies in a single week, but only 40,000 copies lower than the 13th volume.

This number greatly exceeded Wang Wenhong's expectations, and it also surprised Shang Haozhi.

In the second half of December, "cobsp;Future" sold the 15th volume of "Hire".

Whether it is "cobsp; Future" or "Senior Leap", the sales of this volume are very bad, but the final week's sales have exceeded everyone's expectations.

450,000 copies per week!

Although there are 70,000 copies less than Volume 14, considering that the content of this volume is rejected by many people, it can be sold and accepted by magazines.

In January, the second season of "The Soul of the Game" was broadcast on Hongchuan TV.

The screening time is still every Saturday at 8 pm, starting from the first week of January and running through the year.

Along with the popularity of animation, the popularity of "Gossip" has also begun to gradually recover.


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