My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 528: Before serialization

After the two statements were released, netizens once again focused their attention on "Age of Gods", and the popularity of "Age of Gods" has risen rapidly, narrowing the gap with the previous comics.

Seeing "Sirius" was surpassed, Duan Critic also looked depressed, but there was no other better way. currently favors Wang Yunze, not him.

If he had the resources of Wang Yunze, he would have surpassed Shen Xin a long time ago.

Duan Ping felt depressed.

He didn't expect that his chances were not worse than Wang Yunze's, and he even grabbed the first place in the popularity list.

As a result, I lost myself, and after being overtaken by "Steel Refining", I have been struggling to catch up, but I still haven't seen the opportunity to overtake.

Depressed is depressed, and he is not convinced, but in the eyes of Duoman, he is indeed inferior to Wang Yunze. This can be seen from the one-page manuscript fee of the two.

Wang Yunze's single-page price is more than twice his price.

If you want a higher manuscript fee, you can only wait until the next book.

On the other hand, Fu Bo wanted to stay open.

As the results of "Shengwu Academy" have been good, and the related copyrights have been sold, the cost of a single page has also doubled, which made him secretly grateful for the original choice.

Of course, his manuscript fees are far from comparable to Duan Criticism, but this is a good start.

As for "Age of the Gods", he has self-knowledge, and he still can't surpass Wang Yunze.

Shen Zheng and Wang Yunze-you should fight first, right?


Most of the readers are discussing the plot of "Age of the Gods" based on the outflowing photos, and some people are discussing the "sneaking incident". The authors also set their sights on "Steel Refining" and "Age of Gods".

The gap between the two has gradually narrowed, and it will be a matter of time before "Steel Refining" is caught up.

Many authors, including editors, have made this judgment.

In the editorial department of "ComicFuture", there is a lot of pressure that makes people almost breathless.

Anyone can see that Shang Haozhi is in a bad mood, but they can't help it.

After all, they are just ordinary editors, and they can't help other than reading the manuscript.

The heat dispute between the two comics lasted until the evening of the 30th, and the gap between the two comics was only less than 100,000.

Fans of the two books got into a quarrel on the Internet, while some cartoonists expressed their opinions on the Internet.

Most authors support Wang Yunze. On the one hand, Wang Yunze is old enough, while Shen Xin is too young.

They don't believe that such a young author can surpass Wang Yunze, otherwise, would they just admit their incompetence?

Of course, there are also a few authors, such as Ye Hexu, who support Shen Xin.

"In my opinion, "Steel Refining" has no opponents in China. No matter who the opponent is, the result is the same."

Although there is no explicit statement, most people can see that the "rivals" in Ye Hexu's mouth include Wang Yunze.

"Teacher Ye, are you exaggerating?"

"The "Steel Refined" is at the same level as the "Age of the Gods". Now "The Age of Gods" is on the rise, and it is impossible to surpass it!"

"Because Mr. Shen is the author of "ComicFuture", so he strongly praised "Steel Refining", it is too unkind at night."

"Teacher Ye, you are really big mouth, can you talk nonsense like this?"

"Laoshi Ye, is it because the results of "Hunting Abyss" are not good now, so I want to rely on this method to attract worried attention."

Jian Xiaomei rubbed her forehead when she saw Ye Hexu's message.

Big mouth... It's really vivid, but this time it's correct.

Regardless of the quality of the two books, at least they cannot lose their momentum. From this point of view, Ye Hexu did nothing wrong.

Some cartoonists pay attention to this duel, because this confrontation is likely to determine the ranking of China's future cartoonists.

But there are also a group of authors who did not pay attention to this matter. They have to fight for their own survival, such as Zuo Yuan.

Regardless of "Steel Refining" or "Age of Gods", who can overwhelm others, does it have much to do with him?

To be honest, it's not big.

What Zuo Yuan cares most about now is the "Golden Paintbrush" award. Because the number of votes for "Minecraft" yesterday has surpassed the original tenth place, he should be able to stay in the top ten as long as he guarantees the quality.

He is very confident in his comics, as long as he can be judged by experts, then he may have a chance to win the Silver Pen Award.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he can't get it, he has already entered the top ten, and his exposure is still there. After the monthly income has stabilized, he may not be unable to maintain a normal life. This is his expectation for the future.

The only thing that makes him feel a little strenuous is that he has only one part-time assistant, and that assistant can only work here for three days a week. The rest of the time depends on him to complete the work alone. Therefore, he is more pressure on painting than The average cartoonist is much older, and at the same time, he has to redraw the sketches of the first few words, ignoring what happened on the Internet.

After putting down the pen, Zuo Yuan got up, took a bag of instant noodles, put it in a bowl, and at the same time boiled a pot of hot water, ready to soak a bag of instant noodles to eat. In this gap, he went back to the computer, clicked on the webpage of, found the ranking of "Golden Paintbrush", glanced at it, and then was stunned.

How is this going?

Zuo Yuan opened his eyes wide, and his mind was confused.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the ranking again. He didn't make a mistake just now, and his face was filled with doubts and confusion.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Yuan looked surprised World" unexpectedly ranked fourth on the "Golden Paintbrush" list.

Was it tenth in the morning? Why are you suddenly ranked fourth?

Anyone give a reward? This is tens of thousands of tickets? If there is a reward, for him, this is an astronomical figure.

Zuo Yuan quickly opened the background and glanced at the numbers in the reward column, only a few hundred yuan worth of rewards.

He became more confused, not knowing what was going on.

Feeling a little uneasy, Zuo Yuan quickly talked to his assistant.

"Ah? The data is wrong? Maybe the server is pumped? You know, in the early hours of tonight, Teacher Wang's new book is on sale. Many people are looking forward to this comic. There may be too many people entering, causing the server to be pumped."

"Really?" Zuo Yuan was also not quite sure.

"Sure, I often encounter this situation when I play games." The assistant said afterwards.

Zuo Yuan didn't quite understand this, and his heart was a little relieved, "It turns out that the server is pumping."


The editorial department of is busy at the moment. In order to ensure the normal operation of the server, Yuan Zhe deliberately urged the technical department to provide technical guarantees.

Just after returning from the technical department to take his seat, Yuan Zhe had not had time to drink, an editor immediately stood up and walked in front of him.

"Ms. Yuan, something went wrong." The editor was a little uneasy.

"Huh?" Yuan Zhe frowned, looking at the editor with a serious expression.

Tonight, Wang Yunze's new book is on sale, but there should be no trouble.

"There is an entry for the "Golden Paintbrush" award, and the data is abnormal.

"What do you mean?" Yuan Zhe was puzzled.

"Maybe... someone swiped the ticket." The editor whispered.

Yuan Zhe frowned, his eyes sharpened.


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