My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 591: Family and self-esteem

Uneasy, excited, excited, worried...

Various emotions were intertwined in Zuo Yuan's heart, and they all became hesitation in the end.

I don't know whether to move forward or turn around and leave, but he is downstairs and raises his head blankly.

The Spring Festival has come, and other people are enjoying themselves, but they are all alone.

I miss my daughter...but I don't want to see her.

Go or stay...

Zuo Yuan's heart has not made up his mind.

Snow fell on her body, and a white layer of snow was stained on her shoulders and hat. The north wind blows, wrapped in snowflakes, like a dagger, cutting cheeks and hands, and sneaking into the clothes along the gaps in the clothes.

Zuo Yuan shuddered, took a deep breath, and prepared to go upstairs.

"You have been here for a long time. Are you going upstairs or not?"

A woman's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.


Zuo Yuan turned around quickly, and the person who was talking turned out to be his ex-wife Zheng Ping.

She held an umbrella in one hand and Zuo Chan in the other, and Zuo Chan was carrying a grocery bag of snacks, looking at him in surprise.


The snack in Zuo Chan's hand fell to the ground, rushed out of the umbrella, and hugged Zuo Yuan tightly.

"I want you!"

Zuo Yuan was caught off guard by the child's voice of milk and milk, and tears filled his eyes instantly.

"I miss you too!" Zuo Yuan knelt down and hugged his daughter lightly.

"Dad, Xue Leng."

Zuo Chan's little hand grabbed Zuo Yuan's clothes corner and pulled him under Zheng Ping's umbrella.

Zheng Ping turned her head and did not look at Zuo Yuan, and Zuo Yuan didn't know what to say.

Embarrassment filled the air.

"That... isn't it the Chinese New Year... I want to see the children." Zuo Yuan licked his lips and bit his scalp and said.

"You've seen it, you can go now." Zheng Ping's voice was blunt.

"I..." Zuo Yuan was stuck, and he didn't know how to say it.

"Dad...Mom, let's go upstairs together." Zuo Chan took Zheng Ping's finger and shook it gently, his little face full of sorrow.

Zheng Ping let out a long sigh.

"Go up for a cup of hot tea, and then go."

"Trouble you?"

"That's not enough." Zheng Ping took Zuo Chan and walked towards the family building.

Zuo Yuan took the snacks in Zuo Chan's hand, took the snacks he had brought, and followed Zheng Ping and Zuo Chan into the corridor.

Zheng Ping lives on the 10th floor, a house with two bedrooms and one living room.

The room was very clean, with no extra furniture except for a sofa and a TV.

Zuo Yuan put the snacks he had brought and Zuo Yuan's snacks on the coffee table.

"Daddy, sit down."

Zuo Chan pulled Zuo Yuan, came to the single sofa, let him sit down, and then took a small step, ran into the kitchen, after a while, came with a tea set, followed by a pot. Zheng Ping with hot tea.

"Dad drinks tea." Zuo Chan poured the tea and pushed the tea cup in front of Zuo Yuan.

"Thank you, Xiaochan." Zuo Yuan forced a smile.

He should have been very happy to see his daughter, but in front of Zheng Ping, he still couldn't laugh.

"If it were your usual you, you wouldn't have come up."


I want to see my daughter's eyes, and...

Facing Zheng Ping, he was very contradictory... He didn't want to see her, but he wanted to be recognized.

After so many twists and turns, he has changed a little, but his face is still a little indelible.

"Is it okay? I've...I've done it." Zuo Yuan's throat was dry.

"Well, I don't know how good it was." Zheng Ping replied simply.

"That...just fine." Zuo Yuan buckled his fingers, "Thank you... for taking care of Xiaochan."

From the current point of view, Zheng Ping's taking of Xiaochan is a great help to him and Xiaochan.

"What are you talking about? Xiaochan is my daughter. If I don't take care of her, should she let her suffer with you?"

"I...I'm working hard..." Zuo Yuan retorted, "Moreover, I also got the serialization."

"Maybe it's like last time, after three months of serialization, there will be no more text."

"No! No!" Hearing Zheng Ping's words, Zuo Yuan suddenly became excited, "I'm very serious this time... I must publish a single book this year, I want to sell it, and then... take Xiaochan back!"

Hearing the last sentence, Zuo Chan looked at Zheng Ping and then at Zuo Yuan, his face pulled down, aggrieved.

Father on one side, mother on the other.

At this time, she was the most difficult.

"It's just you? Are you drawing cartoons or taking care of Xiaochan?" Zheng Ping asked rhetorically, "Besides, maybe three months later, he was cut again..."

"I want to... I want you to care about..."

Hearing "cut in the middle", Zuo Yuan was also anxious.

He really has great expectations for the new work. In the serialization meeting, the editor-in-chief and team leaders passed it once, which is a good sign.

Zheng Ping raised the waist cut and was poking Zuo Yuan's sore spot. He was definitely not happy.

"Anyway, I can take good care of Xiaochan." Zuo Yuan explained immediately.

"Impossible... Xiaochan is by my side well, how could I give it to you?" Zheng Ping turned her head and looked disdainful.

"Here are you and Xiaochan, not even a man, in case something happens..."

"Huh, a wimpy man like you, and..." Halfway through the conversation, Zheng Ping felt regretful, and quickly looked at Zuo Yuan, only to see that his face was flushed and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Sorry, I……"

"I see." Zuo Yuan interrupted Zheng Ping's words with a tight grip, "I will prove to you and say goodbye."

Zuo Yuan got up, Xiaochan also got up, and grabbed Zuo Yuan's clothes, "Dad, shall we eat first?"

Zuo Yuan felt warm when he saw Xiaochan, but when he thought of Zheng Ping's words just now, he immediately became sober, and put his arms around Xiaochan, "Hey, listen to my mother, I will see you again when I have time."

After lightly touching Xiaochan's forehead, Zuo Yuan pushed the door and left.

"Mom...Dad is gone..."

Xiaochan watched Zuo Yuan leave and turned to look at Zheng Ping.

"I know I know……"

Zheng Ping was very regretful, knowing that Zuo Yuan's self-esteem was so strong, and she said that.

Oh, it's...

You can take a step back yourself, what are you arguing with him?

Zheng Ping rubbed her forehead, her mood suddenly lost a lot.

Zuo Yuan came out of the family building, snow flew, and the cold wind remained.

He tightened his cotton-padded jacket and walked into the snow.

The heavy snow was flying, the cold wind was biting, but Zuo Yuan's heart was in a different mood.

"This time... we must... win... we must win..."

Zuoyuan clenched his fists and swears inwardly.


Holidays are always short, and many people have time to enjoy them in the future, and the holidays are over.

After "Hunting Abyss" was finalized, the entire "ComicFuture" became tense.

The biggest problem that Shang Haozhi faces now is not the end of "Hunting Abyss" and not letting Ye Hexu be poached away.

Losing two taizhu cartoonists in three years, even "ComicFuture" cannot bear this level of loss.

If the chain effect is triggered again, and other authors are poached, "ComicFuture" will really fall into crisis.

As for the sales of the magazine...

After a period of silence, "Steel Refining" once again ushered in a wonderful plot, and the performance and popularity of "Steel Refining" rose again.

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