My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 657: Light Novels and Comics

Yan Fei was a little worried, and Shen Xin could only continue to persuade: "Sister Yan, it's okay. I have a spectrum in my heart."

"I think you don't know what you are doing!" Yan Fei frowned, her expression anxious, "There are some things I can't say clearly, but I still want to remind you that your lower works are very important!"

Shen Xin saw Yan Fei worrying about herself, and she felt a lot of emotion in her heart.

The lower manga is a work that he must be cautious about.

As he and Wang Wenhong said, what he has to do is to jump out of the circle of cartoonists. He doesn't want to sway other people, but he doesn't want to be bound by those rules.

Since I want to jump out, I have to be different, I have to use the work to speak, "DN" is in a very good position in terms of the overall quality and the topicality of the comics.

But Yan Fei didn't know the plot of "DN", and Shen Xin couldn't prove to Yan Fei in a short time, after all, the task of "Steel Refining" is still quite heavy.

"Sister Yan, in fact, I really value this comic, but I still have "Steel Refined" in my hand, so I can only draw it first. After it's over, I'm going to try the short story. The feedback is good. I will draw a comic based on this. If it is not accepted by the readers, I will change to another type of work.” Shen Xin said seriously.

"Short...short story?"

Yan Fei opened her mouth slightly, her face full of surprise.

Wang Wenhong laughed helplessly, and Yan Fei's reaction when Shen Xin wanted to draw a short story was somewhat similar to that of him at the time. But he is no longer the editor in charge of Shen Xin. How the magazine considers it has nothing to do with him. He only cares about the profit of the work.

There is no doubt that if Shen Xin wants to draw evil manga, he really needs to try the water, but for the magazine, this is probably unnecessary and even harmful.

A short story should express a complete story. All the foreshadowing and all the baggage must be reflected in dozens of pages.

Long stories are not the case, whether they are foreshadowing, burdens, or even small pits, you need space to design.

The short story is to "squeeze water" into the comics. Each frame must express as much meaning as possible, expressing the center in a concise and concise manner; the long story is just the opposite. The author should "add material" to the comics as much as possible. Portray a whole new world. In the serial comics, the creator emphasizes the layout and control of the work.

Some long-form comics will make readers feel that the plot is scattered in the later stage. In fact, it is the author's lack of control over the work.

Although both are comics, they think in different directions.

More critically, the contingency of short stories is too great.

A brain hole can't hold up a full-length comic, but it can hold up a short comic.

Counting from his debut, Shen Xin only drew a short story "Formula of Love", and Yan Fei was also the editor in charge at the time.

This...should be a coincidence?

Yan Fei rubbed her forehead, pondering for a long time, and finally nodded slightly, "I respect Teacher Shen's meaning, but I still have to say that this is not a wise choice. If your short story wins a few of the same period, it will be very exciting. I feel that victory is impossible; if you lose, it is equivalent to becoming a stepping stone for others..."

"Stepping stones?" Shen Xin rubbed his nose and smiled.

I also want to see who can use "DN" as a stepping stone in China.

"Yan Fei, what you said is correct, but if Mr. Shen's short stories are really surpassed by others, it means that the long comics created on this basis are likely to'roll over'. We can do our best to avoid risks. Even short stories. Being surpassed is not a big deal. It’s better than taking a few years to draw a tepid comic. At that time, the popularity that Mr. Shen has accumulated has been wiped out, and it will be even more headache."


After all, Yan Fei is still a little puzzled about Shen Xin's choice of evil way comics, and only hopes that new works will also have a market.

Shen Xin does not doubt whether "DN" can catch on, because its average sales volume is also famous in the history of District 11, so it should be able to rise in China.

The four people chatted briefly, and Wang Wenhong remembered one thing.

"By the way, Yan Fei, I recently used the "icFuture" app and found that you seem to have added part of it."

"Oh, that's right. Mr. Shang applied for this to "Qi Chuang Library"." Yan Fei explained.

"Mr. Shang is also cruel, but how to divide the cost?" Wang Wenhong puzzled.

"It is said that it is very low, basically, light income, all go to "Qi Chuang Library"."

"Why?" Wang Wenhong looked puzzled.

"Attract readers?" Yan Fei said casually, "However, Mr. Shang has not mentioned how to do it in the future. Therefore, there are different opinions in the editorial department. Some people think that the main body of the app is comics after all, and the introduction of "Qi Chuang Library", It’s a bit nondescript, not to mention, "Qi Chuang Library" is not as light as a fire.


Shen Xin grinned and shook his head slightly.

"I'm afraid, the purpose of "icFuture" is not to increase revenue for "Qi Chuang Library", but to find the most popular light, right?"


Wang Wenhong was taken aback, and as soon as he reacted, Xi Muhan suddenly realized: "Wait, isn't this the mode of "Guotu"?"

Her lightness has also been changed to comics, so she is very familiar with this model.

"Yes, that's it." Shen Xin gave Xi Muhan a thumbs up, "Qing has a lot of content in each chapter, and there are also illustrations in Qing, which makes it easy for readers to have a sense of substitution."

The illustrations and comics seem to be similar, and the focus of the painting is the two-dimensional characters, but strictly speaking, there is still a difference between the two.

The drawing skills of a cartoonist are similar to the writing skills of the Internet. Of course, it is best to have it. If not, if the story is interesting, the impact will not be great, as long as it is enough.

One's simple painting skills can still create works such as "One Punch Man" and "Psionic One Hundred Percent". When Jianshan created "Giant", his painting skills are usually not good, but the sales of "Giant", It is impossible for many cartoonists to achieve in their entire lives.

Illustrators are not rely on gorgeous drawing skills to attract readers. Therefore, there is a saying that "buy paintings and get toilet paper" lightly.

This model first appeared in District 11. Later, some people in Huaxia began to imitate it, but only a small number of extremely outstanding light could have a chance to be successfully adapted. "Guotu" is a typical example-"Crimination" is actually also, just a cartoon. After it came out, Su Han only published it.

Although China has not yet become popular, the light adaptation of comics should be the future trend. Because this model has an advantage that traditional comics do not have-the cost of judging whether the work has potential is very low. To serialize comics, the fastest way to cut it is to have about 10 episodes. During this period, the author has to pay his assistants. At the same time, the cartoonist also needs to be full-time and dedicated.

The light author is a person, a computer, can create at any time, and does not need to be full-time.

If the lightness is definitely obvious, as in "Guotu", the possibility of manga being on the street will be greatly reduced.

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