My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 666: Evil Dao Comics and Notebooks

The three were chatting, Xi Muhan walked out of the kitchen and told them to go downstairs to eat.

"Xiaohan is really amazing. He looks pretty. He can write and draw names. What's more, he has great cooking skills. Mr. Shen, your luck is really indescribable."

"Hey... luck is better."

Shen Xin rubbed his nose, but the smile on his face was very hearty.

He and Xi Muhan have been frank and honest, so there is no need to hide them, let alone deny her, which is also disrespectful to her.

"By the way, I haven't paid attention to "ComicFuture" for a long time, how about "Ding Shi"?" Shen Xin asked.

As the editor of "Ding Shi", Yan Fei's words are of great reference value.

"It's not bad, it should be said that it is getting more and more stable. "Ding Shi" should not appear too brilliant, but the results are very stable. Xiaohan is growing very fast."

Although some comics are created by two people, the original works have far greater influence on the plot than paintings. Therefore, it is not easy for Xiaohan to be so stable.

"Don't tell her this, lest she drift. Also, the later the work is, the easier it will collapse. I don't have time to pay attention to "Ding Shi", so watch it more." Shen Xin whispered.

"Got it."

Yan Fei nodded slightly. Although Shen Xin usually doesn't say it, he is also very concerned about Xi Muhan's works, but he lacks skill.

Think about it, too, when he updated 20 pages the previous week, he still had time to read "Ding Shi", but after the weekly update of "Steel Refining" increased to 40 pages, he was unable to take care of it.

Although "Steel Refining" has been completed, the next two comics will be serialized at the same time, which should be more difficult than the serialization of "Steel Refining".

Shen Xin, where can you go?

Yan Fei looked at Shen Xin who was walking in front, and said silently.

When he came to the restaurant, Xi Muhan had already put the food on the table, four dishes and one soup.

After sitting down, the scent of the food came over, and the three people's appetites were appetizing.

"Xiaohan, your cooking has made progress again." Yan Fei said in surprise.

"Recently, I read some recipes and used them to make them to try the effect." Xi Muhan was a little embarrassed.

"Speaking of recipes, the plot of "Ding Shi" has been stable recently, but the results are hard to improve. Comics need some ups and downs to attract readers more."

"Sister Yan, I'm a little afraid of the ups and downs of the plot." Xi Muhan tangled.

"Why?" Yan Fei asked puzzled.

Shen Xin also looked at Xi Muhan in surprise.

"Those plots, comedy or tragedy, are actually arousing the emotions of readers and resonating with the characters. However, after this plot is over, I will hesitate how to deal with the subsequent plots. Whether the protagonist is strong or Readers who are weak will be dissatisfied. If I can't grasp it, the results of "Ding Shi" will suffer a big decline." Xi Muhan worried.

When Shen Xin heard this, he rubbed his chin.

This is also a difficult point in the creation, especially when the protagonist needs to make a judgment, it will be different from the reader's prediction.

"This part... how do you say it? If it is not handled well, it will indeed affect the reader's feelings and will affect the results to a large extent." Shen Xin said.

Taking fantasy as an example, the protagonist is decisive and kills people for treasure. Some people will say that the protagonist is too cruel; if the protagonist is kind-hearted, they will also say that the protagonist’s personality is too soft, so "degree" is difficult to grasp.

Every reader also has a bottom line in his heart. Once certain plots in the work break through these bottom lines, readers may abandon this book, commonly known as "feeding poison".

"Yes, that's right." Xi Muhan nodded repeatedly when he heard Shen Xin's words.

Seeking stability is indeed the safest way. The author will not lose readers on a large scale, but the work will not easily break through.

"I can understand your thoughts, but if you are too careful, your work will not be greatly improved. You want to draw the content that readers want to see most, but what if the reader wants to see what you want to draw? "Shen Xin asked back.

"Huh?" Xi Muhan was taken aback and didn't understand for a while.

Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong also shifted their sights to Shen Xin.

"When the comic reaches a certain length, readers will have their own understanding of the character. If the character does something that contradicts his previous personality, then there will be problems with the plot, at least it will make the reader play. In this case, it is better for the creator to make a choice from the perspective of the role, rather than to bluntly come up with the desired result for the next plot.

"But then again, if the author can justify himself and find a reasonable explanation for these unreasonable plots, it will also make the readers feel bright. Therefore, when creating, pay attention to a'foreground'. All the'forecasting', It is to explain the “unreasonable” that follows, so that readers can understand the character’s “last resort”. Sometimes, readers do not accept certain plots, but do not accept the logic shown by the author in the work."

The other three people even forgot to eat when they heard Shen Xin's words.

"Mr. Shen, too little foreshadowing, no effect, too much forging, it will definitely slow down the rhythm of the story, right?" Wang Wenhong asked rhetorically.

"Yes. If there is too little preparation, readers will feel that the plot is abrupt, or the characters are too silly, and do things without the brain. Too much preparation will feel too slow. Therefore, how to balance the relationship between the two will become very It's important." Shen Xin sighed.

The author needs a certain amount of space to explain the logic clearly, and the fast pace requires the author to be concise and concise. Sometimes, the two are contradictory.

"Go back to the previous topic. Sometimes, the direction of the plot needs the active guidance of the creator. What kind of plot you want readers to accept depends on what kind of content you focus on in your work. Perhaps the readers are also looking forward to your presentation. The result." Shen Xin looked at Xi Muhan.

Xi Muhan nodded, she also understood Shen Xin's reasoning, but she didn't form a concept. After Shen Xin explained, it became clearer.

"Xiao Han, give it a try, how to promote the following plot. At that time, we will discuss together, there will always be a suitable way." Yan Fei asked.


Seeing Xi Muhan nodded, Yan Fei turned her gaze to Shen Xin again, "After all that, Mr. Shen, haven't you mentioned the idea of ​​the new comic? You said that before the end of "Steel Refining", draw the short manuscript and preface. The name of the three words...should you have an idea now?"

"Of course." Shen Xin nodded.

"What idea?" Yan Fei asked curiously.

Xi Muhan and Wang Wenhong also looked at Shen Xin with interest.

"Notebook." Shen Xin smiled.

"Notebook?" Yan Fei was taken aback.

And is also related to evil manga...

"It seems that there have been cartoons with'notes' as the topic." Some cartoons flashed in Wang Wenhong's mind.

"Punishment by Teacher Su Han and Han Ye, right?" Shen Xin reminded.

"That's right." Yan Fei also thought of this comic. "Will the themes collide?"

"It's normal for the themes to collide. After "The Soul of the Game", there are other Go comics, right?" Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

"That's true. However, someone should compare the two?" Wang Wenhong sighed.

"Maybe at the beginning, but as the story progresses, all kinds of doubts will disappear." Shen Xin glanced at the other three people, and when they saw their faces full of doubts, he chuckles, "Except for the notebook, the two cartoons are Works with completely different content."

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