My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 675: Shoji's thoughts

"Steel Refining" is over, and the sale of the last two volumes of the booklet has been confirmed. The release date is set after the last episode of the animation is released, both in Huaxia and District 11.

At the same time, the last dozen or so episodes of BD will also be listed, and the videos will also be included by major video websites.

It can be said that orochi, who made "Steel Refining", also made a lot of money because of "Steel Refining". The BD has not yet been fully released, and the average sales volume has reached 50,000, mainly in China and 11 districts.

In addition, video websites from Huaxia and Omi have also given high prices and introduced copyrights.

After playing the animation of the penultimate episode of "Steel Refining", Tomita Lunge deliberately browsed online reviews related to "Steel Refining".

Although there is still one episode of anime that really ends, readers who have seen the comics know that the last episode is more about the fate of everyone after the war.

The ratings have not yet come out, but according to usual experience, it should be 8% or 9%.

However, from the evaluations of major websites and forums in District 11, it is not difficult to tell that this episode of animation is excellent, with a rating of 99%, which is exactly the same as the evaluations of the previous episodes.

Tomita Lunge has seen such a highly acclaimed animation, but it has been a long time.

Of course, there are a lot of good animations in District 11, and there are also many best-selling animations. On "Young Leap", there will be a big-selling work every few years.

But a big-selling work does not mean that the quality is high, and similarly, high-quality comics are not necessarily popular.

Comics with good quality and high popularity like "Steel Making" are indeed very rare.

After closing the notebook, Tomita lunged and turned his head, just when he met Shoji Uno who was passing by, he quickly got up and walked out of the office.

"Supervisor Shoji, are you leaving now?" Tomita asked curiously.

"Yes. Although the animation of "Steel Refining" is finished, I am under a lot of pressure... Seeing the readers' comments, I feel relieved again." Shuangji Uno pushed the frame of the frame, his face tight. It's also a little slack.

"The results are great, thank you...Would you like to go to dinner?"

"I'll go back and finish the cup noodles."

"Ramen, please." Tomita gave Shoji no room for refusal, turned off the light in the room, and then closed the door again. "By the way, do you have any plans lately?"

"Look at the company's plan, but I still want to rest for a while, and I can't hold my body. Besides, there hasn't been any outstanding plan recently..."

"Shoun Leap" or the backbone comics of other major magazines are already being produced, so Orochi can only choose lightly, otherwise it can only be original.

"I heard that Mr. Shen's "Y’s" was serialized on a certain website in China. Are you interested?" Futian Lungbu asked, "If you are interested, I will ask."

""Y's"?" Chuang Si Uno frowned, then shook his head, ""Y's" is good...If it can be produced, it should be a late-night show, right?"

"Yes, it's a late night movie. Although the ratings of late night movies are not good, the sales of BD are often good. "Y’s" has been animated before, but the quality is not good."

“I’m not very good at romance animations. Moreover, this is an old comic. The market’s response is not easy to predict, and there is no platform to introduce this comic. To be honest, it’s a bit imaginary. Look, it’s not good. Just find a light book, we can do our own original creation, but we need a good script..."


The two of them left Orochi's office building and drove to a nearby restaurant.

"Boss, two bowls of ramen."

Opening the door, Tomita came to the bar and said to the owner.

The owner ordered the backstage, and the two people found an empty table to sit down.

There are many ACG-related companies nearby, and there are many young employees. In addition, this shop has a good taste and affordable prices. Many young people like to eat here.

Tomita looked around, and there were two or three young people sitting near their dining table, seemingly discussing something in full swing.

"I really envy them. To be so passionate, young is good." Tomita sighed.

The muscles at the corner of Shoji Uno's mouth twitched, and he just wants to rest.

Maybe after four or five days of sleep, he can live and live like these young people.

Suddenly, Tomita pressed down, aimed at him, and whispered, "What about "Steel Refining"?"


Is this a coincidence?

Shoji Uno glanced at several young people subconsciously, and quickly understood.

The popularity of "Steelmaking" in District 11 is really too high, especially the long series of more than 30 words in the last 30 words, which is not only long, but also of high quality.

It has been serialized in "Shoun Leap", the largest comic magazine in the 11 districts, for at least fifteen consecutive issues, ranking first in the small book, overwhelming the two pillars of "Shoun Leap" comics.

If it is other comics, some people may question this result, but for the comic "Steel Refining", whether it is a magazine editor or a professional cartoonist, they have given a very high evaluation. In particular, there are very few procrastination plots in the entire comic, and from the beginning of the final battle, the plot is integrated, and the tense and intense atmosphere is carried through throughout.

There are also some cartoonists who questioned that the large length of 40 pages is unfair compared with other cartoons, but readers immediately left comments on the Weibo of these authors.

"You can also talk about 40 pages in one sentence."

"That is, everything is looking for the fault of others, and I don't see if I can do it. As long as you dare to update the 40 pages, I can't see it wrong."

Faced with these messages, these cartoonists can only choose to remain silent.

It is normal for such a hot comic to have topics among young people.

Thinking of this, Shoji Uno also began to pay attention to the words of these young people.

"...I feel that "Steel Refining" should have an outline before writing." said a young man with glasses.

"I think so too, the whole story is too complete. The general direction is that the setting of "Steel Refining" is rigorous. To be honest, super powers such as fire and earth are often seen in comics, but they are not like " "Steel Refining" can justify itself. It even clarifies the source of alchemy and alchemy, and there is no absolute strong in this story..."

"That's right. The protagonist, the strongest attacker ~ Except for Dad, it should be the colonel. He and Enwei are fighting, which can be called crushing, but such a powerful Mustang meets the water. It won't work. Moreover, he is a long-range attack, not close combat."

"I suddenly felt like RPG, something like Turk and Water, Water and Fire. However, there is no absolute powerhouse. The degree of victory or defeat depends on brain power."

"The plot is also very rigorous and interlocking. Taking Edward's short height as an example, I thought he was so short because he was born. I didn't expect it to be related to Al's flesh. Edwards must be Alphons's. The body provides nourishment. I would never believe it if I had this kind of thinking before I started the pen."

"Yes. I feel that every link in "Steel Refining" is very important, and no plot can be subtracted... the next such rigorous comic, I don't know when it will be there." The young man with glasses sighed.

Shoji Uno nodded slightly. He also wanted to make another high-quality manga, but such a work is hard to come by.

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