My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 682: confidence

"As exciting as "Steel Refining"?"

Even if the speaker was Shen Xin, Yan Fei still expressed doubts about these words.

In China, "Steel Refined" is more than the ceiling of kingly comics, and other types of comics cannot be compared with "Steel Refined" either.

Shen Xin is different, he knows the results of "DN".

In the history of comics in District 11, the average sales volume of single-volume comics ranked among the top ten comics in history. There must be some reason for it.

Of course, there are still differences between the two comics.

"Steel Refining" is a hexagonal comic with no obvious shortcomings. The setting, plot, character creation, conception, depth and so on are all of a very high standard.

"DN" is different, the feature is too clear, it is the wit. Moreover, although it is a very logical comic, there are many illogical factors in the book. For example, the reason why L is clinging to the moon is not because of the flaws in the moon, but because intuition.

In other words, Oba Thrush handed the note to Yue, but he stood behind L, making L seem to have opened his eyes.

Otherwise, L cannot "have no evidence that the month is Kira", but "ninety-nine percent believe that the month is Kira" ("DN" Chapter 34).

Therefore, "DN" is not a hexagonal comic, but its brains are really big. The rules of notes, unexpected reversals, and the game between characters all make readers look forward to this comic. .

In order to speed up the tempo, the plot that has nothing to do with the theme is taken in one stroke, which will attract readers more.

"I have such confidence." Shen Xin nodded.

Seeing Shen Xin's expression firm, Yan Fei set his eyes on name again.

"One more point... or the length of the story." Yan Fei took a deep breath, worried, "L is really too quick to determine the position of the moon. Only in the second episode, it is determined that L is in Hongchuan, and there are two people. Conducted the first confrontation...According to this schedule, at most 20 words, it should be over. The magazine has spent a lot of effort and signed a contract with you. If the length of the comic is too short, the magazine cannot be sure to promote the comic. Plan. In addition, you also need a comic to determine where you are now."

Yan Fei said so much for Shen Xin's sake.

The comics industry is very cruel, even if it is a popular comic artist, no one can guarantee that the next work will be a big hit.

The purpose of extending the length of the popular comics is not only to make the magazine profitable, but also to allow the authors to get more benefits.

Shen Xin nodded slightly and suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "Sister Yan, do you know how to create a character?"


Yan Fei blinked. She didn't understand why Shen Xin asked her like that.

"Some of the roles of the work are thin, some are three-dimensional. What's the difference?" Shen Xin asked.

"personal appeal?"

"Where does personal charm come from? It is from the character's words and deeds, from the character and connotation of the character... These contents all need space to describe." Shen Xin asked and answered.

In "DN", a pair of opponents like L and Yue who know each other is shaped. They have distinct personalities, have their own ideas, and they also have their own readers.

The formation of the two characters is gradually becoming three-dimensional through confrontation after confrontation, and these all require space, and there are two or two things, sometimes five or six words.

"This comic is not a work that can be finished in ten or twenty chapters. But as for when the painting will be finished, I don't know." Shen Xin didn't say it too directly, even if he knew that "DN" only had fifty or sixty chapters. , He must also conceal it.

"Since you said so, then I know." Yan Fei sighed. Although she felt a little regretful about Shen Xin's choice, she still respected the author's opinion, "I have something to tell you in advance. After seeing the name, Mr. Yu may go to the 11th district. From the current point of view, "Young Leap" is a little worried about the quality of "DN" and is afraid of crashing. However, we will maximize our ability, and "Young Leap" "Talk about cooperation."

"Well, please."

Shen Xin's attitude towards "Young Leap" was slightly surprised, but after all, they had never seen the serialized name, and they had doubts about the work, which was a normal reaction.

"By the way, this is a human draft, can you take it too?" Shen Xin returned to his seat and printed out the designed character.

The **** of death Luck bowed his body, with black wings spread out behind him, with a hideous appearance.

Sulco also appeared in short stories. Yan Fei is fairly familiar with him, but she still feels a little uncomfortable when she sees Luke again.

Yue's appearance is more handsome, the kind that attracts girls, her eyes are firm, her expression is calm, her emotions and anger are invisible. Wearing a white shirt, blue tie, and black suit, it gives people a sense of rigor and meticulousness.

What kind of development will Note fall into the hands of such a character?

As for L, it is a little different from what Yan Fei imagined. The hair is messy, dark circles under the eyes, and a little hunchback. Wearing a white T-shirt and light blue jeans, with both hands tucked into his trouser pockets, he did not wear shoes or socks, and stepped barefoot on the ground.


This is Yan Fei's first feeling after seeing L.

L and Yue are two extremes.

Then comes Yue's family and the role of the police.

After seeing these set of characters, Yan Fei compared the name again. Although it was not a draft, after bringing in the image of the set, Yan Fei's mind clearly showed it.

There are two other characters in the back, namely the setting of Haisha (Mihaisha) and Rem, the **** of death.

One is a blonde girl who likes to wear gothic loli clothes, and the other is a white **** of death Rem.

The appearance of these two characters is beyond Yan Fei's imagination, because these two characters are not in the first three episodes.

"They will also appear? Also, there will be a second **** of death?" Yan Fei looked up at Shen Xin.

"The first thing is not already said, there is more than one **** of death in this world, so even if there are other gods of death appearing, it is quite normal." Shen Xin thought for a while, and said, "Yes, I heard that you have to go there 11 District, right?"


"Before you go to District 11, I will give you some settings, right?"

Shen Xin sorted out the rules of DN, the eyes of death, and the rules of death.

"There are still settings? That would be Yan Fei is also excited.

"However, before handing over this setting to you, you must sign a serialization contract for "DN". Please tell Mr. Yu and ask him to prepare the contract." Shen Xin reminded.

Magazines and authors generally do not sign a contract for short comics, and only after the work passes the serialization meeting will there be a serialization contract.

Yan Fei calmed down. She knew that Shen Xin was not wrong in doing this.

The highlight of "DN", to a large extent, lies in how Yue uses notes. Therefore, the settings related to notes are very important and are also the selling points of comics.

Before signing the contract, Shen Xin could not disclose it casually.

"I see. Tomorrow, I will hand over the contract to you." Yan Fei put the name and person settings of the first three episodes of "DN" into the envelope, took the documents, and left the studio.

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