My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 692: the goal

"Is it number one again?"

Ye Hexu raised his head, puffed his cheeks, and looked at the ceiling.

"Well, there are still 700 votes. The momentum is stronger than the original "Steel Refining"." Jian Xiaomei sighed.

It is too early to say that "DN" is better than "Steel Refining". After all, "Steel Refining" has been recognized by readers. This recognition is not only in China, but also overseas.

The momentum of "DN" is even stronger, but what kind of results it will achieve depends on the subsequent advancement of the plot.

"Actually, it is reasonable to be able to win the first place, and to be able to get such a high number of votes. The rhythm of the early stage of "Steel Refining" is relatively slow. It is very complete, which is true, but it involves too many threads. At the beginning of the story, there is one line for Edward, one line for cyborgs, one line for Ska, one line for the many clues, although they will eventually come together, but at the beginning of the story, they are not pleased and readers will be confused. .

""DN" is different, its content is very direct. If you say that the first chapter is to elicit the background of the story, the story is still somewhat elusive, but the second chapter is already very obvious. "DN" has only one line. It is the duel between Yue and L. What’s more commendable is that, despite Yue’s help from the notes, L can see from the performance in the second episode that he is definitely capable of acting as Yue’s opponent. It’s just a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"Length... it's just a single line. Moreover, two words will delineate the city where the month is located. The progress will be very fast in the future. The length of "DN" is destined to not be too long." Ye Hexu exclaimed, "Ms. Shen affirmed I said that the length of this article is not restricted by length, right?"

"Hmm..." Jian Xiao nodded.

As the editor in charge, Jian Xiaomei has read too many comics. In fact, as long as you pick up any comic carefully, you can find a pattern. Just like "DN", in terms of advancing speed, this comic is destined not to be a comic of the length of "Steel Refining".

The editors know it, but they don't want to say it.

"Speaking so should take a look at yourself, too? "Demon Dao" has been surpassed by "Ding Shi"."

"You said this? "Ding Shi" is very good, and after a long time of accumulation, Mr. Xi's grasp of the plot is already in place. I think the potential of "Ding Shi" is greater than that of "Dining World Restaurant". Two parts Although the comics are all gourmet comics, they are of different genres. I can’t say which one is of better quality... As for the ranking of the small book, "Steel Refined" has been more than once or twice by "The King of Rock", right? Say, is "King of Rock" better than "Steel"?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Jian Xiaomei couldn't understand Ye Hexu's question.

"It's the most exciting time for "Ding Shi", "Demon Dao" is in the brewing stage. Therefore, it is normal to be surpassed by "Ding Shi"."

"You should also think of a way, now is not such a stable time, you have to fight back!" Jian Xiaomei was a little angry.

"I just said that the length of "DN" is not too long, right?"

"Yeah? Does it matter?"

"Of course...I want to challenge him once before the end of "DN"." Ye Hexu put a smile away and looked serious.

Jian Xiaomei understood Ye Hexu's mind, and he always recognized only one opponent.

" will be difficult." Jian Xiaomei sighed.

"What's hard to be afraid of? Teacher Shen won't paint new works after "DN"? Besides, if I don't set a goal, it will be difficult for me to create high-quality works." Ye Hexu smiled again.

"Teacher Ye..."


"I will continue and always help you."

"..." Ye Hexu turned his head and looked at Jian Xiaomei, "Jian Xiaomei, you are my editor in charge. If you don't help me, who can you help?"

Jian Xiao's eyebrows and mouth were slightly opened, and when he saw Ye Hexu's expected expression, he suddenly became angry, "Ye go to death!"


"Ding Shi" surpassed "Demon Dao" and won the third place in the latest small book, making Xi Muhan's face full of joy.

Throughout the afternoon, since she received Yan Fei's call, her mood has been a little drifting.

She had also won third place before, but at that time, "Steel Refining" was over, and she was competing with "Demon Way" and "The King of Rock". To be honest, it was not difficult to enter the top three.

But this time is different. The performance of "DN" in the first two episodes is too strong, and it is basically hopeless to hit the first place. Therefore, her ability to surpass "Demon Dao" is a great improvement.

Besides, the first place is "DN". Based on her relationship with Shen Xin, whoever takes the first place, isn't it the same?

Xi Muhan felt very happy, and even ordered half a bowl of millet porridge during dinner.

Yan Fei hurried over and congratulated Xi Muhan. After dinner, she went up to the second floor with Xi Muhan and discussed the next plot in a low voice.

After confirming the new story, Yan Fei stretched her waist, but accidentally saw Shen Xin secretly taking out a can of coffee from the drawer.

"Ms. Shen, what are you doing?" Yan Fei asked back.

"Me? Cough cough... Don't be nervous, just drink something." Shen Xin was startled by the sudden inquiry Don't speak suddenly, it's scary. "

When Xi Muhan heard Shen Xin talking, he turned his head quickly, "Brother, didn't I say, don't drink coffee anymore?"

Stomach disease, one third depends on the treatment and the other seven depends on nourishment. If you don't pay attention to it, it is easy to repeat it.

"Only this can." Shen Xin opened the coffee and took a sip.

Xi Muhan pouted, dissatisfied with Shen Xin's remarks, but said nothing more.

"Furthermore, it's just drinking coffee. You can't be so nervous." Shen Xin waved his hand, ignoring Xi Muhan's dissatisfied eyes.

"When you are sick, you will know." Xi Muhan muttered softly.

Shen Xin rolled his eyes, pretending not to hear.

"By the way, I haven't seen Lao Wang for a long time, so he won't be lazy?" Yan Fei has been running here a lot recently and rarely sees Wang Wenhong.

"Brother Wang? Sometimes he comes over to look at the "Y’s" and the manuscript, sometimes he goes to class and learns English and Japanese. Anyway, he has a lot of things."

"He, learn foreign languages? Okay?" Yan Fei looked suspicious.

English and Japanese are very important, especially "Steel Refining" and "DN" also have a certain market overseas. If there is cooperation negotiation or contract negotiation, foreign languages ​​will be used.

If people around him can speak foreign languages, Shen Xin can save a lot of trouble.

"I don't know. I only know that he spends most of his time in the dormitory memorizing vocabulary and grammar, so hard..."

Shen Xin has a black line, and his grammar is a little better. The vocabulary is simply his nightmare. Three thousand words and five thousand words are memorized every day. When I use them, I forgot a lot of things, which is really painful. .

When crossing, I didn't give a foreign language capsule, so I was depressed.

Shen Xin murmured in his heart.

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