My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 725: Golden Brush Award

The last time Shen Xin went abroad was at the premiere of the "Beidou Cup". After a few years, the readers who remember Shen Xin's appearance are still in the minority.

Moreover, this time a makeup artist designed his hairstyle and clothing, which is slightly different from the previous image. Therefore, even if he was given a lens, it would be difficult to recognize him unless he was acquainted with him.

When the host announced that the presenters were Shen Zheng and Su Han, the audience was quiet, and even the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly dropped.

Shen is the iconic cartoonist of "ComicFuture", and his importance to "ComicFuture" is even greater than that of Wang Yunze. He appeared on the scene, the atmosphere of the scene was already very strange, not to mention, appeared on the stage as an award-giving guest.

This is equivalent to the Duoman website.

Some people also thought that Shen Zheng would come out to present the award, because Wang Yunze has already appeared, unless the cartoonist behind can surpass Wang Yunze, otherwise, has no reason to arrange this.

There is only one cartoonist in China that is more popular than Wang Yunze, and that is Shen Zheng.

Now, after many years, Shen Zheng has appeared on the stage again, which has refreshed many people.

Regardless of whether they are Shen Zheng's readers, they all want to see what China's hottest cartoonist will look like.

Some people look forward to it, while others are dissatisfied with Shen Xin coming to power.

After hearing Shen Xin's name, Shang Haozhi frowned, and his heart became more solemn. Yu Chen, who was about to rest, also felt pressure.

At least in the last few days, domestic public opinion will be biased towards, and some will even compare Duoman with "ComicFuture" again.

Teacher Shen, what do you want to do?

Shang Haozhi and Yu Chen thought of the same thing at almost the same time.

Shen Xin didn't realize that he had become the focus of public opinion. He took Su Han's fingertips and slowly walked onto the stage. The two appeared in the live broadcast at the same time.

Shen Xin's hair is not long, but after being trimmed by a stylist, he looks very energetic. He wore a small blue suit on his upper body, matched with a light blue shirt, and his lower body was matched with dark jeans and white sneakers.

This dress is not particularly serious, revealing youth and vitality.

Su Han wore a light purple evening dress with a silver heart-shaped necklace on his neck, exuding a kind of nobleness from the inside out.

Two people stood on the stage and instantly became the center of the stage.

After a pause of about two or three seconds, there was enthusiastic applause.

The outstanding applause made Shen Xin a little surprised. Su Han took the microphone handed by the host and said "thank you".

There was applause from the stands again.

The barrage quickly slides across the screen, making people dizzy.

"Ms. Shen is so young?"

"No, just now Teacher Duan and Teacher Wang also came up, but compared with Teacher Shen, they are obviously old-fashioned."

"They are older than Teacher Shen, right?"

"Why? Teacher Duan is only in his thirties."

"It seems that among the cartoonists who received the award, some are older than Teacher Shen."

"No way, Teacher Shen debuted too early. When he won the newcomer award, he seemed to be only eighteen or nineteen years old."

"Don't you all say that cartoonists are easy to get lucky? In Teacher Shen, it is not reflected at all."

"No, isn't the focus of Teacher Shen coming to present the awards in person?"

"Suddenly I feel that the comics with the golden brush are very profitable..."


Shen Xin waited until the applause disappeared before picking up the microphone.

"First of all, I would like to thank the two platforms and popot for giving me and Teacher Su such an opportunity to meet everyone here. At the same time, I also thank for holding such an award, which can give many cartoonists a chance. To prove yourself. Here, everyone uses their own works to get the recognition of readers.

"This is a piece of soil. Every cartoonist can plant seeds called dreams. Of course, not every cartoonist can stand on this stage and receive millions of prizes. The work is still very early, because some works will be serialized for 10 years, and some works will even be serialized for a lifetime. These award-winning works only start from a higher starting point than the non-awarded comics, but it does not mean that the award-winning works will achieve future achievements. Must be higher than the unsuccessful comics.

"Comics are created by people, so, comic artists, your work highly depends on your attitude. I also hope that everyone cherishes your work, just as readers cherish your work."

After getting the microphone, Shen Xin couldn't help but say a few words. As soon as his voice fell, someone immediately raised his hand and said, "Mr. Shen, I have a question."

Shen Xin's eyelids twitched. Why did he present an award, and someone asked him?

What made him even more helpless was that the host handed the microphone over in a timely manner.

The person sitting in the first few rows should be a manga practitioner.

He took the microphone, feeling a little excited in his heart, "Teacher, you said that the unsuccessful work has a chance to get up again. Do you believe this sentence? Or is it just a bowl of ‘chicken soup’?"

Su Han glanced at Shen Xin and whispered: "Someone questioned you."

The two are about the same height. Shen Xin heard it clearly, but he pretended not to hear it.

"Do you think that believing or not, does it affect me?" Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

"So, it's still ‘chicken soup for the soul’?" The man was a little frustrated.

"Actually, I have already answered it just now. It is the attitude of the creator that determines the performance of the work, and the reader will know whether it is the work to deal with. Also, painting at the desk all day does not mean that the author is focusing on the work On. Comics, on the one hand, will cost the author’s physical strength, and in addition, the manga artist must also think carefully about how to make the work better and how to make the reader more satisfied. Attitude, we must consider these two aspects, right?"

The audience nodded and sat down, and Shen Xin looked at Su Han again.

"Shall we start to announce the list of winners, Teacher Su?"

The main purpose of his coming is to award awards. Even if these questions are to be answered, it should be after the end of the show.

"Okay, next, we are about to announce the last award tonight, the winning work of the Golden Paintbrush." ​​Su Han took out the envelope from the tray with the lady of etiquette. "Won the winning work of the second Golden Paintbrush Award. Yes--"

A rush of drums sounded The heart of the cartoonist who has not yet won the award, also mentioned his throat.

"The award-winning work is the science fiction comic "Doomsday Rescue". The winner is'masker'. Congratulations to this cartoonist." Shen Xin was slightly surprised when he read the author's name.

Masker means a person who wears a mask. Shouldn't anyone dress up like the V in "V Character Vengeance. Kill Team" and come on stage to receive the award, right?

"Doomsday Rescue" is a big hit that won the Golden Brush Award. The recommended votes have been ahead of other works since the first month, and the quality of the comics is also high. Therefore, such a work deserves the award.

But no one has ever seen the author, even Yuan Zhe and Qian Sheng, have only seen the "masker" credentials, but never the real person.

"It's really this comic. I don't know if'masker' will appear. He should be the most mysterious author." Qiu Qian sighed. Suddenly, Fan Yinmo, who was sitting next to her, stood up and was surprised. "My dear, what are you going to do?"

"Me?" Fan Yinmo adjusted his tie and collar, showing a wicked smile, "Of course I am going to accept the award."

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