My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 889: Platforms and choices

After Lu Yingxue released Weibo, some netizens were also speculating about the cartoonist who was the chief writer of "Stone of Destiny".

Magi soon announced the news that Lu Ning will be used as a painting to participate in the compilation of the "Stone of Destiny" comics, and netizens also discussed the news.

Some readers regret not seeing Lu Yingxue's cooperation with "Stone of Destiny", but Lu Ning's strength is also good, and after so long of adaptation, readers have become accustomed to Lu Ning's style.

The only uncertainty is where the comics will be serialized.

Within two days, the news came from light reading that Lu Yingxue will be the lead writer and re-create the popular comic "Devil Family Education" serialized in District 11. At the same time, they also announced that they would try their best to reach agreement with Lu Ning on the serialization platform.

At this moment, the readers who read lightly boiled instantly.

The comics of "Stones of Destiny" and the two comics of "The Devil's Family Education" are being serialized in light reading, and their strength has greatly increased. Light reading also has the opportunity to challenge Doman.

Of course, it is impossible to surpass in an instant, but at least, there is a trend.

In addition, "Qi Chuang Library", with the help of the light reading app, announced that it would publish the booklet of "The Gate of Destiny Stones", which will be painted by snow, and all illustrations will be newly designed.

This news is equally attractive to readers of "The Gate of Destiny".

Another and snow have joined forces, and the quality of the booklet "Stone of Destiny" can be expected.


Now there are two choices before Lu Ning, either go to or read it lightly.

The editor-in-chief of the two platforms, Qian Sheng and Zeng Yue repeatedly talked to him twice, and also visited Shen Xin. However, they did not stay too long. After a few words, they also expressed their desire for Shen Xin. The idea of ​​the new work was rejected by Shen Xin.

Soon after sending off the two editor-in-chief, Lu Ning came upstairs.

"Sister Lu, is there anything that bothers you?" Xi Muhan opened the door and noticed that Lu Ning looked depressed and worried.

Lu Ning sighed, glanced at Shen Xin who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and said: "How do you choose between multi-web and light reading, I am a little confused. Teacher, how do you think I should choose?"

"What are the conditions for the two platforms?"

"They will provide a lot of resources, such as publicity, and the production of pamphlets. Of course, in terms of manuscript fees, they will be given more lightly, and some guarantees will be made that the comics of "Stones of Destiny" will be operated as signature comics. "Lu Ning tangled.

"Restrict the freedom of cartoonists?"

"That's not true. I only signed a work agreement with them."

"That's it." Shen Xin nodded slightly, "Remember, as a cartoonist, you must try to fight for your own rights. Also, there are some conditions that you can't see at a glance. Just like reading lightly, he needs his signature cartoons. Once a popular comic appears, it must be pushed to death, and resources will continue to come by then. This is the most powerful one."

"However, it is said on the Internet that the main manga is not only "The Gate of Destiny", and there is another one, which seems to be called "The Demon King's Family Education." Therefore, in the allocation of resources, there should be a choice when reading lightly." Lu Ning worried. .

"This is competition. Having a high-level opponent is really stressful, but if you can win, you will gain a lot. Sometimes, the performance of a work depends not only on you, but also on the opponent's Strength." Shen Xin comforted.

"But... I heard that "The Demon King's Family Education" is also very powerful, and it has a lot of popularity in District 11." Yan Fei had a lingering fear.

"You said this? I asked Mr. Tamagawa Haruka about this comic. "The Demon King's Family Education" was published in a comic forum in District 11. It has a certain popularity in the forum, but it has not been read lightly or as Zeng Yue said. Xuanhu. After all, the cartoonist named Shi Qun wants to take advantage of his popularity in District 11 to gain a foothold in the domestic comics circle."

"The selling point?"

"That's right. Shi Qun serialized comics on the forums in District 11, and has some fans in District 11. Afterwards, when he returns to China, he will definitely be sought after by the platform. The only surprise is that "The Devil's Family Education" is only published It's over after 120 words."

When the Internet connected Light Reading with "The Demon King’s Family Education," Shen Xin called and asked Yu Chuan Haru, who was far away in District 11. Yu Chuan Haru’s answer was very direct. He has been busy with his own comics and has never heard of it. . Then he said that he learned from his assistant that "The Devil's Family Education" should be serialized on a platform in District 11.

"The second-tier level in District 11, if you find a painting, you should be able to serialize it in a good magazine. Of course, now this comic is reproduced in China, it may be more competitive." Yu Chuan Yao gave his own evaluation.

After that, Shen Xin also saw the comics of "The Devil's Family Education" on the Internet.

Shi Qun’s style of painting is very poor, and the original storyboard is not very good, better than more than half of the domestic cartoonists, but the later, the better the storyboard of "The Demon King’s Family Education", and the strength of Shi Qun can be clearly seen. The promotion.

As for the story, it is a relatively relaxed comic. The story tells that the king of the demon world, because of his old age, finds a female demon he trusts to be the next demon king. When he was about to hand over the ring symbolizing the devil to the female devil, the devil noticed that the ring had fallen into the world.

Therefore, the female devil came to the world and found the protagonist who had picked up the ring, and because the protagonist’s strength was too weak to take off the ring, the gate of the demon world was closed due to many coincidences. If you want to open it again, you must wait until a year later.

The protagonist provides shelter for the female devil, and the female devil also takes on the task of training the protagonist.

Of course, there are many logical unreasonable points here, such as why the female devil doesn't kill the protagonist directly, after all, the effect is direct. But if everything is logical, there will not be so many interesting stories.

Because "The Devil's Family Education" is a funny comic, it is more difficult to create than a hot-blooded comic. The reason is that hot-blooded comics have main lines, and creators can rely on main lines to attract readers. However, in comic comics, every story is relatively complete, and the creator must ensure that every sentence has a funny point in order to be recognized by the readers.

Although the length of "The Devil's Family Education" is short, the story is very complete without the slightest procrastination. Therefore, this comic cannot be a first-line work in the 11th district, but it has indeed been sought after by some readers and has attracted domestic attention. A large number of fans.

"Then what to do?" Lu Ning said uneasy ~ as long as it has won it. "Lu Ning said with a smile, "It's a bit cruel to say. If you want to accept your work by more people, you can only work hard to go up. Isn't there Sister Yan to help you? Besides, the elder sister can also provide help, no problem. "

When Lu Ning heard this, the momentum in his heart finally let go.

"Teacher, let me think about it again... By the way, how do you choose?"

"How to choose?" Shen Xin took a sip while holding the tea cup, "Neither choose."

"Why? has cooperated with the teacher, should they give a reasonable price?"

"The price they give is very high. A single page of 15,000 yuan will publish a pamphlet, and all the copyright belongs to me. They only need the electronic copyright." Shen Xin said.

Lu Ning grinned, startled.

It is not that there are no manuscripts of 20,000 per page, such as "Age of the Gods", but only has electronic copyright, and it offers a astronomical price of fifteen thousand per page, and indeed only this one.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, she felt that the price was very reasonable. Like "Y’s", when it was serialized, there were about 800,000 subscriptions for each story. The income of Shen Xin's new work will not be lower than that of "Y’s".

"Then...Teacher, why didn't you agree?" Lu Ning asked puzzled.

"Did I? What is the difference between web comics and paper comics?" Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

"The mean spreading?" Lu Ning suddenly realized.

Shen Xin nodded.

If you want to draw the fierce basketball confrontation, spreads are indispensable, and in fact, "" does have a large number of spreads, even more than the sum of the spreads he has painted before.

If you put "" on the Internet and watch basketball comics on a large screen with your palm, it is difficult to feel the impact of the cross-page.

Shen Xin's first choice is definitely a magazine.

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