My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 919: Plan

In the middle of the lake, bamboo pavilion.

Although the lake is not big, the water is clear and the fish is clear, and all kinds of river fish swim in the water. Because of this, it is also a good place for fishing.

Fan Yinmo caught a carp, put it in the bucket, and handed the bucket to the waiter standing on the side.

"Broiled in brown sauce, and two pots of black tea..." Fan Yinmo put away the fishing rod.

After the waiter took note, he turned and left.

"It's not bad here? Qiuqian?" Fan Yinmo got up, looked at Qiuqian sitting at the square table, and asked in a low voice.

"It's fine."

Qiu Qian looked back around and found that on the edge of the small lake, there was a fruit forest, full of luxuriant flowers. According to the waiter, the fruit in the fruit tray was picked in the fruit forest.

I remembered that when she was in school, she often compared fruits and practiced sketching. In a blink of an eye, he has become a cartoonist.

Speaking of cartoonists, Qiu Qian naturally thought of "My Love Is Different". With this cartoon, she won the Silver Brush Award of the year. Most of the prize money was given to Fan Yinmo, but the trophy remained in her residence. .

Now, "My Love Story is Different" has been over for more than a month, but the new work has never been found.

As for rest...please, that’s the privilege of a top cartoonist. She did make some money, and in the past month or so, "My Love Story is Different" can also bring her some income, but she But the anxiety inside is increasing day by day.

"When we come back from District 11, we have very few chances to meet. I'm really sorry, but I'm also very busy. On the one hand, I have to take care of "Doomsday Rescue" and discuss the new work with Teacher Shi, so I don't have time to find you. However, Believe me, I have been waiting for a good time, just like today, when the wind is beautiful and sunny, looking at the clear sky, my mood will relax a lot."

"Wait, you said you worked with Teacher Shi? Which teacher Shi?" Qiu Qian didn't react for a while.

"Which teacher Shi is there? Of course it is the original Shi Qun teacher of "The Devil's Family Education". Now, "The Demon's Family Education" is being serialized lightly, ranking first temporarily." Fan Yinmo smiled.

"I have seen that Yishu Culture invited Xueda, which is really enviable." Qiu Qian's eyes were filled with small stars.

Although she won the Silver Brush Award, she is still not in the top line in the comics circle. Snow is a famous illustrator who no longer needs a trophy to prove himself.

"Huh? So, do you know Teacher Shi Qun?"

After turning his mind for a while, Qiu Qian remembered about Shi Qun.

"Yes, I know." Fan Yinmo sat on the other side of the square table with one hand on his cheek. "In District 11, we are classmates and have a good relationship. We must support each other when we go out. Otherwise, it will be easy to become Withdrawn. I will introduce you to Teacher Shi Qun later."

"Yeah. Xiao Mo, why did you call me and Teacher Shi Qun over this time?" Qiu Qian held the cup and whispered.

"For two things. Some time ago, there was a short comic called "Basketball Sky". Have you heard of it?"

"Of course, Mr. Shen Zheng's short story. In fact, not only the color version is great, but the black and white version is also very eye-catching. Comparing the two versions, I prefer the black and white version. It should be because I am also drawing the black and white version. Yes. Now, what is the relationship between the two?"

"Ms. Snow was originally an expert in coloring. Now he is surpassed by "Basketball Sky" and feels a little uncomfortable. Therefore, I wanted to discuss the countermeasure with us.

"Wait...Wait a minute, you mean, Teacher Snow will come too?" Qiu Qian asked in surprise.

"Yes. Shi Qun and Mr. Snow will come together..." Fan Yinmo visited the desktop with his mobile phone, "He will be there in 10 minutes."

"So that's the case. By the way, there should be one more thing? Can you tell me?"

Qiu Qian was a little nervous. After winning the "Silver Paintbrush" award, she felt that there was a gap between her and Fan Yinmo. After returning to Hongchuan, Fan Yinmo did not contact him again, which deepened her guess. , So that when inquiring, will also be careful.

"Of course you can." Fan Yinmo was sitting in danger, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I am going to start a studio. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Workroom?" Qiu Qian had doubts on her face. "Have you no assistant before?"

The cartoonist and assistant naturally formed a studio.

"Tsk." Fan Yinmo waved his hand, "Of course it's not the can I say that kind of mode? I mean, it's the cartoonist cooperative group."

Qiu Qian scratched his head, more puzzled.

"Now, the domestic comic environment has a positive side. For example, there are more online platforms to make serialization of comics easier, and there will be no large-scale cut works. This is the advantage of comics, but at the same time, there are also disadvantages.

"For example, take you as an example. Although you have drew so many comics and won the'Silver Brush' with "My Love Story is Different", but you have not yet Have you ever accepted a one-to-one review of the manuscript? You don’t even know how to avoid the “thunder zone” in your work, right?"

Qiu Qian nodded repeatedly.

The serialization of comics on the Internet, in a sense, lowers the threshold for creators, and allows many comics artists to have the opportunity to show their works one by one through the Internet platform, but it also brings a problem with it. Because too many authors publish comics through online platforms, many people have no chance to get advice from editors and can only figure it out for themselves.

This has two consequences. First, the polishing is not meticulous enough; second, the improvement of the cartoonist's strength is limited.

When Qiuqian drew "My Love Story Is Different", it was provided by Fan Yinmo, but the polishing of that was actually not refined enough, and she often had a headache.

"So, what do you mean..."

"I will hire some professional editors to look at your manuscripts, and even hold a special training course. Also, when creating, assistants are generally relatively leisurely, and only when they need to create comics will they get busy. This way the assistant usage rate It will be very low. But after the establishment of the work, this situation will be alleviated, and even in order to catch up with the draft, there may be a situation of'borrowing' assistants. For cartoonists who do not have assistants, the studio can also be responsible for finding them... When contracting, we can also negotiate with the platform to help cartoonists get better returns."

"Then what do you want?" Qiu Qian said nervously.

"If it's you, I only need 30% of the income."

30% gain?

Qiu Qian was startled, and then quickly calmed down.

This proportion is indeed not low, but considering the editor's independent review of manuscripts, training, and some other expenses, it is not unacceptable.

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