My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 961: Cover

After the release of "Xiandao", the plot of "" was a bit nervous again.

Xian Dao broke through Liu Chuanfeng and Hua Dao's defense, facing Mu Gangxian who came to make up the defense, and passed it to the following Yuzhu.

Yuzhu made a slam dunk and opened the point difference to 6 points, but when he turned around, Mu Gangxian scored another 2 points.

There is one minute left, the gap between the two teams is four points, and the ball is in the hands of Xian Dao.

If Xiandao throws the ball in, then the game will end. On the contrary, if the Lingnan team does not score in this round, Xiangbei still has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

However, the comics came to an abrupt end.

Of course, the readers were not satisfied with this result. They conducted "verbal criticism" on the Internet and scolded "broken dog", and the reader's letter, like snowflakes, was sent to the editorial offices of "ComicFuture" and "Young Leap.

"ComicFuture" forwarded these emails to Wang Wenhong. After getting Shen Xin's permission, Wang Wenhong opened the emails, kept the useful ones, and organized them and kept the useless ones.

The editorial office of "Young Leap" is in District 11. There are too many letters to send to Shen Xin.

Although most of these letters complained about Shen Xin, Murakami was in a good mood.

The large number of letters from readers proves that "" has been accepted by readers. Another point is that ""'s ranking in "Young Leap" also proves this point. After the last sentence, "" has been ranked second. name.

Even though the little book with the words "Xiandao" is also the second place, it is only 30 votes behind "The Gate of Eternal Life"-now, "The Gate of Eternal Life" has also reached the most exciting part, and the protagonist is revealing the passage " Will the people at the “gate of eternal life” be infected with the plague? At the same time, a contest between the protagonist and an “immortal” has also begun, and the plot is equally exciting.

After the end of "The Wasteland Hunter", Murakami has been looking for a comic that can compete with "The Gate of Eternal Life".

It is not that he rejects "The Gate of Eternal Life", but only two high-quality comics can create the double insurance of "Senior Leap". Only the long-term decline of "Senior Leap" can slow down or even stop it.

"The Gate of Eternal Life" is the hottest work in District 11. Actually, there is no need for "Young Leap" to deliberately drain the traffic. Whether it is game dealers or toy dealers, they will all promote "The Gate of Eternal Life", and animation plays a role. Bigger.

No matter from which aspect, "" will be the weak.

But the point of the small book is that it is readers' feedback on the latest words. As long as the content is exciting enough, "" is not impossible to get the first place, and now, the sales of the fourth volume of "" has approached 700,000 copies, which is a momentum. , Has surpassed the performance of "The Wasteland Hunter" when it was first serialized.

In the editorial department of "Shoun Leap", the most nervous person is Chinyo Otani.

He has seen a lot of basketball comics, and he never expected that a training game in "" would stir up the atmosphere of the game to this extent.

In every word now, the highlight of the story can be found.

He has been in this circle for decades, and in recent years, few such wonderful cartoons have appeared.

Wang Wenhong has already handed over ";nbe to him in advance. He is still prepared for the outcome of a normal game. However, unless you see the original manuscript, it is difficult to appreciate the charm of the comic."

Just as he was thinking about it, an email suddenly appeared in the lower right corner of the screen-Chapter 47, the manuscript of "The Man Who Calls Victory".

"Sent here! The manuscript of Chapter 47 of "" is here!" Otani China couldn't help but yelled out.

"Send it to, print it out." Murakami stood up immediately and said to Otani China.

The other editors couldn't help but look at China Otani. They watched him helplessly, and printed out two copies of the manuscript. There was a sour feeling in his heart.

Toru Murakami took the latest manuscript and turned it back eagerly. The storyboard was smooth and the story was gripping. Turning to the last page, he still felt unfinished and worried about gains and losses.

The quality of this sentence is very high and it is in line with reality. If he is a reader, he will definitely look forward to the content of the next sentence. However, its opponent is "The Gate of Eternal Life", and he can really grab it from the hands of "" Have you ever been the first?

This is a big question mark, at least he is not sure.

"" vs "The Gate of Eternal Life"...

This matchup is really exciting.

Murakami had read Shen Xin's latest passage early, but readers could only see the content before the three passages.

After the passage of "Sendor" was screened, readers were all looking forward to the fact that Sendor, who holds the ball in hand, could secure the victory, and this answer will only come to fruition in the next sentence.

Episode 45 "Unbelievable" is serialized in the 13th issue of the magazine.

As soon as the magazine was released, some readers discussed it on the forum, which immediately aroused reports and rebuttals from other netizens.

"Don't spoiler!"

"Yeah, what are you guys? How can you start discussing comics on Monday morning?"

"No matter how bad it is, tomorrow, I am in class now, and I don't have time to buy comics!"

"Stop until Wednesday to discuss, okay? Please"

As a result, few people discussed "" on the forum on Monday, but after reading it, many readers felt uncomfortable without saying a few words, so they expressed their opinions in their small circles, readers, Weibo, and Twitter.

"Xiandao passed the spread between Liu Chuanfeng and Huadao. It's really cool. I didn't expect that Xiandao would be so powerful!"

"Xiandao really deserves to be the core of Lingnan. Facing the blockade of Liu Chuanfeng and Mu Gangxian, he took it easy."

"Is there a P for? It's not that Huadao gave a big hat from behind!"

"That page spread is super exciting. Xian Dao has already thrown the ball, but in the end, he was fanned by the ikebana from behind. The cover of the ikebana is so enjoyable."

"This is a lifesaver! No one would have thought that an ikebana who has only been in contact with basketball for a few months has become the one who saved the team."

"Not only that, I grabbed the basketball ikebana and passed the ball to Liu Chuanfeng by chance. I guess I'm going to die of anger."

"Liu Chuanfeng scored a three-pointer! Only one point left for the two teams!"

"Basketball comics have seen the feeling of the Mi NBA. Has it blown up?"

"It's still one point, who will win?"

"Tense, so nervous!"

"I hope that next week will come soon, with only one update a week, isn't this embarrassing me?"

"Now I can only wait."


Initially, these discussions were only conducted in small circles, but on Tuesday, the forum could no longer be controlled. There were endless posts discussing "". Some people even found Huadao from the sub-mirror behind the cover of immortality, vowing to say this. The blocked shots, even in the NBA, are classics. Needless to say, the blocked shots may even determine the direction of the game.

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