“Is there something on that planet that you deserve nostalgia?” The Grand Priest asked.

The pole did not speak.

“Well, if you don’t want to say it, you can’t say it, no one forced you to say it.” The Great Priest nodded, “Then… I’m going to send you home, and now I can take back that destructive energy of yours, right? ”

“What?” The face of the pole changes color slightly.

“Is it that if I don’t let you go back, you plan to attack me with that destructive energy of yours?” The Great Priest said with a smile.

The pole is silent.

“Meow?” The pier is on the side with its teeth.

Do you want to go together?

Isn’t Dougs clear enough? Why are you still trying to beat me? The Great Priest smiled, “Come on Beerus, attack me with all your might.” ”

“You… Are you serious? The pole was stunned.

“Don’t worry, even if you defeat me, I won’t make it difficult for you, and I will still send you back.” The Great Priest smiled.

“Then you’re welcome!” There is nothing to be afraid of in the pole, and the destructive energy in the hand is also condensed.

Intermediate destruction!

Suddenly, a purple-red energy appeared in the cat’s claw of the pole.

“Your destructive energy has been boosted again.” The Great Priest smiled and said, “Come on, try it.” ”


The pole whistled in the direction where the Great Priest was.

At the same time, the purple-red energy in the cat’s claws of the pole also quickly covered the past.


The Great Priest just stretched out one of his fingers.

Index finger!

Just like that, with this index finger, he directly caught the purple-red energy.


The next moment, a scene that surprised the pole happened.

The Great Priest flicked his fingers.

I saw that the destructive energy was directly shattered at that time.

The destructive energy turned into purple-red slag, which quickly dissipated without a trace.

The pole was stunned, quickly retreated, and distanced himself from the great priest.

How is this possible?

Before, I used elementary destruction to shake his arm.

Now that I’ve unleashed mid-level destruction, why was it smashed by him with a finger?

Dunzi also widened his cat’s eyes and was terrified.

This guy is indeed scarier than we think.

“The power is good, your current strength has surpassed Ligier and them.” The Great Priest said with a smile.

“You… Are you really all right? The pole was shocked.

“Do you think you’re going to hurt me?” The Great Priest smiled, and then continued, “Okay, I’ll send you back, come and pull me.” ”

The pole and pier looked at each other.

The two cats no longer had the slightest hesitation and stepped forward and grabbed the pant leg of the Great Priest.

If this guy is going to do something to us….

We are not his opponents at all.

Let’s hope he can send us back.


Just when the Great Priest was about to return to the planet where Yuan Dong slept through teleportation, he suddenly frowned.

The Great Priest immediately stopped.

“You wouldn’t be trying to repent, would you?” The pole asked.

“I’m afraid… You can’t go back. The Grand Priest sighed.

“You really repented! You said you were going to send us back! “Pole fangs.

“Meow!” The pier is also grinning.

“You know what the sun is, right?” The Great Priest sighed, “The sun is the star that provides heat and light to your planet. ”

“What the hell are you trying to say?” The pole asked.

“The sun on your planet, in about 5 minutes or so, there will be a big explosion, and by that time, your planet will be burned to ashes and nothing will be left.” The Great Priest said, and a scepter appeared in his hand.


A projection was projected on the crystal ball above the Great Priest’s scepter.

And the picture played by this projection is the ball where the pole and the pier live.

“You see, this is your home, the planet you live on.” The Great Priest pointed to the green planet, and then to the sun in the distance, “And this shining thing is the star, that is, the sun that provides heat and light to your planet.” ”

Poles and piers are relatively new to this.

“It’s normal that you don’t understand this.” The Great Priest smiled and said, “Let me briefly explain to you why there is day and night in the place where you live?” This is because the planet you live on revolves around the sun, and while the planet revolves around the sun, it rotates itself, and when this side is facing away from the sun, this area is night. ”

“Listen to you… Do we all live on this ball? The pole asked.

“That’s right.” The Grand Priest nodded.

“Then why didn’t it fall?” The pole asked rhetorically.

Grand Priest: “…”

“Ahem, the question is simple, because the planet has its own gravity… Of course you’re not going to fall. The Great Priest had to patiently explain, “In this vast universe, there are many planets like this. ”

While saying this, the Great Priest was also afraid that the two cats would not understand, and casually used his scepter to pull the picture away, projecting some other planets with the sun.

The pole and the pier listened with a half-understanding.

But there was one thing they seemed to understand.

That is, the sun around which the planet revolves… It looks like it’s about to explode.

“You see, this sun on your planet is expanding rapidly, and there will be a big explosion in one minute.” The Great Priest sighed, “You also see that the sun is much bigger than your planet, right?” In front of the sun, your planet is like a small point, and if an explosion occurs, your planet will be directly reduced to ashes. ”

The pole’s heart sank.

Dunzi widened his eyes even more, and shook his head in disbelief.

What to do?

What about the owner?

There was a brief silence.

“You… Do you have a way to stop the sun from exploding? The pole said quietly.

“Yes.” The Grand Priest nodded.

The pole had a happy face.

“However, everything in the universe has its own development track, and some things will be destroyed, it is only a matter of time, even if it is stopped this time, the next time will also bring greater disaster.” The Great Priest sighed, pointed to the projection on the scepter with his hand, and continued, “If the sun is stopped from exploding this time, in about three years, the meteor cluster of that nebula will collide with the planet you live on… At that time, your planet will also be doomed. ”

The pole is silent.

The pole saw with his own eyes that the projection turned on it.

Immediately afterwards, three huge meteors crashed into the planet they inhabited.

The planet exploded in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the planet turned into cosmic dust.

The face of the pole changed again and again.

This guy… Does he have the ability to foresee the future?

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