“Macarita, something is wrong!” Tiger hurriedly replied, “Doug is dead. ”

“What? Is Doug dead? “Macarita was a little unresponsive.

“Yes, I was killed by a monster with a punch… No, a punch burst … It seems that the soul did not have time to escape, and the soul was destroyed with it. Tiger said immediately.

“Dougs… Punched in the soul by a monster? “Macarita was indeed a little shocked.

“Yes… Really, I didn’t lie to you. Tiger thought of the horror of Yuandong, and couldn’t help but snort.

“Is there such a thing? What does the other party look like? Macarita asked.

“Yellow skin… Black hair… Much like the human beings born in the seventh universe. Tiger replied.

“Will there be such a powerful figure in the human race?” Makarita couldn’t believe it.

“Really, I didn’t lie to you… It’s terrible…” Tiger’s whole body trembled.

“Lord Tiger rest first, I will investigate this matter.” Macarita comforted.

“That guy… It’s really strong…” Tiger’s voice trembled a little.

“I know, you rest well first, everything will be fine.” Macarita comforted again.

“Hmm.” Tiger nodded vigorously and quickly found a place to rest.

It’s terrible!

Get some sleep, maybe it’s a terrible dream.

Makarita also immediately contacted the Great Priest through the scepter, and told the High Priest everything that happened here.

The Great Priest had just sent away the Dragon God Salama.

“Dougs… He’s dead? After hearing this news, the Great Priest was also a little surprised.

Dougs, that’s the god of destruction.

As a result, he was punched in the soul?

This guy… It can’t be that he burst the Dragon Ball, right?

“I’ll go to the seventh universe.” The Great Priest replied.

“Father, be careful, someone who can punch Douggs… Isn’t the strength much different from my father’s? Makarita asked with some concern.

“I can also punch Douggs… Rest assured, these 18 universes are all under my control. The Great Priest smiled.

Hearing her father’s words, Macarita was also relieved.

As long as it’s all within my father’s control, it’s no big deal.

“Moreover, although Dougs is now a God of Destruction, if he is divided according to the level of the God of Destruction, he can only be regarded as the God of Destruction in the first stage.” The Great Priest comforted, “I divide the level of the God of Destruction into a total of 5 stages, and if the God of Destruction of the second stage hits the God of Destruction of the first stage, it can also be punched with one punch. ”

“So that’s it.” Macarita finally showed a faint smile.

There was a brief silence.

“So, if it is the fifth stage of the God of Destruction compared to the Father-sama, how much is the gap?” Macharita asked again.

“There’s still a big gap.” The Great Priest smiled and said, “Don’t talk about me, the angels can also easily deal with the Fifth Stage God of Destruction. ”

Makarita nodded vigorously.

So that I am relieved.

“I’ll take a look, you wait for my news.” After the Great Priest finished speaking, he immediately set off.

Not long after, the figure of the Great Priest appeared in the starry sky of the seventh universe.

That is, the position where Yuandong just burst Douggs.

“Sure enough, the soul burst…” the Great Priest sighed, and couldn’t help but frown.

Who will it be?

Has such a powerful human being been born in this universe?

The Great Priest explored the vicinity for a while, but found nothing.

Because when Yuan Dong slept, there was not a trace of breath fluctuation on his body.

The Great Priest simply could not find the location where Yuan Dong was.

The Grand Priest thought about it and made contact with Macarita through the scepter.

“How’s Father? Have you found the murderer? Macarita asked.

“No, no clue at all.” The Great Priest shook his head.

“Can’t even find my father?” Makarita was a little surprised, “So, he should be a god?” ”

“That’s right, it may be a god born in the universe…” the Great God bowed, “By the way, did Tiger say that it was because of the fight?” ”

“That man seems to be looking for the same kind that is not much different from him… The words were a little rude, and Dougs was angry, so he attacked the other party first. Macarita replied truthfully, “The other party just punched and Dougs’ soul was directly shattered, and his entire body became fragments. ”

“I’m afraid that Doug thinks that he is the God of Destruction and thinks that he can already reach an invincible existence.” The Great Priest sighed, “Over the years, these gods of destruction have indeed felt a bit of a nobody. ”

“Yes, that’s Dougs’ style,” Makarita nodded slightly.

“Let’s do this first, wait until this person appears next time, it’s a little troublesome to find now.” The Grand Priest replied, “I’ll let Weiss pay attention to the movements on this side of the seventh universe. ”

“Yes, Father.” Makarita replied, “So, what about Dougs? Is there a way to resurrect him? ”

“No need, let Savoie find the right God of Destruction on his own.” The Great Priest thought for a while, and said to Macharita, “Just through this incident, it also reminded these gods of destruction, don’t let them be so arrogant, let them remember that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.” ”

“Yes, my lord.” Macarita replied.

Soon, the news that Dougs was punched to death also immediately spread in the god world.

Not only the angels and the God of Destruction knew about this, but even the Realm King God also obtained this news through various channels.

The gods were amazed.

Doug was actually punched to death, and his soul was scattered.

It is said that even angels cannot revive a man whose soul is destroyed.

For a while, the gods were speculating about the origin of this murderer.

How could it be so powerful?

Dougs’ death also made many gods of destruction feel alarmed.

It seems that in this universe, apart from angels, the God of Destruction is not an invincible existence.

There will be more powerful characters in this universe.

Many destruction gods once again accelerated the speed of cultivation, and they became more diligent in cultivation.

Originally, after cultivating for 4 million years, many gods of destruction had actually slackened down.

Dougs’ death really shocked many gods of destruction.

Practice well.

Let the angel or the high priest beat to death, let a person who appears out of nowhere, punch to death….

That would be too bad.

The destruction gods and realm king gods of the major universes once fell into a burst of panic.


Seventh universe.

Destroy the God Realm.

“What? Is Doug dead? Beerus was stunned, “Punched to death? ”

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