My Cell Game
Chapter 145 Trial Sect
Nanyang City, CDC.
Luo Chenghong and other thirteen judges assembled again in the high-level conference room.
This is the second gathering of judges in Nanyang City after the Dongmen Shopping Center incident last time.
Ke Longwei, the commander and captain of the CDC, personally led the team and took 13 judges to the gate of the CDC to wait in line.
Someone from above is coming, maybe to make some work arrangements. This is Ke Longwei's explanation to Luo Chenghong and the others.
From Ke Longwei's serious expression, it can be seen that the identity of the visitor is unusual.
If it was just a routine inspection by the superior, Ke Longwei would not have caused such a big fight.
At this moment, Ke Longwei's mood is a bit complicated.
The last time at the East Gate Shopping Center, his own people were one step behind and caused a lot of casualties. Afterwards simulation estimated that if the clown hadn't appeared suddenly, the number of casualties would have at least doubled.
The clown who appeared in the mall undoubtedly helped a lot. However, regarding the mysterious clown, the CDC has no information at all.
Surveillance in Nanyang City is not widespread, only in the main traffic arteries, so no photos of clowns were captured. The clown seemed to have disappeared without a trace.
The people above are here to ask for accountability, right?
When Ke Longwei was struggling, a tourist bus drove over on the street outside the CDC.
The bus turned a corner at the gate of the CDC and drove towards the gate of the CDC.
"The center of disease control, idlers are not allowed to enter!" The person on duty in the sentry box lowered the barrier to block the bus of unknown origin.
The bus stopped at the door, and Ke Longwei and his party stood beside them.
Looking at the bus of unknown origin, Ke Longwei was a little uncertain. The people above are coming today, this bus can't be them, can it?
In Ke Longwei's impression, the person who came here should be driving a military vehicle or an anti-riot vehicle. It would be too much to drive a bus.
What's more, it is impossible to see the situation in the bus clearly from the outside. All the windows are tightly covered by blackout curtains. I don't know if it is because of the reflection, and it is impossible to see the situation inside through the huge windshield.
Soon, the door of the bus opened, and a man in a dark purple robe got out, followed by a group of people dressed in the same clothes.
The thick robes covered them tightly from top to bottom. There was a huge hood on the robe, and the hood was raised to hide their faces.
They are like a group of priests in robes. On the back of the robe, there is a circular logo tattooed, in the logo is a rushing river - Dainichikawa.
Ke Longwei's expression changed, he stood solemnly at attention, and saluted the group of people.
The man in the lead lifted his hat, revealing a face full of vicissitudes.
The deep wrinkles on his face are the traces of the passage of time and the erosion of wind and sand. At first glance, his appearance is very ordinary. If you ignore those deep wrinkles, you may not be able to find him among the crowd.
"Judgment Sect, Lu Wu." The man simply introduced himself.
"Commander of the Nanyang CDC, Ke Longwei." Ke Longwei replied.
After a brief introduction between the two parties, Lu Wu took out an envelope from his robe, handed it to Ke Longwei, and said, "Now, we will take over here."
Ke Longwei opened the envelope, and there was only a short sentence in the envelope: Appoint Lu Wu as the supreme commander of Nanyang City, and all imperial departments must cooperate unconditionally.
Inscribed, Trial sect, Grand Pope.
I'm really sorry, I'm not in the mood today. I've been sitting in front of the computer at two o'clock in the afternoon until now at eight o'clock.
Write more tomorrow, today is completely out of shape. sorry~
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