My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 997: Data invasion

All bio-batteries in the Energy General Zone fell off, and the capacitor tank was affected by unknown factors and could not be reset.

Leads to the following results:

1. "Guangyao Waterfall" has been forcibly closed.

2. Emergency backup energy (approximately 20% of the total biomass energy) has been activated. Due to the serious excess of the "population restriction", the pyramid can only be maintained in a sub-active state. 』

"When the gate of the energy zone was not opened, a large number of rebels suddenly appeared, and the leader has been confirmed as [Source of Terror-Tutramon].

At the same time, the interference of unknown energy was also detected, and the priests in the energy zone have fallen into a disadvantage, requesting support! 』

"Emergency situations!

[Nurturing God-Lefes] has been killed by the enemy, and the Nurturing Temple and its affiliates have completely lost control. 』

"The Osiris Company was severely damaged by some kind of hot iron chain, and requested support from the Pyramid. 』

"The "stone guard" of the Temple of the Earth was restrained by the invaders.

The enemy is a kind of scarecrow that can "reap the soul" and can kill the stone guards without destroying the rock formations. The combatants have been reduced by 80%. The main **** Geb has been unable to kill the main body of the opponent's scarecrows and asked for support from the pyramid . 』

"Due to the withdrawal of Guangyao Waterfall, the Temple of Rain has been shrouded in dense fog.

Due to the reduced range of dense fog, the external isolation effect is stronger.

Including [Rainwater God-Tefnut], all personnel in the battle zone of the Rainwater Temple lost contact. 』

"The latest situation! Due to the double negative pressure caused by energy and population, the pyramid was completely inactivated.

The bottom wall on the south side was hit by a huge force, and the wall was broken.

It was detected that the intruder was the weird woman who killed the [Pregnant God] and the four accompanying subordinates. 』

A series of negative information that was enough to turn the situation around instantly and completely plunge the gods into desperation was delivered by different information priests to the pharaoh sitting on the throne in almost a minute.

Ed Lewis from the Royal Capital-[Turing Modeling].

After listening to the information, he just sat quietly on the throne, with his hands in front of him, his eyes did not change much.

Neither rushed to the energy zone in the first time, suppressed intruders and tried to restore energy supply,

Nor did they rush to the broken gap at the bottom of the pyramid to temporarily repair and suppress new invaders,

Nor did he fall into the quagmire of anger due to a momentary situation out of control.

Ed's brain is just like the top CPU, with the support of the physical motherboard, it integrates the information obtained and gives the best solution to the current situation.

The "information priests" knelt down in front of Ed in a row. Through their brain communication characteristics, they connected with different war zones and important divisions inside the pyramid.

Even if the biological communication line of Quanshendu is staged and the ports are blocked, the information priest can still carry out efficient information transmission.

Ed conveyed his war instructions by touching the head of the information priest.

-Information Priest (Alternate Energy Zone)-

"Mainly "load population", cut off non-essential energy supply lines.

The purge of the mummy should be completed within twenty minutes. Then gradually restore the overall energy supply of the pyramid. "

-Information Priest (Temple of the Sun)-

"Assign 30% of the Sun Priests and Shining Body to provide assistance to the Earth Temple.

When the reinforcements arrive, integrate the remaining "stone guards" and ride the floating stones to the Sun Temple for the exchange of guards. "

-Information Priest (Temple of Hades)-

"Removing the restrictions on the ‘Underworld’ of the Osiris Temple and allowing [Osiris] to use the Pluto posture, it does not take into account the "war trauma" to carry out mass death release. "

-Information Priest (Temple of Nature)-

"Call three top "plant educators" from the Temple of Nature to [The Temple of Rain].

Without entering the fog, the internal situation is explored by cultivating perceptive plants, and the battle situation in the fog is reported in time. "

-Information Priest (Defense at the Bottom of the Pyramid)-

"Send the Holy Armor High Priest, Snake Ring High Priest, and Wolf Head High Priest to the bottom of the south side of the pyramid to resist the invaders.

The Holy Armor organization closes the broken mouth, and at the same time, you need to ensure the safety of Tesla and his team during the battle. "

【Yes! 】

Ed has issued the ‘optimal’ response measures for all the current situations within a minute.

It may not be enough to reverse the situation, but it can definitely stabilize the situation for a long time.


The most important point at the moment is that there is no way to deal with the [Energy Zone].

"Pharaoh, how to deal with the energy zone?

According to the information returned, it can be determined that the source of terror-Tutramon and his priests are in it, and we apply to kill the source of terror."

The application was made by the last three high priests who were still with Pharaoh.

"It's not that simple.

The reason why I left the [Energy Zone] matter at the end is because it is the ‘true end’...I am 100% sure that Nicholas is hiding in it.

Can launch a surprise attack against the "population" of the pyramid.

Can contact the source of fear in advance, and meet him inside the pyramid.

It can find the only gap in the energy zone and avoid the detection system to enter it.

Except for this kid, no one else can do it... The three of you are ready for the final battle and take the upper priesthood with me to the energy zone.

There is only one thing you need to do.

Try to exclude all interference for me except Nicholas. "



Energy Region

When all the bio-batteries are peeled off, the inside is completely dark.


The front door opens.

The three priests entered it first.

Papa Papa~Due to the accumulation of water on the ground, when the priests entered, they all made noises due to stepping.

Even when wearing shoes, there is still a sense of discomfort when in contact with stagnant water... If you examine the soles of these priests, you will find that there are some superficial contamination lines on the tips of their fingers.

Accompanied by the successive entry of the three priests.

[Pharaoh-Ed. Louis] comes.

As the supreme ruler of the gods, his "Pharaoh's appearance" is still equally exaggerated, with countless black cables connected to his back, like a magnificent "giant curtain cloak."

Feeling the damp air, Ed muttered softly: "Ancestral body..."

Nothing can be seen in the energy zone shrouded in darkness, cold, and humidity.


With Ed's wave of his hand, hundreds of millions of data cables connected behind him, squeezed into the energy zone.

Due to the suppression of the world, Ed was forced to return to the rank of [Fifth Tier Engineer], but his ability system was super-fifth-tier... In addition, he possessed the "node" and was influenced by the world of "Prometheus" The blessing of power.

"Data Erosion"

Each cable connected to Ed's back corresponds to an independent [erosion program].

No matter rocks, metals, water stains and living things will be occupied by cables.


For a while, the walls and ground of the energy zone were all packed with cables, and no gaps could be found, full of densely arranged data cables.

At this time, Ed's voice echoed in the energy zone:

"Nicholas, you can see that you take great care of the public facilities here.

The installations in the energy zone were forcibly shut down with almost no damage.

You also know very well that the energy zone can be said to be the true heart of God, and all high-quality black water will be fractionated here.

Once it is damaged, it will take at least ten years to repair it.

It may even be due to a long-term lack of energy supply, causing the whole **** to degenerate.

Why not make this duel easier.

You only need to connect a cable to the back of your head at will, and the final battle will be carried out in my head through the [real projection] method...belongs to you and me, in the true sense of [one-to-one]. "

Such a proposal seems obviously to be the advantage of Ed.

After all, this way of consciousness access will be carried out in Ed's brain.


While maintaining the "biological battery" state, Han Dong, whose body was completely deformed and placed in the meat ball, answered with pleasure:

"Okay...Come on."

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