My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 999: same type

Through the projection of perfect consciousness, Ed standing in the arena.

The image of a bald pharaoh with black skin and gold lines is changed.

When this silver pistol with integrated circuit structure is held in the hand, the overall breath and posture are changing.

The two characteristics are separated through the form of "self-programming".

Originally, since Ed obtained the "Prometheus" node, he obtained a privilege, the privilege granted by the space of fate-[Pharaoh Clone].

Destiny Space assisted Ed to perfectly recreate a consciousness.

However, the flesh used to carry consciousness needs to be made by itself.

Therefore, Ed used the top technology of the Black Pyramid and the highest level of black water to create a pharaoh's body, staying in the destiny world to manage everything in the gods.

During the war, the "biological skeletons" used by Ed were also copies created based on the flesh of the pharaoh.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Aide chose two-way development.

1. In the real world, he continues to follow the route of ‘simulation programming’.

2. The perfect clone staying in the node combines the characteristics of the gods and develops along the line of the ‘Pharaoh’.

This kind of development is not necessarily good, it seems that the holy city does not advocate the [double cultivation] of the apprentice knight.

Many participants who have obtained real nodes, such as the existence of higher nodes like the leader of Ma Long, will also choose [specialized] development.

The development route of the clone and the main body are exactly the same, which will make the practice more effective.

Head Ma Long will return to **** every other year, and his strength will also be increased over a span of time, all from the cultivation of the Demon King's clone in hell.

However, Ed has chosen the development of ‘two routes’.

In his eyes, gods have unique biological characteristics.

If he can perfectly combine the biological computer technology under the background of "Prometheus" with his computer technology in the electronic information age, it may be possible for him to get rid of the shackles at a certain point in time and break through to a higher level.

Today, Ed has not been able to integrate the "Pharaoh characteristics" with the subject's "programming characteristics".


For the current decisive battle.

Ed separates the two different attributes, and each exerts its own characteristics... This is somewhat similar to Han Dong, and it can even be said to be the commonality of genius.

The "self-programming algorithm" achieves almost perfect left and right separation.

Left half of the body (Pharaoh): dark color, regular gold lines covering the skin, and a black dress woven from the nose ring, gold armbands and nano-scale biomass materials, which are unique to the pharaoh, treading barefoot on the ground .

There is also a unique black water on the bottom of the sole, which radiates outward in the form of lines, just like a regular matrix pattern.

The whole is integrated with God.

Right half of the body (programmer): Standard white skin color, with unshaved beard on the face.

A polo shirt with the company logo of Turing Modeling, fairly fashionable jeans and leather shoes, and a brown-yellow wig.

The front looks like a standard social animal... However, there is an ‘inhuman’ structure on Ed’s back, and various data interfaces remain on the back, whose function is unknown.

When the left and right separation is complete.

The pistol of the integrated circuit structure also began to undergo a derivative change.

With regular metal lines spreading out of the surface circuit, a black pistol with a bright black color and a "mechanical creature" style was constructed between the palm of the corresponding left half of the body.

On the whole, whether it is the diverse expression of abilities or the essence of being a participant in destiny-Ed takes [Mathematics] as the starting point for development, and Han Dong takes [Occultism] as the starting point.

The two can be said to belong to the same category.

"The fit... is so high?"

Han Dong was amazed by Ed's changes, but he was more concerned about the danger signal directly conveyed by the "faceless head" of the silver pistol with integrated circuit structure.

"Equipment with a quality above uniqueness possesses'individuality.' Good equipment not only requires skilled use, but also requires "change." "

"Architect-Original" (Epic Firearms)

Source the true fate of Tier 5-"Terminator Series".

"Nicholas, the reason why you get the support of a large number of people from the gods in private is largely because you have the myth level contact of [Anubis]?

And it seems that in the assessment of the chosen one, the divine nature is improved by swallowing the underworld.

With this energy-entangled black magic equipment, it should be able to reach a very deep death form.

Naturally, there is no talk of death for the deceased...I am curious if my architect can erase death. "

Talk about it.

Raise his right hand.

Yin Liang's muzzle was aimed at Han Dong.

For an instant, Han Dong had a feeling of being sentenced to death... Intuition tells Han Dong that avoiding is meaningless, no matter how fast or how sensitive the reaction is, he will be hit.


"Hey! Don't call me this kind of death!" Together with Han Dong's consciousness, the earl knew the threat of guns clearly.

"It's not for you to block... the first time I will block it!

When I block, you need to immediately burst out the strongest attack to reduce the chance of him shooting... If I can't stop a shot, this game will be meaningless. "


[Dead pose]

The finger cots are completely attached to the higher-level crow staff with similar attributes.

As the bandage on the surface of the staff floated, Han Dong's entity immediately changed... some kind of divinity from [Anubis] was escaping.

The ground that Han Dong stepped on turned into a structure of the earth.

However, this is not a turn-based battle.

Ed has already pulled the trigger.

Zi Zi Zi~

A strange electromagnetic sound resounded through the air, and a strange bullet shot out.

Relevant program strings occasionally appeared around the bullet, and it even felt that the bullet was not real.

It may be just a sequence of procedures fired from the gun.

The appearance of the bullet is nothing more than the ‘image projection’ of the program in space... If you pause the screen and observe carefully, you can still see that there is a program in the middle: f(target)=.

It means that the program will only affect Nicholas, and evasion is futile anyway.

And Han Dong.

No external defensive measures such as sand walls and enchantments were used. UU Reading

The [.] engraved on the arm of the undead flashes, resonating with the staff.

High-level Death Secret-"Coffin of the Dead"

A black coffin with the head of Anubis on the top of the coffin immediately filled Han Dong into it.

Click, click~

When the bullet hit the coffin, it made a sharp sound similar to a sonic boom.

The gray tentacles growing on the surrounding ground were invaded by the shattering process produced by the impact and were directly erased.

When it calms down.

A fairly uniform spiral pit was left on the surface of the thick coffin, and the coffin had been completely penetrated... the deepest position just reached the surface of Han Dong's abdomen.


At this moment...Boom!

Juli lifted the lid of the coffin and flew straight to Ed.

Duang! The black water shield generated under Ed's step bounced the coffin lid away.

Just as the coffin lid flew, a terrifying creature appeared in Ed's field of vision.

A dog with scarlet tentacles swallowed the blood and had nine heads, with a big mouth large enough to swallow a small building, suddenly came.

Ed immediately replaced the black pistol in his left hand.


A bullet formed an extremely strong biomass gate in front of him, used to block the blood dog.

The other two bullets fired into the blood dog, triggering a genetic change...but.

The existence of G virus reversely suppresses genetic changes.

The structure of the holy sword flowing in the blood smashed and annihilated the invading black bullets.

"Hmm! There is another mythical contact?"

Boom~ The biomass gate was smashed by the crazy blood dog.

The open blood basin swallowed Ed, the teeth made of tentacles. Immediately carry out deep pollution and death chewing on the target in the mouth.

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