My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 1006: Win-win

When the treasure chest is opened.

Han Dong's force only stayed on the surfaces of the **** for less than a minute.

I immediately noticed something wrong with the parchment as the backing.

"You take it." Gu Xu immediately gave in.

To get the final treasure, Han Dong's contribution is naturally the largest.

And the Dragon City team also got what they wanted.

Generally speaking, the true fate of the event with a degree of completion of 100%, and the corresponding ultimate treasure can produce a finished piece of equipment, which is considered very good.

Xuanyuanyu is also the pillar of the team, and the improvement brought by this finger is obvious.

"Ji Meng Yin"

The moment of wearing the finger.

A powerful ability directly evaporates the clothes on Xuanyuanyu's back. When the ice muscle and jade skin's back is exposed, the domineering side-leaking shoulder dragon tattoo is also activated, and it slowly swims on Xuanyuanyu's body.

Gu Xu seemed to see something, and asked, "Do you have anything else?"

"There is one, I got it before... I didn't expect an extra one will be given as an accessory."

"Well, since the matter here has been processed, we will go back."

At Gu Xu's request, all members submitted an application for event settlement to the system, and all members of the team disappeared.

Naturally, Han Dong picked up the parchment, and at the same time received a fate reminder.

"Because the white giant civilization is preserved and the power prestige is greater than the respect, the subsidiary reward: "Treasure Map Fragment (Alien Plate"

That's right.

Han Dong noticed this familiar thing when he opened the box.

Once in the "Ghost Story" incident, a piece of treasure map was obtained by accidentally going deep into hell.

So far, Han Dong never got it again. Even the underground black market of the Holy City didn't have this thing, and the Destiny Points System could not be exchanged directly, which was very rare.

According to the system prompt, as long as you can collect five pieces, you can synthesize [Destiny Treasure Map] and go to a special destiny world.

"Let's put it away first, I hope to complete the collection in the future... The complete treasure map should correspond to the legendary equipment, hoo! The distance is still a bit far away, take your time."

Han Dong collected the parchment and turned his head to look at his teammate.

"Abel, you continue to stay in the White Giant Temple, and borrow the facilities here to familiarize yourself with the equipment you just got...When we go back, we may go directly to the expeditionary war."

"it is good."

"Demps, Mia, you follow me back to the pyramid to see if there are any good things in the treasury.

If appropriate, you can take it away...Wait until the [24h] time limit is over, we will settle back together. After all, the ancestor toad was waiting outside, and there would be no trouble if there were Lord Marytis and me. "

Mia quickly came up to hold Han Dong.

Demps waved his hand here, "Well, everyone naturally has to wait to check out together... However, I will not go to the pyramid. Even if there are some good things there, it will cost the corresponding points to take out, I might as well Direct exchange.

I'll stay somewhere else for a while, you can go. "

"Don't go too far."

Han Dong knew exactly where Demps was going.

When giving a speech in a civilian area, there was a ‘noble area’ where there was no need for Han Dong to make extra speeches. The aunt-level residents with heavy makeup held up the Demps sign to express their absolute support for the uprising.


that's it.

Han Dong only took Mia and returned to the pyramid alone.

Due to the'tragic experience' in the early days of Shendu, Mia's personality has undergone a certain change. Currently, she is walking quietly with her arm in arm and leaning on Han Dong.

The "Second Life" of God Capital is an extremely important experience for everyone.

Even a strong man like Gu Xu has achieved great growth.

All of the individuals are restricted in an absolute sense, and they are invested in a brand new world system for redevelopment.

For the participants, the "Journey to the City of God" is itself a reward.

And Mia's bad start has also brought her a huge improvement.

"Nicholas, you should talk to the townspeople and [Fifth Squad] later... Demps is right. If you want to take things out of the pyramid, you will also get points. It's better to exchange for something. suitable.

I have to go to the organization that first adopted me and say goodbye to them. "

"Um... go."

Han Dong was thinking of reminding Mia about the distribution of talents, but after thinking about it, there was no need to say anything.

"Mia should have found the target, so it's good to not stick to me.

On the next journey, maybe I will bring [Mary Tis] by my side, with a space system that touches the "Gate of Truth" as my "exclusive charger", it is not too cool.

Moreover, the real world has much fewer space constraints than gods, and can play a greater role.

"The Door of Truth"... Is the next stage "Opening the Door"? At that time, I can see the truth and understand the divinity... I really can’t wait, hahaha~hahaha! . "

Thought of this.

Crazy laughter resounded throughout the street, and Han Dong did not restrict himself, and was completely immersed in this emotion.

Even Han Dong wanted to return to the expeditionary army quickly, and wanted to go to the front line of the battlefield to try his current ability... This time the promotion gained in the fate event was more than just a little talent.

The identity of the "Pharaoh" corresponding to the real node has a special blessing to Han Dong.

This is similar to the leader of Ma Long who gained the status of **** king.


One hour passed.

The townspeople who chose good props in the pyramid treasure house will return to the town under the guidance of boss [Third Demon] Han.

Along the way, Han Dong also expressed his gratitude to every townsman in turn.

I can clearly feel that the townspeople have gained the improvement brought about by actual combat in the node war, and some people even have qualitative changes.

Town Hall-Meeting In addition to the Ten Demons, the townspeople who have made special contributions to the war also gather here.

"Mayor, I will fulfill my promise and separate a part of "The Source of the World" of "Prometheus" to promote the high-level construction of [Ridre Town]. "

"Only 10% is enough. Your world has suffered a lot of trauma in the war, and too much passage will make the world problematic."


Han Dong sat opposite the mayor.

At the same time, the world node is sacrificed...compared to come out.

The nodes in Han Dong's hands exude a bright luster, and the structure belongs to a multi-faceted crystal.

However, the node suspended in the hands of the mayor is like another substance-[an exquisite cube hut], with only a wooden door exuding darkness.

"It's really special... it's not the same as ordinary world nodes."

When Han Dong was surprised.

The "node hut" in the mayor's hand suddenly opened the door and directly absorbed Han Dong's node in one direction, and strands of luminous matter were sucked into the hut and assimilated and absorbed.

The nodes are completely suppressed.

When the 10% of the total was drawn, the mayor smiled satisfied.

"Yes, now we can take the town to the next stage...Thank you for your contribution to Ridley Town, Nicholas."

"Yes, after all, I am also from Ridley Town... By the way! One more thing, is the coffin handed over to the mayor for safekeeping?"

"That thing is not very good. It has been deep-reinforced by me and stored in a special area. Come and fetch it when you plan to leave... The contents are the same as [Pennywise], which is very dishonest.

If improper management causes its containment breach, it will bring devastating disasters to your world. "

Han Dong was shocked when he heard this, "Thank you, the mayor."

"Go to your business, time is running out."

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