My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 1018: Wang Chan


Compared with the city on the surface, there is a larger space below, and there are more strange demons living here.

Moreover, in addition to the direct alien monsters with the blood of the toad ancestor flowing in their bodies, there are also a large number of "dependants" inhabited in the underground world.

For example, some "Womi giants" who look similar to primitive savages and have huge physiques live in huge caves that they have dug. They are generally responsible for the excavation of caves and the removal of huge stones in the underground world.

Or some "invisible children" hovering in the passage, or attached to the murals, or hiding in the pool.

They have different postures and ever-changing. They are both the secret guards of the underground world and the deadly traps hidden in various areas.

In addition, the alien monsters attached to Enkai must have at least two digits in number.

Most of them belonged to the acquired strange demons that developed on their own under the envelope of [Yong Ye]... they did not belong to them, and for some reason they worshipped the Toad ancestors, and they traveled thousands of miles to Enkai.

It is different from those illusory and hard-to-reach high-ranking old kings.

An old middle-ranked king like Chanzu, his body is in the Sleeping Place, and he is always paying attention to the situation here.

Moreover, as long as you fall asleep in Enkai's area, you will have a certain probability to connect your consciousness to the dreamland of Toad Ancestor and see the true face of this old king.

Those who are lucky enough to fall asleep can even get points from the Toad Ancestor.

It is precisely because of the ‘kindness’ of the Toad ancestor that there are many attached persons.

In addition, the fertility and growth of toad-like monsters are very good, which can create such a huge [Enkai].

Enkey-the underground world.

It is mainly through the intricate and staggered cave passages and the millions of suspension bridges between the cliffs to achieve "basic access".

Under the leadership of Chanzu, everyone stepped between the suspension bridges and marched through the longest canyon in the underground world.

Whether it is the stranger residents living in the Dark Whisper Canyon, or the messenger, merchant or guard who passed by by accident, they will kneel on the ground in the most pious posture until the Toad Ancestor walks out of their field of vision.

Along the way.

The alien demon kingdom shown in Han Dong's eyes is indeed very different from human society.

But in such a world of wonder, there are still rules and moral bottom lines.

The strange demons who live here are not bloodthirsty murderers. Most of the strange demons are contributing their own strength to the development and construction of [Enkai].

Most of the strange monsters put the development of Enkai and the improvement of their own strength in the ‘second place’.

The ‘first place’ is the worship and dedication to Toad Ancestor.

Stepping on the suspension bridge, walked for several hours in front of the Dark Whisper Canyon.

Although Han Dong wanted to ask why he didn't use his space ability to transfer directly...but wanting to come here definitely involves Enkai's rules and etiquette.

Just follow quietly, and have been delayed in the destiny world for more than two months, so a few hours does not matter.

It takes about five hours to turn into the cave by the suspension bridge.

Without any stone gates, it seems that anyone can come in here.

A quaint stone temple was built inside the cave. It neither contained any Enkai’s technology nor saw other strange demons who came to watch the wall.

Just when Han Dong was puzzled.

From the dilapidated stone temple walked out an old man, half man, half toad, dressed in a dark monk robe.

It seems to be the only gatekeeper of the ancient stone temple.

It has a human posture, but the skin belongs to old toad skins full of pimples. These toad skins have become as strong as stones due to time and assimilation problems.

The upper body is skinny, like a layer of skin on the surface of a skeleton,

The lower part of the body looked abnormally swollen, and the two round, thick-legged, skeleton-like upper bodies did not match at all.

There is another important feature. The old Toad Demon's eyes are permanently closed by himself, and the upper and lower eyelids are completely sealed by stone piercing.

The most important thing is that a strong divine breath exudes from this demon.

Neither concentration nor nature is comparable to the [Nine Pillars] formed by the godhead in "Prometheus".


No wonder, there are no stone gates here.

The stone temple is guarded by mythology, and there is no intruder unless the old king comes.

When Maridis saw the watcher, there was a rush of spirits.

A large amount of water droplets overflowed from the body, exclaiming by its name, "Stone Skull Toad-Holman Rutherford."

【Big Toad】

Only toad-like monsters that reach the mythological form can be given such a title by Toad Ancestor, which belongs to Enkai's highest combat power and is also the right arm of Toad Ancestor.

When the old man saw the Chan ancestor clone, he didn't completely put his body on the ground, but bowed deeply from the heart.

"Lord, who are these humans?"

"Nicholas, he is a messenger from the deep sea, who has contributed to me a treasure that can suppress [burnout shackles].

They will get a chance to watch the wall, and you will be in charge of [Stone Skull]... My physical body has just emerged from the dreamland, and it will take some time to organize and rearrange.

Remember, they are my distinguished guests, UU reading must ensure that they have health problems during the viewing period. "


With the disappearance of the Toad Ancestor clone.

Stone Skull’s vision stayed on Marites for a moment, and said softly: "The mid-term of the ancestral stage is about to reach the late stage... It is of great help to you to have such an opportunity to watch the wall."

"Thank you."

Immediately afterwards, Old Stone Skull looked at Han Dong and Demps again, showing a confused expression on his face.

However, since this was the order of the Toad Ancestor, he didn't need to think too much.

"Come with me... This stone temple is not only the hometown of Toad Ancestor, but also the place where I was born.

Don't touch things you shouldn't touch, just follow me. "

"let's go."

Everyone keeps up.

Han Dong immediately radiated his perception and confirmed that there was no pollution in the stone temple and his teammates could walk safely in it.

At the same time, he asked in the form of private voice:

"Miss Mary, who is this big toad?"

"[Stone Skull] can be regarded as the oldest batch of toad-like alien monsters, and one of the creators of Enkai.

Enkai didn't exist yet, and the ancestor Chan took this stone temple as his [home]... and even crossed the gate of truth in the stone temple and touched the realm of mythology.

Rumor has it that at that time there was an ancient human being who did not belong to the same era as yours.

He was rescued by the Toad Zu, and was a lifelong slave in order to repay his gratitude. He became the most pious believer of the Toad Zu at that time and the founder of the Enkai Sect.

Due to illness and years of torture, the toad ancestor at that time happened to be in a long-term retreat from the mythological body.

Human being's weakness caused him to die while waiting.

His soul merged with the stone temple, giving birth to this [Stone Skull Big Toad]. "

"There are rumors like this... the last civilized human? Maybe you can dig deeper."

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