My Cell Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1073: confidant

The top floor of a tall building.

The vortex was eventually swallowed by the abyss, leaving only the young man standing on the top of the building alone, his eyes flashing with loneliness.

Menda seemed to be dropped instantly.

In fact, when he attacked the madness, he was equivalent to standing on the edge of madness and striding toward the abyss.

[Faith] or [Virtue], can keep him from madness in the abyss...


Once the individual's fighting spirit is lost, the willpower is exhausted.

It will be directly swallowed by the abyss and turned into crazy food, unable to realize its own death process at all.

Just when Menda couldn't understand the young man's ability, and thus doubted himself and produced fear, he had already failed.

"Although it is disappointing, the combat effectiveness is really good... At least as a dark resident, he is absolutely unable to exert such strength, and it is impossible to crush me twice.

The "vortex" from another world really has an effective lethality to the different demons. If this guy can cross the [door] and touch a certain degree of mythology, I really might be in danger.

No wonder that bad old man forced me to participate in the London game... I have to say, it's still a bit interesting.

Eugenes, have you seen enough?

Are you still as disgusting as before, like hiding in the corner [observation], thinking that this will give you an advantage? It's just a useless move by the weak. "

After all, the madman-Christopher J. Green stretched out his hand.

An ‘eyeball’ hiding in the subspace burst instantly.

At the same time, the concentration of the green plague dispersed in a dark roadway separated by several hundred meters reached its maximum.

The sloppy green youth suddenly covered his eyes.

Tick ​​tick tick~

A large amount of green liquid oozes from his eye sockets, and the eye structure has been damaged to some extent.

At the same time, he also showed a hateful expression, and his hair turned into gray tentacles with green eyeballs, floating in the air.

at this time.

A person walked in from the laneway, the black sheep's hoof was very conspicuous, and the sound of footsteps was also easy to distinguish.

"Eukins, long time no see.

Did you provoke the madman? "

Eugenes, whose important eyes were injured, was in a bad mood.

Throwing more than ten eyeball tentacles directly to the entrance of the passage... Seeing that this weird tentacles will touch the black goat, rationally occupy the high ground, and the tentacles suddenly stopped.

A hoarse voice came out: "Sally..."

"Remember our agreement in the original game? And, you don't want this game to let the madman come to the top... share the information you just saw.

I will also find a way to stop the lunatic's actions. "

Talk about it.

The green tentacles peeled off an eyeball exuding green fluorescence, which happened to fall on the palm of Sally's palm.

"Thank return, and tell some inferences about me."

When Sally told Han Dong's reasoning to this person, the latter was surprised at first, and then nodded.

"One more thing about Eugenes. In the rebel sect, there is one of my'informants' whose physical attributes are partial to humans... remember not to hurt him."

Eugenes did not respond, his body slowly turned into a puddle of rotten mucus, drilled into the sewer, and his breath disappeared.


When Sally got the information, she immediately communicated with Han Dong.

【Tentacles Intertwined】

Because of the consciousness channel established in advance by the two, as long as one of them requests to connect, the consciousness channel will be opened.

The consciousness of the two is as if standing at the junction of the Black Forest and the Gray Ridge Plateau, communicating positively.

"Miss Sally, what's the matter?"

Han Dongzheng was hiding in the empty building, observing secretly, planning to be a ‘pure soy sauce’ and get through this London offensive and defensive battle.

"I will tell you a few things about the original quality, and show you something by the way.

[Hope] He is riding a giant with a large physique, and he is carrying a large number of ancestors to fight head-on with the Order. It is easy to identify... As long as you don't provoke him, you will never encounter him.

I just found the ontology of [Eukins]. Based on my previous relationship with him, the situation I explained to him roughly and your information, he would not specifically target you.

The "green plague" spreading between the streets is exactly Eugene's ability, you can avoid it properly.

As for [Green] just now there was a battle with a high-level instructor in the Vortex Cult, and it happened to be recorded by Eugenes... it is better for you to take a look. "

Han Dong reached out and took the green eyeballs, "How do you use this thing?"

"Just connect to your optic nerve."


This is the first time that Han Dong has seen this kind of technology, which can store images seen by the naked eye in the eyeball.

Kaki Kaki~A gray tentacles are separated from the back of the brain and connected to the eyeballs.

The ultra-high-definition pictures were immediately read by Han Dong, and he could even zoom, pause, and play fast and slow under the control of consciousness.

At first, Han Dong showed an expression of extreme surprise, unable to understand the ‘exaggeration’ ability of the madman, but he slowly realized the problem.

"... The high-level instructor named [Menda] should have been affected by an [Invisible Realm] when fighting this madman.

Moreover, due to the'touch' of the flesh, it becomes a'carrier'.

Could this lunatic be able to use him as a ‘vehicle’ without restriction and ‘regenerate’ from the body?

What kind of abnormal ability is this? "

Sally stared at Han Dong in surprise.

Regarding the abilities of the lunatics, when they first saw them, it was difficult to understand them, and it was only after many battles and analyses that they could barely get it.

Although Han Dong's statement is not completely correct, he also pointed out the key points.

"It does have a certain connection with the domain... This involves the blood of a lunatic.

The madness field he released can not only gradually penetrate the spirit, but also imprint the opponent with a kind of madness... Constantly eroding the target during the battle.

When the opponent's willpower fades to a certain level, it will be immediately swallowed by madness.

This is just one of his abilities. You can see that this guy can kick [Jendalus Hound] whole with just one kick.

It is not only power, but also a certain technique and the quality of the tentacles. "

Sally's purpose of bringing this video on purpose is to make Han Dong clearly aware of the terrible madness.

In Sally's opinion, UU reading Han Dong's performance is too confident, and this confidence is largely due to ignorance of madness.


Just when Han Dong watched the video carefully and cooperated with Sally's explanation.

There was no warfare abating, nor was there any fear or panic.


Hahaha~ Ah!

Crazy laughter constantly overflowed from Han Dong, showing an extra happy expression, as if he had found a [confidant].

"Christopher J. Green? I must have in-depth contact with this person. I didn't expect such a guy to exist... even so strong.

With such a guy as an opponent, it is indeed difficult to win a bet for Miss Sally, but it is not completely hopeless.

And...With the existence of this guy, we may be able to win a ‘world level victory’. "

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