My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1200: Floating Corpse Inner Canon

The main reason for choosing the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" is the key words given on the introduction page-floating in the air, escape from the sky, and lose energy.

After experiencing floating islands, dragon boats, chains, and corpse kingdoms, Han Dong has a general understanding of the world.

It is basically certain that the third class out of control corresponds to the realm of the mythological body.

Therefore, the arrest mission is set in the second tier...Han Dong must be able to escape at a critical moment, and everything he is doing now is to reduce the probability of being killed after encountering an out of control.

The creator of this "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" was the earliest cabinet scholar in the corpse country.

There are a large number of works in his life, guidelines for governing the country... and this "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" is the only work involving cultivation.

The method of his creation is not in accordance with the general corpse collection norms, but is written according to his own creative style and subjective ideas.

Due to Du Zhijing's extremely high power position at the time, almost reaching the status of less than one person above ten thousand people, this "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" that did not meet the standards of the official department was also included in the collection of corpses without any modification at his request.

However, for hundreds of years.

Because of the first part of this book, a very large amount of space is used to explain the way of floating corpses that Du Zhijing felt.

Moreover, it uses a large number of obscure words and contexts to express it, and there is no picture about cultivation in the whole text to complement the description, and the difficulty of reading is terribly high.

Once you jumped to the previous explanation chapter, you couldn't do follow-up training at all.

As a result, no one gave up halfway and changed to practice other corpse collections.

The core idea of ​​this book is floating corpses.

According to the opening statement, you must understand this concept before you can practice.

Such a book that is three times thicker than a conventional corpse collection is recorded verbatim in Han Dong's head.

After being imprisoned in the dungeon, Han Dong was immersed in the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing"


In the first period of time, even a schoolmaster like Han Dong looked uncomfortable.

The thinking of this duke is like a wild horse. When explaining related concepts, he will sometimes jump to a story that has no foundation or even has any relationship with the previous article. However, some of the details or concepts in these stories will be halfway. One concept connects one piece.

However, Han Dong, who was a professor during his lifetime, also served as a reviewer for some top journals.

Some manuscripts involving brand-new concepts are also difficult to understand. You need to integrate your own thinking into the concepts constructed by the contributors to fully understand what the other party wants to explain.


Han Dong picked out all the idea points, stories, and the concept words given by Du Zhijing during his creation, and re-assembled and assembled them by connecting them.

In this way, he finally entered the Department of Floating Corpses built by the duo.

"Unbelievable! Similar to the world background of the Qing Dynasty, there will be such a scholar who can perceive the universe... The so-called floating corpse is a concept that connects oneself to the fluid universe.

It is similar to the feeling that the black vortex torso can adapt and accept everything. "

When Han Dong opened his eyes again, it was the tenth day of imprisonment in the dungeon.

There may have been sleep halfway through, but Han Dong can't remember at all.

In these ten days, Han Dong himself had not made any progress, he still belonged to the category of Beauveria, but he fully understood the previous content of "Floating Corpse Neijing".


When Han Dong got up, he suddenly felt that his zombie body was extremely light, and he even felt like he was about to float on its own.

"What's the matter? I obviously haven't started to enter the training session... Is it because I haven't eaten for ten days and I'm about to starve to death?"

However, Han Dong really discovered that this was not an illusion, nor was he about to starve to death.

But after integrating his thinking into the floating corpse concept expressed by the University Fellow, his zombie body really has undergone some subtle changes.

Obviously he was in the prison room, but he felt that he was surrounded by transparent fluid, and he could slowly float in the fluid.

Incredible! Is there such a product in this low-end world?

The earl inside also sighed.

During the period of understanding, Han Dong deliberately tied his consciousness to the earl and learned together.

"It seems my luck is really good... but I have to eat something. Although the zombie body has no perception? But after this goes on, I will starve to death."

Being kept in the dungeon, fresh meals are delivered on time every day. It is an unprocessed original ecological food-rats.

Because I did not eat for ten days.

The rats sent at different times of the day have crawled into every area of ​​the cell, and even a few small things that came first dared to rush in and out of Han Dong.

Don't look at the rat being dirty and disgusting? It is a must-have food for every household in the corpse kingdom.

The "Dead Change Order" was implemented at the same time throughout the country.

Agriculture is also immediately transformed, and almost all of the planting industry has been converted to animal husbandry...and the proportion of rat owners has reached more than 50%. This is because the blood of rats has been proven to be beneficial to the absorption of zombies? Its value is even higher than that of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses. .

Follow the local customs.

Han Dong didn't dislike anything, and immediately began his own corpse banquet.

After eating the mice here, their bodies swelled up.

The next practice may take a long time without knowing it? Fullness is a must. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Cross-legged meditation,

Intracranial practice.

Don't know how long it has passed? Han Dong, who was in a meditation posture, suddenly floated up.

This scene happened to be seen by the dungeon steward who delivered the meal? Immediately went upstairs to report the situation to the alchemist... The alchemist had also specially told him to pay attention to Han Dong's situation? He didn't want this suspicious young man to die like this.

In a room full of medicinal herbs and corpse oil.

The alchemist is performing a special alchemy ritual? In addition to conventional medicinal materials, it also contains the skins of different types of zombies, which are refined with corpse oil.

"Master? The Beauveria you made me pay attention to is something unusual today.

He didn't eat for ten days when he was locked in at first.

Suddenly, I ate up all the accumulated mice in one day, and maintained the meditation posture for half a month... I suddenly floated today. "


The mysterious alchemist looked surprised? Suddenly he thought of the first time he met Han Dong in the bookstore.

""Floating Corpse Nei Jing"... Wasn't this guy not enough money at the time? Did he use something as collateral? He bought this book.

Impossible? This book created by Du Zhijing has not been able to successfully cultivate for hundreds of years? Let alone in the harsh environment of the dungeon. "

"Doesn't the master think it's weird? After so long, no one came to look for this white stiff..."

"Well, when I finish refining this batch of pills, I will go down and take a look."

The mysterious alchemist had an evil smile on his face, he did not take Han Dong seriously, and his own purpose had been achieved.

Green Zombie Zhang Xiliang, who followed Han Dong, had completed his'transformation' within one month of coming to his mansion.

In the alchemy room, a zombie with green energy escaping from his body, with a poisonous snake crawling in and out of his body, was standing in the corner of the wall, with a piece of yellow talisman paper pasted on his forehead.

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