My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1203: jail

Criminal Ministry

One of the six departments of the corpse country, in charge of national penal decrees and review of criminal names.

The headquarters of the Criminal Ministry is located in the Huangcheng District, with branches in different districts...Personnel affiliated to the Criminal Ministry must pass the examination of force and corpse status. After becoming a member of the Criminal Ministry, they will receive a special badge and costume.


A zombie wearing a green-scale robe and a long sword with a waist brand had already arrived at the execution department of the Fulu District very quickly, and immediately found the head of the branch.

"Leader Zuo, the big thing is not good! Xu Zhengyang died at No. 37 Lingbao Street!"


Such information directly scared the principal to stand up from his seat.

Who is Xu Zhengyang? From the fourth rank alchemist, the official position is much larger than that of his branch.

"How is it possible? Xu Zhengyang's mansion is already inexhaustible, and there is a corpse servant of the black zombie level beside him... and he is also very powerful, and he has also been on the alchemist list.

I will go see it myself, and talk about it in detail on the way. "

"Master, do you need to report to the central government?"

"When I find out the specific situation, I will report to the boss. Now is the extraordinary period of employment... If the boss knows about Xu Zhengyang's death, it will probably cause anger and harm our group of investigators.

In short, reporting must be reported.

But one must find a back-to-back object, let him bear the anger from above and share the pressure from the Ministry of War. "


The principal immediately called his most trusted left and right assistants, all black guards.

Bring another twenty green-clothed guards and immediately went to the location of the incident.

"How did Xu Zhengyang die?"

"From the situation at the scene, it was because of the black zombie under his control-Wang Tiezhu was completely out of control and killed him.

The reason for Wang Tiezhu's loss of control is suspected to be related to a batch of live monkeys recently purchased from the market...Wang Tiezhu was killing indiscriminately in the mansion when he was completely out of control.

In addition to Xu Zhengyang's death, zombies raised and manipulated by Xu Zhengyang were almost killed. "

Speaking of this, the green clothes messenger suddenly lowered his voice to report to the principal something involving Xu Zhengyang's private underground prison and large-scale corpse raising.

"These matters must be collected in detail, and when the bosses come to investigate, especially the military personnel involved in the alchemist, they will focus on reporting Xu Zhengyang's private affairs to them... If they don't want to make things big, they will naturally not ask too much. .

Having said that, these alchemists are really bold, and they have raised so many stiff people.

By the way, you just said that the zombies in the mansion were ‘almost’ killed, are they still alive? "

"There are only two live mouths, and the identity has been verified to come from the Youfang District."

"Both of them are from Youfang District...How are the injuries?"

"Neither stalemate was injured, and it has been controlled and is going to be taken back for interrogation. You should check the situation first."



That's right.

After several considerations, Han Dong decided to kill Xu Zhengyang.

It is not what Han Dong said, it is as simple as getting into the jail by killing people.

It was Han Dong's brain perception that he felt that Xu Zhengyang was using a paper bird folded from talisman paper to try to convey information to the outside world.


Xu Zhengyang also used some kind of corpse control technique to convey the situation here to all the zombies raised in the mansion with talisman on their eyebrows.

As long as a zombie sneaks out, it will cause a leak.

Even after the death of these zombies, it is possible to dissect the brain or some kind of brain information reading method to express the information that Han Dong is the culprit.

In addition, according to Han Dong's exploration of the mansion, Xu Zhengyang was found to be cautious and insidious.

Do you really want to save his life? Will definitely bear a great risk... Killing is the best solution.

At the same time? Han Dong also killed all the zombies in the mansion and destroyed the brain structure? Eliminate hidden dangers.

Han Dong was not really bold enough to directly admit that he did it himself? Instead, he moved some hands and feet...Considering the extremely bad nature of the incident? Once discovered by the Criminal Ministry, he might be executed on the spot.

Since Wang Tiezhu was in the end to protect his master, he did not hesitate to burn the heart-cleaning charm that burned the center of his eyebrows? Showing a part of himself that was extremely irritable? He simply put most of the blame on him.

Of course, Wang Tiezhu's brain structure has been altered by Han Dong with his tentacle? Infused with a crazy attribute.

The Criminal Department spent a lot of effort to suppress Wang Tiezhu...

Of course, some places are still unclear.

These unclear points may also be reserved by Han Dong deliberately, deliberately setting his crime to a certain extent.


The fact that Wang Tiezhu is the culprit? Undoubtedly.

Even if Han Dong and Zhang Xiliang are suspected? But the two are just Metamorphosis.

At the same time, the neighborhood and purpose administrators in Youfang District can also testify? Said that Xu Zhengyang came to Youfang District with a black zombie two months ago? It seemed that two zombies were taken away by tearing down a house.

Although it was not clear who took it, according to Zhang Xiliang's check-in record at the refinery and his missing time, he could immediately confirm it.


Since there are still some doubts about the case, Han Dong and Zhang Xiliang were temporarily imprisoned in the dungeon of the Yuxing Department. They will be judged where they are going after the investigation of the "top" is over. The jailer who entered the prison in Dong had a good attitude, as if in his heart he believed that the two of Han Dong were victims.

Moreover, no matter how much you think about the two ordinary Metazoans, it is impossible to pose any threat to Xu Zhengyang.

"Don't worry, it's just now when you are using people, you two will have no problems.

Just stay in jail these days. "

Han Dong raised a question: "...If there is evidence that we are indirectly related to Xu Zhengyang's death, will we be sent to the prison?"

"can not say it clearly.

However, Xu Zhengyang had the have to make some resistance and it is reasonable, it should be fine. "


Speak the truth.

Han Dong wanted to take a look at the sky prison. After all, it was a prison located in the imperial city and directly controlled by the court.

Through the current investigation, Han Dong still has not been able to find any clues related to the "out of control".

The alchemist intelligence obtained from Xu Zhengyang's head was not much suspicious, it was nothing more than a special organization.

Perhaps a clue can be found in an extreme place like Tianlao.

But... the unexpected happened.

The next day.

People from the Huangcheng District, including Shaoqing of Dali Temple and the assistant leader of the Eastern Supervision District of the Ministry of War, came to Fulu District to investigate the matter. In the evening of the same day, a special person came to the cell area to meet with the survivor Han Dong.

Inside the cell where you can't see your fingers.

A candlelight descended from the steps and slowly drifted towards the door of Han Dong's cell.

When the candlelight stopped, it was slowly reflected in the light that it was a woman...not a stiff one.

His eyes met Han Dong who was meditating in the cell.

Through appearance.

Han Dong's magic eyes seemed to catch something, and there was a slowly rotating black vortex mark in the woman's eyes.

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