My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1217: Demon

"I can answer the demon's question.

But... the problem of [locks and lock workers] involves the secrets of the court.

It is also the question I have always wanted to investigate after coming down from the Demon Realm, and I haven't found the answer yet. "

Frozen bones-Luo Gaocheng also looked solemn when talking about this issue.

He naturally did not idle during the following period. In addition to cultivating "The Corpse Collection. Auxiliary-Stiff Limbs", he was also secretly pursuing the truth of the world.

"The demon is actually a side effect of the "Dead Change Order."

Since the "Dead Change Order" was promulgated, according to some folk books, a strong miasma rose from the sky over the imperial city, and even some corpses were formed... Since then, the world has been slowly changing. .

Decades have passed.

When the miasma in the air reaches a certain concentration, the corpse can be resurrected naturally without the help of corpse oil and corpse alchemy.

As long as the individual who has absorbed enough miasma before his death is buried in a fixed grave area after death, after a certain period of gestation, he can open the coffin and climb out by himself, and the corpse can live anew.

At this point, the embryonic form of the corpse kingdom has basically taken shape.


The inhuman life around the world is also breathing. After the animals and plants absorb the air, the flesh undergoes an uncontrollable demonization transformation... During this period, many lives also die, and the other part is successfully transformed into a demon.

Awareness is formed and at the same time a chance to "practice".


[Demon] There is no unity of the dead, and there is no experience sharing like "The Corpse Collection". The speed of cultivation is more than twice as slow as that of the dead.

However, the victory lies in their extremely large number, and the existence of the Great Demon, even at the level of the Demon Emperor, is simply piled up through a huge base. "

"Big Demon? Demon Emperor? It probably corresponds to what level among the zombie." Han Dong asked immediately.

"The big demon corresponds to the black zombie.

They contain a core similar to the black zombies, called [Demon Pill]... it is a priceless treasure in the corpse kingdom.

As I said before, monsters do not have unity and experience sharing, and there is often no big monster among 10,000 monsters.

All the guys who can cultivate into a great demon are extremely talented or have fought thousands of times. They are all extremely powerful and command a powerful tribe.

As for the Demon Emperor, I only heard one rumor.

In the early days of the establishment of the corpse kingdom, an extremely tragic battle erupted before the chain and floating had not been realized.

A [Demon King] beyond the level of the Great Demon brought heavy damage to humans in the battle, and even forcibly taken the emperor away. It relied on the scholars to use their lives as a bet to lead a secret team when the strategy was successfully implemented. The dead force rescued the emperor.

It was the bachelor who wrote the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing".

However, the rumor is just that I happened to hear a mysterious storyteller talk about it at the market.

As for how there is no follow-up, no one knows whether the Demon Emperor is dead or alive...Or maybe there is no war between the Demon Emperor and the previous one, everything is just fabricated by the storyteller. "


Luo Gaocheng's narration immediately aroused Han Dong's interest... If there is a Demon Emperor, it must be [Mythology].

In this way, there is a problem with the world class.

"If there are many mythological bodies in charge, the world level is definitely not a "medium world", but if it is a "higher world", the black tower will not let me touch... It probably means that the current world is in a ‘transitional period’.

There are still many secrets to be discovered. 』

Han Dong continued to ask:

"Thank you Mr. Luo for sharing the information. I will add the monster thing to the plan... Although the big monster is very interesting, I still want to contact the same kind first.

Does Mr. Luo know of the other felons hiding below, especially the guy who was rated as [Seventy-two Fierce]? "

"I really don't know this. Before I was alive, I didn't like to deal with others. Basically, it was arbitrary.

After being wanted by the Criminal Ministry, I was also injured while on the run.

As soon as I arrived at the lower end, I found this hard-to-discover demon cave, hiding in the deepest place, and practicing "Stiff Limbs" with the body of the monster here.

Shouldn't you ask this "Dragon King Alchemist" for this information? "

When the topic changed, Chen Xinying took out some spare tobacco from the mechanical body and rolled it in the talisman.

"I belong to the Ministry of War, not the Ministry of Penalty... I usually use alchemy and talismanism most of the time, and I am not interested in wanted criminals.

The only [Frozen Bone] that I am interested in also comes from the memory string modification. The court deliberately compiled a hatred for [Frozen Bone] in my brain, and I should also want to realize my individual value and ensure stability. "

When neither of them could give information on other felons, Han Dong asked:

"Miss Chen, in the previous barracks, the supply officer who gave the information on the'frozen bones' should know some other information, right?"

"He stays in the barracks all year round. Although he does logistical work, he will also earn some extra money through intelligence sales... There is indeed a lot of demon domain intelligence in his hand.

Even if he doesn't know, he can give a way to get information.

After all, about 80% of matters related to the demon domain are directly managed by the Ministry of However, in my current state, once I return to the barracks, I will be targeted by the court, right? "

Han Dong smiled.

"As long as the other party has sufficient information, there is no need for you to return to the barracks.

I will handle the intelligence inquiries.

However, I need ‘two things’ to ensure that the other party is willing to provide me with information.

First, the waist card of Longjing Alchemist.

Second, Mr. Luo's head organization. "

The first requirement is understandable, but the second one is a bit strange.

Although he was puzzled, Luo Gaocheng didn't ask much.

"It doesn't matter how much, but it is better to have a part of the skull and brain layer."


A finger pierced the brain and quickly delivered a part of the frozen tissue to Han Dong... At the same time, there was hoarfrost in his eyes, and he was very curious about what Han Dong would do next.

When Han Dong took the head tissue, he immediately took it back to the brain laboratory for analysis.

Combined with the "imitation" ability given by the brain.

Cell culture and directed differentiation.

On the tabletop, at a speed visible to the naked eye, a head identical to that of Luo Gaocheng was formed, and even the surface was cold.

"Ah this!"

Such a strange scene scared Luo Gaocheng and quickly touched his head.

Just as Han Dong held a white-haired head in one hand, and hung the Silver Dragon card around his waist in the other... Just as he was about to leave, Luo Gaocheng's question came from behind:

"Mr. Han, have you ever worked for the Imperial Court?"

"My identity is really related to'secret', but it is not your secret department here... If this action can be successful, I promise that you will not be reduced to the demon realm like you are now, and live without human rights. life.

Take care of your injuries and see you later. "

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