My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1255: Head to head

Deep imitation

It can be regarded as the fusion of the abilities of the subject and the contained objects. Han Dong can choose the most suitable imitation individual according to the enemy's attributes and environmental conditions currently faced...Always give Han Dong an advantage.

【Ghost】Chen Li

"Basic": Sensitivity↑↑(weight loss, height increase), sword weapon proficiency↑


①Linear control-the improvement of the control of any linear material, including hair, tentacles, etc.

②Ghost-It can be converted between entity and ghost. In the state of ghost, it can penetrate most inorganic substances, hide itself by the environment with heavier yin, and gain a huge amount of life recovery speed.


"Basic": Strength ↑, Defense ↑↑


①. Enjoy pain-50%-90% of pain from any source will be converted into pleasure value. The higher the pleasure value, the greater the increase in basic attributes. At the same time, the damage caused by the individual will convey 300% of the target's pain value, which cannot be offset.

②. Nails and chains-Part of the abilities of "Hell Monk" can be obtained.

【Deep Diver】Nicole

"Basic": Different Demon ↑ Tentacle Control ↑


①. Deep diver-the individual can use the associated mysterious magic technique.

At the same time, when an individual appears in the posture of a deep dive, it will have direct or indirect contact through sight, hearing, touch, etc., which will have a pollution impact on other species, prompting the rapid degeneration of consciousness.

②. Tentacle isomerization. Octopus-isomerization can make the tentacles gain strength, crushing, and adsorption characteristics, and at the same time, they can use the tentacles to perform related secret methods.

The current opponent Wubo Ruifei comes from a world that Han Dong has never heard of-[the other world].

Its life form is also difficult to'deconstruct' through the magic eye.

From the situation just now, we can probably see that its ghost body, which is similar to dust, can be dispersed or aggregated. When attacked by four Jinyiwei with different attributes, his body was annihilated, but his body remained undamaged.

In this case, simply enhancing the lethality is useless.

Therefore, Han Dong did not choose Chen Li to gain maximum combat power.

Instead, she chooses sister Nicole.

Han Dong has an answer in his heart. If he wants to truly defeat this official employee, he can only rely on one characteristic, a characteristic that even the black tower fears-[Altered Demon].

In prison.

A gray tentacles shot out from between the cell walls, and then accessed from the back of Nicole's head.


Han Dong's consciousness sank into the deep sea at this moment and came to a grand palace in a state of sleep.

A powerful force poured into Han Dong's body as he set foot on this forbidden area.

1. The rotten and decayed zombie body becomes full of vitality under the nourishment of strands of sea water, even the inner alchemy floats in the sea water to perform better exercises.

2. Eight "octopus tentacles" connected to the central nervous system grow between the spine. These tentacles can be regarded as part of Han Dong's body, even higher than the status of hands and feet.

3. Fish gills appear on the cheeks, and the eye structure is also changed, the pupils become long and flat, and an inner membrane structure is derived from the eyelids.

4. During this series of changes, black hair is gradually dyed pink.

When it is completely dyed pink, it means the imitation is complete.

Han Dong opened his eyes...His vision had returned to the Taiji Hall.

The seemingly long process, in reality, only a second has passed.

Whether it is Shi Lang Yan who has a good relationship with Han Dong,

Still the grave lords inside the curtain,

Or the current opponent, Wubo Ruifei, who occupy Shentuyang’s body,

All three were shocked by Han Dong's changes in form.

Wubo Ruifei asked suspiciously, temporarily unable to find relevant information in his memory hall, "What kind of species are you? Which world do you come from?"

Han Dong did not answer the question.

Instead, staring at a black hair floating in the dark, the voice transmission said:

"Chen Li... Use as few direct physical attacks as possible.

Make good use of the relevant characteristics of [Ghost] and the long knife given by the headless brother, remember! The target is not the entity that the eye sees, but the thing that resides in its body. "


The black hair drifted away, hidden by the gloomy environment in the Tai Chi Hall.

Only then slowly turned his eyes similar to deep-sea fish to the target, answering the other's question: "I'm sorry, my history is kept secret for the time being, and you may get an answer when you are about to die."


At this time.

Wubo Ruifei felt something wrong, and a foreign body sensation that shouldn't exist in his throat.

When the finger entered the mouth, a seaweed was pulled out.

Moreover, the length of this seaweed is surprisingly amazing. It is more than two meters long from the mouth...Exaggeratedly, it is also connected to a shellfish and a deep-sea dead fish at the end.

Substances that shouldn't and can't appear suddenly appear in the body.

This made Wubo Ruifei feel weird and realized something at the same time.


Decisively poke blind the naked eye carried by the body itself.


Han Dong's applause came and praised: "Keen thinking and decisive decision."

Wubo Ruifei didn't care about the visual system attached to the physical body, and her own [Vortex Eyes] were more useful.

Click, click~

The black iron covered the face, twisting clockwise like a whirlpool.

The blinded eyes and other facial organs disappeared completely during this twisting process.

Eventually a strange eyeball appeared in the middle of the vortex.

The pupils of the eyes also show the same swirling shape as the face, as if the rotation of the face matches the formation of the eyeball.

[Vortex Eye] allows Wubo Ruifei to observe the current world with a high-dimensional vision, can see the essence of things, filter out unnecessary information, and even influence reality with a kind of pupil power.


Still can't completely filter out pollution.

Staring for a long time will still feel uncomfortable.

"Your nature is really special. It seems that I must kill you in a relatively short period of time. When I return to the Black Tower, I will spend some points to deal with this weird spiritual influence."


Let me see how special your [Vortex Eye] is.

It just so happens that I have an old enemy who has very strong eyes...I can warm up with you at the moment, should your eyes be better than him? "

At the same moment, in another world far away, Eugenes, who was indirectly receiving a new human shell in Roshan, Antarctica, might suddenly sneezed due to shell adaptability and thought of a guy that he extremely hated.


Faced with the appearance of vortex eyes, Han Dong was absolutely fearless.

Take off the clothes on the upper body and actively expose the bright and delicate upper body torso with slightly visible abdominal muscles,

While spreading his arms, eight octopus tentacles swayed wildly behind him,

Lean against each other in this posture.

However, a feeling similar to being ‘locked’ and ‘squeezed’ by a whirlpool immediately affects the whole body.

Wubo Ruifei can achieve the effect of restricting movement only by gazing.

In a blink of an eye.

Carrying thousands of degrees of high temperature, the sword blade is cut laterally but.


Han Dong's body also reacted at the same time, rotating at super high speed in the direction of the blade cutting...perfectly relieved!

At the same time, with the high-speed rotation of the body, he threw out the octopus tentacles on his back.


An especially loud whistling sound resounded in the Tai Chi Hall.

The first fight.

While occupying the body of Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, Wubo Ruifei was actually drawn back a full ten meters away.

Han Dong, who had eliminated the blade cutting, landed steadily in an extremely soft posture, and commented with a smile on his face: "Sure enough, Nicole's attributes match the "Floating Corpse Inner Canon"!"

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