My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1257: removal

The silver needle inserted in the back of Yan Shilang's head was exactly twice the size of a regular silver needle, and at the same time there was "sorrow" that did not belong to him escaping from the socket.

"Oh? Mr. Tomb gave me a better answer than expected, but Shi Lang Yan lost a lot. I hope he can hold it."

The reason why Han Dong set up such an overall situation, led the goal to Taiji Hall to solve.

It is precisely because the opponent may be a powerful Black Tower employee, Han Dong, who has not brought all his body and destiny equipment, is not sure to destroy it alone. The bargaining chip of the "uprooting plan" must be placed on the grave.

of course.

Due to the special condition of the grave monarch, he could not leave the dragon chair.

What Han Dong wants is not the help of the grave master himself, but only the "domain suppression" of the mythological body.

No matter what kind of attribute the opponent is, how special.

The difference in level is insurmountable, and it will inevitably be limited to the mythical realm. Once weak, it will be swallowed directly by the realm.

did not expect.

At this critical moment, [Jiang Yan], who is used as a tool by Han Dong, will actually play a key bearing role, so the battle should end in a short time.

Ignore the Wubo Ruifei in front of me.

Han Dong, who was in the fight, turned around and knelt on one knee.

"There has been such a huge threat in the corpse country, and it is my duty to get rid of it...I should thank you, otherwise it is really possible that a big problem will occur at the last minute.

Shilang Yan's body can hold on for a while, let me kill the enemy with you. "

"it is good!"

Han Dong is naturally very happy.

But Wubo Ruifei's expression became extremely ugly, but he didn't mean to run away.

"Activate through a black stiff body...Even if the relevant attributes are transferred, the overall strength will be suppressed to the [open door] category.

It was just killing one more black zombie with sorrow, and it should be resolved within half an hour. "

The main goal has changed to [Incarnation of the Grave Lord]

Although the avatar is strong but not stable, once it receives a huge impact or excessive damage, the body will collapse.

At the same time, she must avoid being pinched...Although her nature is very special, Han Dong's [pollution] can cause harm.

A strange and weird rune paper was slowly drawn out from the center of the vortex eye.

Han Dong hasn't waited for the characteristics of talisman to analyze.

The ghost material covering Wubo Ruifei's body condensed an infinitely extending arm, grabbing the talisman paper and quickly pasting it to Han Dong.

"Planning to control me by attaching?"

The first time he saw the rune paper, Han Dong subconsciously thought that the rune paper was aimed at the head.

Just like controlling Jinyiwei before, once posted, it may block the action, or interfere with consciousness, or even destroy the brain.


The direction of the talisman paper is a bit weird, slightly higher, even higher than Han Dong's height.


The speed of the ghost's arm was similar to Chen Li's full speed, quickly positioning the talisman to the upper end of Han Dong, about two meters.

Wubo Ruifei made the seal with one hand and whispered in his mouth:


A strange secret activation

Using talisman paper as a medium, a large bell with a diameter of five meters was derived, which directly covered Han Dong at the lower end... When the bell fell, the ground covered by it was also blocked, and it was impossible to escape by means of escape.

Unknown scriptures surrounded the surface of the big clock, completely locking Han Dong in it.

If the bound person tries to damage from the inside, hitting the big clock will produce an extremely loud bell, destroying the bound person’s eardrums and seriously affecting their thinking.

"The troublesome guy is temporarily sealed, and you can solve your incarnation first, Lord Grave.

What a pity~ Without this kid's spoiler, I could perfectly capture your mythical body. "

Facing Wu Bo’s provocative words, the grave master did not respond, but dragged the more reluctant temporary body to move slowly.

"It's just a temporary physical body. Once it takes enough damage, it will destroy itself."

The ghost matter covering the surface of Wubo Ruifei condensed into a statue of an angry-faced Buddha with a copper coin sword that specializes in cutting evil things in his hand.

The Buddha statue can make a sword with his body.

Not just a simple transformation.

The form of such a "ghost shell" can even inherit some attributes. When the angry face Buddha image is formed, it also produces a masculine aura that specifically restrains femininity.

Taking advantage of the grave monarch has not been able to fully accept the temporary physical body, quickly sleep close to the attack range.

The high-temperature blade full of flames and the copper coin sword in the hands of the Buddha statue were cut out at the same time.


Extremely loud metal crashing sound.

At the same time, there was still a circular wave of air scattered around the slashing position, and the oil lamps around the Taiji Hall were almost blown out, showing how powerful it is.


Wubo Ruifei only felt that his arm was troublesome, and drops of hot molten iron kept flowing out of the torn tiger's mouth.

hard! It's harder than common sense!

The sheer physical hardness made her unable to cut the opponent with this sword.


The ghost matter gushes out from Wubo Ruifei's body.

A total of eighteen arms are condensed for the angry face Buddha statue, and each arm holds a magic weapon.

Ding Ding Ding!

The sound of continuous impact spread in the inner hall.

No matter how she attacked, she couldn't break the [hard object] in front of her... it was beyond her understanding.

At this moment, the incarnation of the grave monarch suddenly exerted force!

Strands of sorrow floating in the inner hall condensed in the right fist, against the opponent's continuous attack, forcibly blasted a punch.


The ghost body was shattered frontally by this fist, and Wubo Ruifei's body was directly blasted out.

at the same time.

A rare cowardice arose in her heart, planning to use the opportunity of flying backwards to escape from the palace and leave the corpse kingdom, and to use the vast demon realm to make long-term plans.


Just after flying out of three meters, a feeling of falling into the water came from his back, and Wubo Ruifei's body was caught by a layer of seawater.

At the same time, there are eight tentacles that are smooth and full of suckers, wrapped around her body, tightly bound in the air.

"How is it possible?! How did you escape?"

Wubo Ruifei quickly glanced at the sky clock driven by talisman not far away, and did not understand why Han Dong appeared here.

"Nothing is impossible... You probably haven't heard of the Void Secret Technique? I didn't expect the grave master to be so strong, and it wouldn't take me any effort."

Talk about it.

The fist full of black blood vessels was already attached to her abdomen.

In the face of an unsuspecting enemy who is bound by tentacles in the air... the grave master personally entertained him with a set of ancient boxing techniques.

Boom boom boom!

The dull boxing sound kept ringing.

The power of each punch will destroy part of the black iron body.

At the same time, the sorrow condensed between the fists invaded inward, causing damage to Wubo Ruifei's body, like countless skulls biting her ghost body.


The last fist hit the center of the chest,

The dead body was completely shattered.

A series of torn ghost substances take this opportunity to escape. As long as one group of ghost substances escapes, Wubo Ruifei can be reborn by attaching to other individuals by virtue of his own characteristics.

Taking a lot of medicinal materials and cultivation can slowly grow a new body.

"Want to run?"

"Field Recycling"

The corpse components scattered throughout the Taiji Hall that formed the scene of the corpse hall began to be recovered inward.

These are the actualized-domain matter accumulated by the grave monarch sitting in the dragon chair for hundreds of years when he continuously released his sorrow.

Like a net, it trapped Wubo Ruifei who was trying to escape, and kept compressing it.

In the end, it was compressed into a real "corpse coffin" in the air, which might weigh hundreds of tons.


The coffin fell, and a loud noise echoed in the inner hall!

The entire Tai Chi Hall was shaking violently, and a strong shock could be felt within the imperial city.

"The removal is complete!"

"Strong!" Han Dong widened his eyes, and quickly gave a thumbs up.

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