My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1263: Torso upgrade and task settlement

"It's kind of human.

After all, I spent almost four months with my head acting alone. Although my body is my own, I am used to the body of a stiff person during this period, and I will more or less feel uncomfortable when I retrieve my body. "

Really feel uncomfortable outside.

Han Dong actually forgot to breathe in the early stage of taking the body back, until the brain lacked oxygen and an emergency notification came.

It wasn't until Han Dong took five minutes of spontaneous breathing that he slowly returned to his normal breathing state.

"Really, I didn't expect that even my body would have to adapt for so long... Try the "Floating Corpse Pearl" quickly.

According to the relevant description when the beads were obtained, the inside should include:

1. The original inheritance left by the old floating corpse-mural.

2. Since this bead was dropped from the body of the Master Du, it should also store his relevant experience.

3. According to the description of the pearl body, the relevant experience when I practiced the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" is also stored in it.

The superposition of the three should be able to introduce a perfect [Floating Corpse Attribute].

Although it is best to have a stiff body, the ultra-high adaptability of the black vortex torso should also be acceptable... However, I don't want the floating corpse as the main attribute, it is best to be used as an auxiliary attribute to complement the black vortex torso.

Try it.

If it can be combined in advance, it will help the next [open the door]. "

In fact, Han Dong doesn't know exactly when the door opening under the destiny system will begin.

Using zombies as a reference, when you reach a state of condensed pill through self-cultivation, consciousness will leave the physical body on its own and go to the area of ​​the truth gate where countless coffins are piled up.

With a more complete and detailed data-based system like the Destiny System, Han Dong doesn’t know how he will go to the door-opening area.

May come to a door of truth immediately when he gets and allocates the [five points] talent.

It is also possible that Han Dong is free to choose when to open the door regardless of the distribution of talent points.

"Remember that the "Prometheus" incident, Novikov from the Royal Capital-Alleles team, entered the fate incident as a Tier 5 engineer.

With his talent tree completely full, he couldn't get any talent points.

His purpose in going to "Prometheus" is to fill the perfect body through aliens, and open the door in the most perfect posture.

From this point of view, the timing of opening the door of the destiny system should be freely selectable, and I won't be dragged to the door of truth directly after obtaining the five-point talent.

In any case, let's try inheritance and acceptance first. "

Han Dong took off his shirt and completely exposed his torso.

The black vortex on the surface of the torso has begun to rotate, and an embedded interface corresponding to the size of the bead appears in the center of the vortex... This is the effect of adaptability.

The black vortex torso can feel the subject's conscious thoughts.

Knowing that Han Dong would accept the beads, he opened an interface at the vortex.

With the beads thrown into it.

A few nerve tentacles were immediately grown in the body, which "adaptively bordered" with the beads. The root ends of the nerve tentacles were naturally connected to Han Dong's brain.

The murals related to the origin of the tomb are clearly engraved in the head.

"Unbelievably, the origin of the intermediate world can actually involve such profound and long-term skills...According to the inheritance content recorded in the mural, even if I cultivate to the black zombie through the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing", it is only a basic introduction.

The end of the floating corpse road should correspond to the old king class.

This kind of inner strength mental method is absolutely not bad compared to the "Dead World Corpse Jing" by the grave monarch.

However, the path I am practicing is not a dead person.

Even if this path can support me in constructing myths and being crowned king, I still have a longer way to go.

Try to combine with the torso. "

Han Dong sat cross-legged, the black vortex on the surface of his torso spinning at a constant speed.

It is different from practice.

This time it is [ingest] in a simple sense.


Unknowingly, Han Dong, who had retrieved his body, also floated up as he did before practicing the inner sutra of floating corpses, and his body's external adaptability was increasing.

A more advanced energy-relief technique has been learned by the torso and can be used in any battle.

During the acceptance period, the beads connected to the body are slowly digested, even the hard components that construct the beads are also absorbed by the black vortex torso, ensuring that the inheritance acceptance rate is 100%.

Just when the digestion was completed, a prompt sound came from the brain's own detection mechanism:

"Individual's assembled torso [The Body of the Out of Control Pennywise] has been improved in quality, the details are as follows":

"Out of Control. The Body of Pennywise" (the name is displayed in pink font)

Completeness: 100%

Quality: Unique (+) → Epic (-)

≮The physical quality is divided from low to high as follows:

Gray (rough) → white (normal) → green (high quality) → blue (rare) → purple (unique) → pink (epic) → gold (legendary) → dark gold (empire)≯

Load requirement: 150 points

Basic attributes (torso):

"Capacity: A" (no change)

"Hardness: C-" (no change)

"Toughness: B+" → "Toughness: S-"

"Adaptability: S+" (has reached the highest value, no change)


1. "Babao"

Details: Slightly (there is a description in the last chapter of the Joker)

Effect: [Torso] has the best adaptability (S+).

After the subject is grafted, there will be no rejection.

Moreover, once the torso is grafted, it can be perfectly adapted to other limbs.

Magic circuits, pubic staves, arrangement of flesh and blood, etc., all structures that exist in the torso will be adaptively optimized.

Slogan-"Inclusive of Vientiane"

2. "Laughing Crazy"

Effect: Individuals can realize self-protection and external invasion through crazy laughter, sowing the concept of [clown] in the consciousness of others

3. New feature-"floating"

Effect: The basic attribute-toughness is greatly improved, and the individual has learned the relevant skills of "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" (corresponding to the level). At the same time, due to the thorough absorption of the inherited material, the effect of the characteristic will be magnified as the individual's level grows.

*The corresponding level of the maximum gain effect: Wang (lower).

【Abnormal characteristics】:

"Black Vortex"

Those whose fate is out of control marked by the black tower are only effective against fate creatures.

Effect: When the individual enters the destiny space in the future, the entry option of [Black Tower] will appear.



Crazy laughter echoed in the settlement room.

As he thought, the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" has been successfully integrated into the black vortex torso as an auxiliary feature, and it will not affect the development of the subject. U U Reading

At the same time, the one-hour cooling time passed quickly.

"Special task-"The Tomb" has been completed, the relevant data is uploaded to the black tower and passed the management review, now the reward settlement is carried out":

[Duration]: 119 days and 07 hours.

[Progress]: World survey degree: 80% (good), out-of-control clearance rate: 100% (extremely excellent), individual infection or out-of-control status: 0% (not affected by any out-of-control).


Although he failed to kill or catch the ‘root cause of loss of control’ alive, he eliminated all the loss of control by his own means and returned the graveyard world to the control of the black tower. According to high-level discussions, the highest reward was given:

Talent points × 2, Destiny points × 1000, you can apply for a legendary material.

*The appraisal during the internship period has reached the standard, please go to any dark tower management agency for a regularization ceremony.

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