My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1282: Return (end of this volume)

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[Fight Club-Tower Wai Hospital]

Private Ward Room-2103

Han Dong, who was covered in plaster, was lying on the hospital bed here.

A full week has passed since "rehabilitation training".

Large and small operations have been completed one after another, Han Dong has turned from a dangerous period to a stable stage, and he will be officially discharged after a few days.

Such a serious injury came from the second half of the "rehabilitation training."

The punch hit the skull of the Western Marrow and caused devastating injuries.

Although the headless eldest brother hurriedly stepped forward to suppress it, but the Xijiu, who controlled his temper, still demanded that the rehabilitation training be continued... Follow-up seemingly normal training, the intensity was greatly increased.

Han Dong, who was getting more and more tired, accidentally ended up like this.

[0 wins, 0 draws and 14 losses]

Want to win the first victory in the club is really far away.


At this time, the ward door opened from outside.

Han Dong habitually turned his **** to the door so that the nurses could take care of him.

As a result, there was a snap! A slap lightly landed on Han Dong's ass.

"it's me."

"Big brother without a head, coach Xi Jie!"

When seeing the skeleton-like West Marrow again, Han Dong moved his body subconsciously, and was suppressed by the headless...otherwise, this movement might tear the wound and he would have to stay in the hospital for several days.

"Xizui took the initiative to come over to visit me, he wants to talk to you about something."

"Okay... Coach Xi Jie, please tell me."

"First of all, sorry to you, I did make a big deal that day.

I came here today, mainly to check your physical condition and see how effective the "rehabilitation training" is. "

As he said, the skeletal fingers of Xijiu gently pressed Han Dong's cervical spine.

Immediately there was a stream of cold bone fluid flowing down against the cervical spine, spreading all over the body.

Said to check Han Dong's situation.

In fact, these bone essences from the western marrow can effectively heal injuries, especially those on bones... They can also replenish bone marrow stem cells and rejuvenate bones throughout the body.

"Well... your recovery is very good.

[Acceptance of Divinity] It often takes a long process to adapt.

After all, any living entity will have a new understanding of the material world after witnessing the truth, and many things will become complicated due to the intervention of the concept of truth.

It's just that your situation is stranger than other door openers. "

"Huh? How to say?" Han Dong asked quickly.

"You also know that the style of [The Gate of Truth] is related to individual characteristics, and the gate of truth that everyone sees is different.

Therefore, most of the truths that individuals pry into are also related to their own characteristics.

Under normal circumstances.

Individuals who have just opened the door need to re-understand the various abilities they have acquired because of the improvement of their cognitive level by the truth, and they may even be unable to use some previous supernatural spells for a period of time.

This is called the "limitation of truth".

Once the concept of truth is combined with the ability and the limitation is broken, the individual can perform the ability more efficiently, deeper and more comprehensively. This is the necessity of rehabilitation training.

The truth limitation mentioned above is limited to [ability].

But your performance covers your various movements, and even basic movements such as walking and breathing are restricted.

Did you fall in the abyss for a long time? "

Han Dong concealed a little and did not say how he reached the bottom of the abyss, "According to the guide, my opening time is ten times the normal value."

"ten times?

No wonder... I and Wushou only reached three times the normal value back then.

It seems that the truth in the extremely deep region also contains the elaboration of the reference substance. Wushou and I are close friends, and we will not talk nonsense about this matter. "

Xisui knew that these questions belonged to Han Dong's privacy, and he didn't ask too much.

Did not stay here any longer, and whispered the last sentence beside the headless body when leaving:

"You really picked up a treasure... If such a guy can be cultivated, the boss will definitely be tempted.

It's a pity that this guy's background has something to do with that world. See you at the Big Bird Bar tonight, and we'll talk about it in detail. "

"it is good."

Just when Xi Sui was about to leave the ward.

Han Dong’s voice came: "Thank you for the instruction from Coach Xi Jie."

"Well... take care of your injuries."

In this way, there is only one acquaintance left in the ward.

Headless sits on the side of the bed with a stool, and at the same time put his big belly bag on Han Dong's bed.

A compliment is naturally indispensable.

He had no idea that Han Dong could actually injure the Western Marrow in the discussion, and even almost broke his skull.

"I came to visit you this time, but there is actually one more thing... news about your world."


"You also know that the club recruits members covering many worlds. Two days ago, I accidentally heard a member talk about the situation in your world and mentioned a key word [multiple invasions]."

"Multiple invasions?"

"The specific situation is also unclear. This matter involves high-level people, and it is not something civilians like me can intervene... Anyway, you have to be careful."

When Han Dong heard this, he also remembered the warning from the previous executives, saying that the invasion plan had changed.

If this is the case, the intelligence must be brought back.


A week passed

Han Dong, who was discharged from the hospital, had no intention of staying, so he rushed to the Heita office.

Ready to receive the legendary materials rewarded to him, and return immediately...In addition to reporting to the Dark Night's mother to find out some information in the dark tower, it is also time to rendezvous with the Knights.

I still have some questions to talk to Demps.

"Mr. Han Dong, according to the application form you submitted, three pre-selected legend materials have been sorted out in the form of illustrated Please choose one of them as a reward.

The black tower will be delivered to you within an hour through personal channels. "

"Okay, let me see."

"Right, one more thing.

It is found that you have the "Treasure Map Fragment"×2. If you are not satisfied with the above three legend materials, there is an additional option here.

Consume your existing treasure map fragments and directly receive a complete treasure map. "


Had it not been mentioned by the staff, Han Dong had really forgotten about the treasure fragments.

According to the prompt, you need to collect five pieces to make a complete treasure map.

At that time, when you pass through the gate of destiny, you can consume the treasure map and enter the world corresponding to the treasure map. There is a treasure chest that can be opened for legendary equipment.

Correspondingly, the difficulty of the incident is naturally terrifying.

However, Han Dong also remembered the appointment with someone at this time.

After reviewing the legendary materials provided by the Black Tower in detail, Han Dong finally chose to return the materials.

"I choose "Treasure Map". "

"OK, just a second.

The "Complete Treasure Map" will be issued to your personal account in the form of permission. When you go to the Dark Tower next time, you can choose to open the treasure world. Good luck. "


The agreement that Han Dong remembered was the "Green Covenant" at the end of the previous London game.

Green planned to draw in several original elements, and use Han Dong as a guide for a journey of fate... Since he is accompanied by the strong, Han Dong can also make good use of it.

As for the legendary materials provided by the black tower, they are just scraps, not involving the core.

Far inferior to a finished piece of equipment.

"Go back... The Knights should not be far from London, it's time to return."

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