My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1289: Reunion

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Resonance, a resonance that comes from the new king, allows the two to see each other’s "throne virtual image"

From the foot of the British brother on the street, there is a 【Black Stone Throne】

The theme of the throne is biased towards "fingers."

The densely packed fingers were carved out of special black stone materials, and the young man seemed to be sitting among the fingers.

Thousands of seat holders crowded under the throne.

Their heads are covered with bandages and their faces cannot be seen clearly, they are slaves, and they support the throne with their bare spine.

The reason for using the spine to "lift the seat" is that their fingers have all been amputated.

[Viewing angle swap]

In the eyes of the British brother.

The mysterious young man in the lane also raised a "throne virtual image" under his feet.

Slowly rising from under Han Dong is a large tombstone with some weird and incomprehensible symbols carved on it. Although it does not look like a throne, it constantly overflows with a strange king breath.

"Throne embryo? It hasn't been refined...the new king? 』

The British brother immediately disappeared between the streets, and the next side appeared in the lane.

More than a year away.

The two did not expect to reunite in this way.

"Demps, your throne is like this...seems to be perfect."

Demps did not directly answer his throne question, but looked up and down Han Dong with a surprised look.

"I have considered that you will gain a certain status in the City of London, and even lay the foundation for the expeditionary force to enter the city in advance like you are now... But I never thought that you could actually fall behind the door to the bottom.

Even the [Altered Demon World] has not appeared for a long time, and can reach the lowest level of the new king entity during the opening of the door.

Do you know this thing? "

"only you know."

Hearing this, Demps's palm lightly fell on Han Dong's shoulder.

"Well...this matter should be kept as secret as possible, and will not be disclosed to the public until you have constructed the myth.

Among the alien demons group, there is a group named after the truth ranks called [primitive]. They are the top alien demons directly recognized by the upper old king.

Your new kingship will be regarded as a threat by them. "

"Is it original?

I do have conflicts with some of them, but some of them have a good relationship with me. "

When Demps heard this, his sixth finger popped out in shock.

"Huh!? You have already met this group of perverts... When did it happen?"

"Just in the City of London, a tentative invasion broke out here about a few months ago, and I have worked with Hara.

There are indeed some extremely evil existences in the original substance, but there are also ‘compassionate’ existences.

Soon, all ten virgins will come to London.

Then I will introduce you to know each other. "

This made Demps shake his head helplessly.

"Unexpectedly, in just over a year, you have already pulled such a big gap...The things you introduced are temporarily set aside. If I am recognized, it is difficult for me to survive in their hands.

Let's consider opening the door first.

Nicholas, can you arrange the [Destiny Gate] in the City of London in the near future? "

"I have arranged this. Any knight can use the Gate of Destiny at any time."

"Well, I have already entered the gate of destiny once in Minano. Although it is a bit inconvenient to be labeled with a strange magic, it affects the overall situation.

I am now a Tier 3 knight... If I can seize the opportunity to obtain two talents in one fell swoop, I can open the door smoothly.

I'll talk about the details later, the leader of the big demon is looking for something to me alone, and it seems that you have to deal with some things in a hurry. Abel and I live in apartment C-031, Bligh Street. See you later. "


It happens that I have been feeling qi and blood imperfect for this period of time, so I will trouble you later. "

"no problem."

The sixth finger poke lightly in the back, a kind of energy channeling effect makes Han Dong feel refreshed.

"Demps has also improved a lot during the expedition... At least his massage skills have improved a lot.

However, looking at his surprised expression just now, it seems that he is not only surprised at me becoming a new king, but also surprised at my throne form. Ask him about this matter until the massage, and try to dig out part of Demps' secrets as much as possible. 』


The meeting with friends is over.

Han Dong first came to the important building of the Expeditionary Army-[Mobile Sanctuary] in accordance with the requirements of the Great Demon Chief.

The sanctuary is completely rooted in London.

Currently, relying on the assistance of technical **** assistants, with the sanctuary as the center, the outlying church is rapidly being built.

There is already a long queue at the entrance of the sanctuary, and a large number of knights in different stages of pollution are waiting here to receive the blessing and purification from the holy knights.

Han Dong between the lanes covered his body with a cloak. When he was about to sneak in by spatial means, a light and warm palm fell on his shoulder.

"Come here, I have a very important thing to talk to you privately."

Han Dong turned his head and saw that a holy woman with a white face was standing behind him.

"Head Olivia! Shall we not go to the sanctuary to talk?"

"The sanctuary is currently overloaded. It will take up space when we go in and talk... Also, your identity is not easy to reveal, come over."

Olivia took Han Dong directly to her residence in the City of London, which was a very simple single-story building.

"First of all, thank you for your contribution to mankind."

Similarly, Olivia ignored the identity gap and bowed slightly to thank Han Dong.

You must know that her identity is not just the head of the group, she also represents the will of the Holy City Church, and has a deep connection with the royal family and the council.

Olivia was appointed the first priest, the ‘treasure’ of the holy city.

"Head Olivia is polite, these are all things I should do."

"Sure enough, Mr. Black and White is more foresighted than some guys in the church, and farsighted than I am. I am very pleased that when your identity information was leaked to the outside world, the council decisively made a correct choice of acceptance.

I came to you today, mainly to talk to you about [Dongcheng District].

Did you really complete the renovation work here? How much time did it take? "

"Well, except for me, there are all strange monsters, and only I can do this... It takes about a week? How did you do it."

The face under the white gauze changed slightly. According to her calculation, it would take at least one month of engineering time to isolate large-scale urban areas from pollution.

"The attributes of the deep sea monsters are quite special.

Although they also have the characteristics of pollution, "pollution" tends to be [mild] and [cure]. To take advantage of this, I will first use the deep sea to cover the "darkness" that is spreading in the street buildings.

I am proficient in the secrets related to the deep sea, combining my own attributes, and then slowly removing the pollution in the deep sea.

Of course, this method is not as good as Captain Olivia's complete purification of the entire area, and it will also make the street more humid, and will also be mixed with some rancid smells from the deep sea. "

Staring at Han Dong with a serious face, explaining how to implement the renovation project.

Olivia's mood has changed drastically.

She was born in a church, and she has accepted the concept of the filth of the aliens since she was a child. It can be said to be deeply ingrained...In her worldview, as long as the individuals connected with the aliens are bound to contain evil and filth, they need to be thoroughly purified, even Erase.


Han Dong could probably see some of Olivia’s thoughts, and suggested based on the congestion just seen in front of the sanctuary:

"Seawater coverage can also be applied to individuals. If Captain Olivia can rest assured, I am willing to reduce some burdens for the sanctuary."

"Well, give it a try."

Olivia made a decision she would never have made in the holy city.

The priest actually used the means of a different magic to remove the pollution. If this matter is known by the church, it will cause an uproar... But this is in the distant City of London.

She wanted to see more things in this young man.

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