My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1299: Flower and meteorite

Scarlet Manor-Lord's Room.

On the plush sofa next to the fireplace.

Marites sat on the side of the sofa with a sluggish appearance.

Sally the Black Goat is completely lying on the sofa through the "leg pillow" method, enjoying the spiritual pleasure, and from time to time she will put a bite on Mary's thigh.

Han Dong has returned from the city and is examining the [cemetery area] that is being expanded by the windowsill.

"Sally, that guy is really uncomfortable.

Staying next to Eugenes will smell an extremely [smelly], but staying next to Aslan has a kind of [evil] from the bottom of my heart.

What is the origin of this guy? "

Sally slowly answered this question through the growing mouth on her cheek:

"The polar circle is very different.

The Antarctic where Eugenes was located was an invasion point, so that the ancient race was almost extinct, and a large amount of technology was lost with the death of the ancient seniors.

The once prosperous Roshan city-state is now turned into a "waste dump."

But the North Pole where Aslan is located is different. The [Last North Continent] in ancient times was once recognized as the main heart of this planet. Many old kings have set foot on this continent and even lived for a long time.

When the "World Cataclysm" ended, the North Continent sank in a large area, and the dispute between the old kings also came to an end.

However, treasures buried deep in the Arctic still exist.

Compared to the South Pole, which is like a garbage dump, the North Pole can be regarded as a treasure trove.

In addition to the original title, Aslan is also known as "the orphan of the northern continent."

The information about how he was born is not certain, but there are many blood of old kings mixed in his body...Thanks to his particularity, the current Arctic Circle has formed [Polar Power]

He basically inherited all the wealth left by the Zhongbei Continent.

This person is absolutely self-interested, don't have too deep intersection with him, and try not to have conflicts with him over interests.

Personally, I hate this guy. "

Han Dong nodded, and when examining the huge iceberg, he could also see that there were many forces behind Aslan, and even many old kings.

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Han Dong took the opportunity to move to another topic,

"It's rather annoying. It seems that among the Ten Primitives, there is something that makes Sally you hate more? Is it Green?"

"No... it's another [female life].

That woman is quite dangerous, you must call me when you go to meet her. "

When Mary Tis heard this, she immediately thought of a famous figure in the alien circle, a rather dangerous female individual...even there was a certain connection with their toad tribe.

"Is it the one who lives in the depths of [Dreamland]?"

"It seems that Sister Mary is also very clear~ that's right, after all, your Toad Demon belongs to the "outer circle guard" of the Dreamland.

However, Sister Mary must have only heard the rumors and never met a real person, right? Next time when Han Dong leaves the city to greet him as the bishop, let's go with him. "


Mariitis has heard scary stories about the "Dream Girl" since she was a child.

As a result, she had never dared to approach the depths of the Dreamland...or most of the toad demons did not dare to approach.


An adjacent island on the west coast of mainland England.

The lush primitive jungle is preserved here.

Except for the impact of Yongye, there is no other pollution in any form.

Here is a group of more special humans, all of whom are women and retain the most primitive and native clothing.

Only the leaves cover the key parts,

Each head wears a petal mask carved from wood,


Thousands of islanders seem to be guided by some miracle, all gathered in the center of the island, in a unique stacking way, all fell into a state of sleep.

The witches in the sleeping room are stacked on top of each other, like a hill.

In their sleep, their consciousness is drawn by an invisible force and led to the perfect world they have sought throughout their lives, which is equivalent to the heaven pursued by Christians.


Their consciousness will allow for permanent life in the dream world.

And what they stay in reality will serve as the "cornerstone" of connecting dreams to reality.


Soft and tender rhizomes grow out of the witches at the bottom,

These plant rhizomes will penetrate the witches stacked on top and inspire more plants to grow,


Circling each other,


In the end, the witches’ bodies are stacked on top of each other as the ‘cornerstone’, and [flowers] grow about a hundred meters high. You can also see these wonders happening on the island on the west coast tens of nautical miles apart.

Buds bloom.

A soft-looking [female] crawled out of it.

Different heights, different orientations

Different vision, different brain

Even if you examine this [female] at different times and in different spaces, you will get different visual feedback...but no matter what kind of feedback it is, it is good for the viewer.

"Ah~ How long hasn't been in reality.

The human body is really unusable, and I don't know why the gray matter adult made such a rule.

That’s okay...Everyone needs to act in a human form in London. Such a role-playing game should be very interesting. Maybe I can meet the ‘human’ that I like. "

Half of the woman's body remained in the flower.

Taking advantage of the current height, when looking in the direction of the City of London, I unexpectedly saw an astonishing scene.

Over London.

The dense fog was suddenly dissipated by foreign objects in the sky, and more than ten meteorites emitting brilliant light were descending at a rapid speed.


When the meteorite hit the earth, the sky was full of light.

Even she can feel the faint tremor here.

"It seems that everyone came early, and I have to hurry..."

The female creature still embeds the lower body between the flowers.

The 100-meter-high "Witch's Flower" is used as a carrying prop.

The emerald green tentacled rhizomes slowly break away from the ground, carrying huge flowers and female life embedded in them, rushing towards the city of the same time

The city of London raised a special alert due to the meteorite landing, including surrounding villages that have opened up the barrier to avoid sudden meteorite disasters as much as possible.


These meteorites did not hit any village, and the impact point was at least kilometers away from the City of London.

It was like a planned "fixed-point landing."

The scattered meteorite fragments were not dead, and changed immediately.

Metal tentacles grew out of the cracks in the rock, and within half a minute, they gathered on the west side of the London Basin into an alien magical force from an alien.

The head is a red-haired young man who has completed his "anthropomorphization".

The young man's chest is hollow, and a "red planet" that is rotating is suspended in it.

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