My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1308: Load bearing

Helen Silber

During the time she came to the City of London, she was indeed very disciplined and did not cause any troubles due to any beauty issues.

At the same time, she did not agree to [Aslan's invitation].

Unless she is forced, she does not want to form an alliance with an absolute self-interested person.

"What is this dog?"

Helen stared at the scared blood dog.

He could clearly perceive the aura of returning to ancestors, and at the same time, he was aware that the Blood Dog itself had a deep conscious connection with Han Dong, a relationship that was deeper than the relationship between master and servant.

As part of Han Dong, he can be as independent as he is currently.

"Just call him [Earl], it's part of my body."

The earl also tried to harden his breath, and said in a trembling tone: "Ben... the consciousness of the earl will not go in, and I will guard yours here."


Helen didn't hold it back for a moment, but actually laughed: "Haha, this dog is really interesting, can I touch it?"

The earl is connected with Han Dong at the level of consciousness.

He could also see Helen's "main body", and could not feel the beauty at all. When he heard the other party wanted to touch him, he immediately hid behind Han Dong in fright.

However, Han Dong was not in the mood to make fun of him at all.

"Miss Helen, the priest gave me only 7 minutes and 37 seconds left, so let's get to the point... afterwards, you can touch it any way you want.

The earl's strength is good, and if he can control me, there will be no problem with him staying outside. "

"Well, it's up to me to establish the "passage of consciousness"... Even if there is a risk of backlash, we can decisively escape. "

Talk about it.

Plant vine-like tentacles grew between Helen's body.

One series extends to Han Dong, and the other series connects with ‘Demps held in the palm of the hand’.

The plant tentacles penetrate the epidermis in a painless and gentle way, connecting with the nerves between Han Dong's arms.

After confirming that there is no risk in Helen's consciousness connection, Han Dong took the initiative to access the [LAN] after strengthening the consciousness of the brain.


Consciousness transmission.

In a blink of an eye, the stable consciousness of the two has fallen in the white wasteland.

Both Han Dong and Helen were surprised by the situation in front of them... With their insights, they had never seen such an exaggerated picture.

The giant white hand formed by the talent tree stretched out to the sky, tearing open the opening to the abyss.

There is no trace of Demps here.

Countless fingers overflowed from the abyss, almost filling the space of consciousness.

It was the confusion of the consciousness space that caused abnormalities in Demps's body outside, causing the "finger incident" at the church headquarters.

"It seems that your friend's consciousness is still trapped in the abyss... Strange, generally speaking, individuals who are "out of control of the truth" will be forced out of the abyss and will still destroy themselves.

It now appears that the only way to save him is to go to the abyss.

Since [The Abyss of Truth] is generated based on your friend's system, outsiders will have a strong repulsive force.

The risk is high, do you really want to go in? "

"Well, Miss Helen can stay here if she feels risky."

"It doesn't matter to me, it's rare to see the situation like this, I also want to see what's going on inside... I have conscious protection and I can't die."

Talk about it.

By the relevant characteristics of floating corpses.

Han Dong, dressed as Doctor Bird's Beak, rushed into the sky like a pitch black crow.

"So fast!"

Helen immediately grew a mandala under her step, carrying her to keep up with Han Dong's flying speed.

The moment they stepped into the chasm of the abyss, the "reverse rule" immediately affected both.

The rising state instantly becomes an irresistible fall.


The scene in the abyss is even more exaggerated.

A [finger column] constructed by fingers runs through the entire abyss longitudinally.

"Strange, what about repulsion?"

Han Dong had already taken full conscious precautions, but currently he did not feel any repulsion.

Helen also looked surprised.

However, based on Helen’s experience, one conclusion was immediately drawn:

"If there is no repulsive force, it means that your friend has accepted all the [truth] in the abyss... the abyss belongs to his possession.

But this conclusion is very contradictory to what we have seen.

If he fully accepts the truth and attribute the abyss to his possessions, there will be no "truth out of control" situation. "

Han Dong immediately raised a counter-question:

"Is it possible that this is not "truth out of control" at all? It’s another state we haven’t seen before?

Didn't Miss Helen say that if the truth is out of control, individuals will be forced out of the abyss? "

"It's really possible for you to say that... really interesting."

Helen showed a rare smile, but in Han Dong's eyes, it was a terrifying smile accumulated by hundreds of skulls.

that's it.

The two really fell to the bottom of the abyss without any hindrance.

This is exactly the same as the bottom layer Han Dong has been to.

Green grass and a stone monument standing in the center... It's just that the stone monument here will only resonate with Demps, and outsiders feel like a very ordinary stone.

The truth of "the truth is out of control" is finally revealed.

Demps' body is here, kneeling in front of the stele on one knee.

He was holding a "crown" in both hands, using the power of will to constantly lift the crown, trying to put it on his head.

It is different from the crown that Han Dong hasn't polished.

Demps' "Crown" has long been formed and stored here.

At present, he just came to the bottom of the abyss, and by opening the door, formally put on the crown passed down to him.

What I saw when the two fell just now, the "finger pillar" that penetrates the entire abyss is also part of the crown.

The crown is composed of fingers, and its height is equal to the abyss.

When Demps touched the crown, the inner will of the king affected his realm of consciousness and stimulated the outer body, causing a ‘finger disaster’ to befall the night church.

The current situation is not that the truth is out of control, but an "inheritance ceremony."

"You know Nicholas will come...I must have caused a lot of trouble to the outside world if I want to come?

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

This is the process I must go through during the opening of the door. "

"It's fine, don't worry about the outside situation, I will take care of it."

Han Dong calculated the time. If the time limit is up, he will immediately return to the body and ask the priest for extra time.


Demps's succession ceremony is about to be completed, hold both arms to fully clasp the [Thousand Fingers Crown] on the head.

In an instant.

The fingers that filled the space of consciousness and the "finger pillars" that penetrated the abyss were all retracted, forming an extremely delicate white jade crown on the top of Demps' head.


The fingers spreading in the church of the night also disappeared.

"Huh! Get it... Nicholas, who is this?"

Not waiting for Han Dong's introduction.

There was a loving female voice in the wool coat:

"Helen Silber, hello from UU reading you inheriting [the qualifications of the new king]?"

"The sixth element? Dream Girl?"

Demps did not answer her question. He himself did not want to reveal his new king status to the original.

"Hmm! Do you know me? Great... Can you give it to a friend?"

Helen looked extra excited, took off her coat for a while, revealing her real body... and even wanted to hug directly naked.

Han Dong walked to the side wittily.

One is that in Han Dong's eyes, "Helen" is difficult to accept.

The second is that the best solution for not divulging the identity of the new king is to take Helen as his own... At this point, Han Dong is not worried at all, and believes that Demps will do better than himself.

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